Today is #Ugadi / #yugadi. It is the first day of the New Year in the Luni-Solar Calendar followed in Andhra, Karnataka. So why is it named Yuga+Adi (Yugadi) means starting of the yuga? This is the day on which Kali Yuga started? How do we know that? 1/n
The answer to that is found in the Solar Calendar followed in another South Indian state, TamilNadu. It is possibly the only calendar that consistently keeps track of the number of year past the epoch Kali yuga. So what is special about the epoch 5124 years before? 2/n
Before we explore what happened 2023-5124, 3101 years before i.e. 3102 BCE (as no 0 year between 1CE and 1BCE), we need to understand how months & years are determined in Indian Calendaring systems. In the Solar Calendar Sun crossing the constellation boundary is new month 3/n
So this calendar is entirely based on the position of the Sun as seen in the backdrop of the constellation used as a marker of position in the sky. That is why there is no need for leap days. Some months have 32 days and some 27 and it is auto-correcting 4/n
But in Luni-Solar Calendars the revolution of moon around earth constitutes a month. At the end of a Solar year there will be a shortfall of 11 days. This is corrected by adding an inter calary month or removing a month as per a well defined formula. 5/n
In the Luni-Solar Calendar, the first day after Sun and Moon meeting at the same constellation in the sky (Amavasya/ New Moon) is the start of the new month. The start of the year is when this happens in the constellation of Pisces (Meena) now. 6/n
Obvious question would be why then #Yugadi is also called Chaitra Suddha Prathama, if the conjunction happens in Pisces (Meena). It is because of a phenomenon called Precession of Equinox. At the start of the Kali Yuga this conjunction happened at the start of Aries (Mesha) 7/n
The naming of months too have an astronomical connection. The months are named after the stellar object near which the full moon happens in that month. That is why when Sun is in Aries, the month is named Chaitra. Thus every aspect of Indian Calendaring is based on astronomy 8/n
If conjunction of Sun & Moon or position of the Sun on a constellation boundary is treated as a month, what should conjunction of all visible planets on a constellation boundary be called. An epoch, right? That is exactly what happened in 3102 BCE? So what is the proof? 9/n
Based on a Panchangam found in Tiruvallur (near Chennai), western astronomers researched and concluded that such an astronomical conjunction did indeed happen at the start of the Aries (Mesha) constellation. That is why the New Year is in Chaitra 10/n
This conjunction is also alluded to in Aryabhatiya where the exact number of revolutions of the various planets in a yuga cycle is described. The comparison with estimates by Western astronomers shows the relative accuracy of the various systems. 11/n
There is one other interesting aspect that comes to the fore. This New Year is closer to the Spring Equinox compared to the January 1 followed in the Gregorian Calendar. Traditionally in older systems the warmth of the Sun and resulting vegetation heralded New year. 12/n
This was true with English Calendar too. You would be surprised to know that the shift of legal New year from Mar 25 to Jan 1 was done as a part of shift from Julian Calendar to Gregorian Calendar in the year 1752. 13/n
While celebrating #Ugadi or #TamizhPutthandu we are not just observing the New Year, but also the civilisational memory of an astronomical epoch that would have been completely forgotten. Hence we should not allow politics to disconnect us from science and history. 14/n
In April 1983 Tamizh Puthandu and Ugadi were on the same date.
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திரைப்படங்களின் தாக்கத்தினால் வந்த புனைவுகளின் சான்று இந்த நந்தனார் கதை. நந்தனார் திரைப்படம் கோபாலகிருஷ்ண பாரதி அவர்களின் நந்தனார் சரித்திரம் என்ற சங்கீத நாடகத்தை தழுவியது. சேக்கிழார் அருளிய பெரியபுராணத்தில் திருநாளை போவார் சரிதத்தை கற்பனையாக்கி உருவானது தான் இந்த கதை. 1/n
மீனாக்ஷி சுந்தரம் பிள்ளை அவர்கள் இதில் உள்ள இலக்கணப் பிழைகளை மட்டுமல்லாது பொருள் குற்றம், கருத்தில் பிழை எனச் சொல்லி பாயிரம் எழுதிக் கொடுக்க மறுத்து வந்தார். பாரதி தன் இசையால் மாற்றி,பாயிரம் எழுதி வாங்கினார். அப்போதே இதன் தாக்கத்தை உணர்ந்தவர் தமிழறிஞர் மீனாட்சி சுந்தரம் பிள்ளை2/n
இதில் இருந்து தெரிய வருவது என்ன வென்றால் எப்படி கல்கியின் பொன்னியின் செல்வன் வரலாறு இல்லயோ, ஆனால் வரலாற்றை தழுவி எழுதப்பட்டதோ, பின்பு திரைப்படமாக எடுக்கப்பட்டதோ அதே போல தான் நந்தனார் சரித்திரமும். நந்தனார் சரித்திரமும் பற்றி @tskrishnan அவர்களின் உரை . 3/n
Here are few excerpts from famous Spur Tank speech of Dr. T.M.Nair in the year 1917.
