1./ Ruth Hunt is a Bit of a Cult.
You have to hand it to Stonewall's ex-CEO, Ruth Hunt. She really knows how to lie. In her interview she claims Stonewall merely "listened to the experts" and cites one in particular. Why is this a lie?
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2./ Hunt names Polly Carmichael from the Tavistock. But for all her faults, Carmichael actually said of prescribing puberty blockers, "it would be disingenuous to say it is fully reversible." Yet Stonewall even today maintains blockers are reversible. thetimes.co.uk/article/childr…
3./ Despite them being banned by NHS England and after a new study from the Mayo Clinic indicates they seriously damage the testicles of boys and may lead to cancer, Stonewall still says blockers are reversible Listened to experts? This is far from Hunt's only lie.
4./ As @Docstockk points out, Hunt's claim she expressed concern about the transing of gay girls is absurd. It was the supporters of @AllianceLGB who did that; the group she refused to debate with. It's not as if Hunt didn't have the chance to speak out.
5./ When she took her unearned place in the House of Lords her speech failed mysteriously to reference this insight. Instead like the rest of her career the person whom Pink News dubbed 'Baroness of our Hearts' (ugh) focused exclusively on trans isssues. thepinknews.com/2020/02/12/rut…
6./ Where did this messianic confidence that Hunt was doing the right thing come from? I hate to break it to my Christian friends, but Hunt is one of the few people in public life who claims to communicate directly with God. She told the story in the book she edited.
7./ In her essay, Hunt describes Jesus appearing to her in a nightclub. She felt Jesus "by my side, looking out, asking me to come back to him." Jesus said, "I have never left you". She wept. Elsewhere in her essay Hunt refers to the Prophet Moses as her inspiration.
8./ Moses makes an appearance three times and most explicitly in relation to her appointment, the year after her vision of Christ, as the CEO of Stonewall. "Like Moses, God helped me to find the words to say." Really? God told you to enable the sterilisation of kids? I think not.
9./ What if the whispers Ruth Hunt thought she heard were those from another voice? You know, one from the other side of town. Or what, perish the thought, if the voice was one she invented in her own fevered imagination? Either way she went on to display a terrifying arrogance.
10./ You can hear her arrogance when she describes the spectacularly successful tactics of early Stonewall, which she dismisses as being based on convincing the British public that "gay people were normal, normal, normal." And your point, caller? Should we say we're abnormal?🤦♂️
11./ And listen to the contempt she expresses for democracy; the system that delivered Gay Marriage in Ireland. We should never repeat that vote, she says. "Give people a vote on LGBT rights? No, no no!" No wonder this Baroness of a Hunt feels so at home in the unelected Lords.
12./ Her biggest lie in The Times is Hunt's attempt to distance Stonewall from other organisations that promote child abuse like Gendered Intelligence, GIRES and the single biggest source of child abuse in the UK: a charity called Mermaids. She says they have specific agendas.
13./ Yet their positions on all major policy issues are absolutely identical with Stonewall; and very specifically on blockers. Indeed Stonewall joined Mermaids in an attempt to intervene in the Keira Bell appeal in order to defend the use of puberty blockers.
14./ They were rejected. But if they only listen to experts why would Stonewall try to intervene as if they were medically qualified? Hunt's legacy to Stonewall was this blend of arrogance and sheer messiah complex. Of course, Hunt had every right to be a person of faith. But..👉
15./ British society has an aversion to overt expressions of faith by policy-makers. Above all in areas of policy that are contested. It's the antithesis of the evidence-based scrutiny of policy. Hunt was inspired by Moses and ended up behaving as if she thought she was God.
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1./ Today we got a glimpse of the depravity behind much of the LGBTQ+ lobby's support for transitioning children. Surrey Pride's founder has been convicted of raping a 12 year old boy. He also fantasised about castrating boys. Is he an outlier? Not at all. bbc.co.uk/news/articles/…
2./ Stephen Ireland was a crystal meth addict with a chaotic personal life. How many other LGBTQ+ groups hide men just as evil who don't leave such obvious evidence as text messages fantasising about kidnapping kids or cutting their vocal chords as he did? The majority, I bet.
3./ Ireland and his @PrideInSurrey were fierce critics of @AllianceLGB and picketed the conference of what was then the ONLY gay group to oppose transitioning kids. Creepy men like India Willoughby joined them there. Of course he did. Birds of a feather.
1./ Mister McBride.
Some people are uncomfortable Sarah McBride was introduced as MISTER. They want us to be polite. The truth tho is he has a decade long record of undermining women's rights and attacking free speech. He doesn't get to police our speech.
2./ I recently explored in detail his deliberate sabotage of the safety of women and girls. McBride claims now it's Republicans that are obsessed with restrooms despite the fact he worked relentlessly in LGBTQ+ groups like @HRC to invade women's privacy.
3./ McBride was enabled by Joe Biden and worked hand in glove with the tiny and incestuous Biden circle in Delaware, the most egregiously corrupt state in America. There he tried to censor social media and worked to deprive parents of their rights in schools.
1./ 🧵If you want to understand how the Democrats have come to view the safety of girls and women with contempt then read my latest article about the capture of the Democratic Party's leadership by the trans lobby.
Click on the link at the end of the🧵to read more.
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2./ The capture began in November 2011 with the first Trans Day of Remembrance held at the White House, where its founder churned out the myth that trans identified men faced an epidemic of violence. They don't. This is the founder of TDOR. Calls himself Gwendolyn. As you do.
3./ This myth about the special victimhood of trans people was exploited relentlessly by the trans lobby to justify urgent changes in the law. By the second TDOR in 2012 the lobby suggested changes in discrimination law and Title IX in sport. Kylar Broadus would play a key role.
1./ What connects this transvestite child killer, a writer beloved by the pioneers of queer theory, the Arcus Foundation and the first man to win a Golden Globe as Best Actress? They're all linked to the drag queen TV series 'Pose'.
Click on the link in my bio to read more.
2./ The story of the show offers a crash course in the psychopathology of trans ideology. 'Pose' was inspired by the gay drag queens of the documentary 'Paris is Burning' but rewrote the history of drag to promote the misogyny of the trans agenda. There were clues from the start.
3./ One of its two trans writer/execs routinely used a slur suggesting women's bodies smelled of "fish". The other named himself after a novel by Genet that features a drag queen child killer and which lauded Gabriel Socley the trans murderer whose picture I started with.
1./ 🧵How did drag queens become mainstream? In my latest article I return to the story of 'Pose' which rewrote the dark history of drag to centre trans activism. The show involved a rogue's gallery of misogyny such as the Arcus Foundation.
Click on link in my bio to read more.
2./ Arcus paid