1. Let us first start with words used for media - "fraud, fake news, gutter newspaper like @the_hindu helps Brahmins build their selfish political power and prestige". Decent & kind words🙂1/n
Actually Kasturi of @the_hindu group had a history of being against the "Mylapore Brahmin clique" of those times. But still the communal statement had to be made and the media attacked. Not sure under what benchmark does this nastiness come. 2/n
You may dismiss these as too far in history. But what if I shared you something that happened recently Feb 2023. @MaliniP was asked to control her tongue by pretty powerful people. This establishes that there is an unbroken tradition of not so civil discourse 3/n
Key words: I like Hindi as a language, speak it very well. But it should not be thrust on my throat.
Great! If it is a good language & you had access to it & was not particularly disadvantaged because of that additional knowledge, why thrust denying that opportunity to others 1/n
In a recent tweet thread in Tamil while analyzing the arguments related to CRPF examinations in English and Hindi, I found how the Hindi imposition politics is exactly what the liberals will otherwise brand as Brahminical system of denying knowledge. Let me elaborate 2/n
Who writes CRPF entrance exams? Mostly people from economically weaker sections. Where will they be posted? Anywhere in India. Does their job require communication in language other than their mother tongue? Yes. Will the knowledge of Hindi be an advantage to them? Yes 3/n
அறிவோம் பெசுக்கியை : அவர் எழுதிய தமிழ் கத்தோலிக்க புத்தகத்தின் பெயர் வேத விளக்கம். அடைக்கலமாதா ஆலயம் அமைத்து கத்தோலிக்கர்கள் லூதரணாக மாறுவதை தடுக்க ஹிந்து சனாதன யாத்திரை முறையை நிறுவி அதற்க்கு நிறைவுப்பலனை வாங்கி தந்தார். இவர் தனக்கு வைத்து கொண்ட பெயர் தைரியநாதர். 1/n
அவர் இயற்றிய தேம்பாவணி எனும் நூலின் முதல் பாயிரத்தில் சூசையை ஆரிய வளன் என்று கூறுகிறார். சுருதி அர்ச்சனை போன்ற வார்த்தைகள் மற்றும் துளசி, சக்கிரம் வாகனம் போன்ற ஹிந்து மத குறியீடுகள் கொண்டது தேம்பாவணி. கம்ப ராமாயணம் மற்றும் ஆழ்வார்கள் மொழி நடையை பின்பற்றினார். 2/n
ஊழ்வினை என்பது தனது மத கோட்பாடுக்கு உடன்பாடு இல்லாத தத்துவம் என்பதால் தமிழ் நூல்களை மொழி பெயர்க்கும்போது ஆளுநர் @rajbhavan_tn குறிப்பிட்டது போல் அதை மாற்றி எழுதியதை அவரே குறிப்பிட்டு இருக்கிறார். The idea for language studies was inculturation. 3/n
Here is a bit of cultural history. Was there a classless Tamil society? The oldest extant Tamil language book Tholkappiam talks about the existence of a hierarchical class structure in the society. மறபியல் 615-623 1/n…
If you hear a few murmurs on this being extrapolated text, notwithstanding the fact that it is hosted in TN Govts Tamil Virtual Academy website, let us explore scientific angle. A research by Madurai Kamaraj university on genetic differentiation in TN 2/n
Research says that genetic differentiation existed 4000-6000 years before now & has continued till now because of little intermingling. It discounts the genetic impact of Varna system on the local population. மறபியல், மரபணு done. Next up observations by English 3/n
These snippets, just like Google's targeted ad's gives a window to the person's mind. Looking at the document gave a lot of insights. A thread analyzing the document & screenshots. Will also explore how ancient texts have been interpreted across the world at various times. 1/n
The document cited by @angry_birdu starts with the toddler stage in Sri Krishna's life. The screenshots shared by this person, describes one of the leela's when the age of Sri Krishna was just over 5 years. 2/n
How do we ascertain it was close to 5 years? The various events are chronologically described in early Bowkandam (5-10 years of age) through progress of the seasons. The Leela is said to have happened in Hemant (Margazhi). The rasakreeda happens later in Sharad (Winter) 3/n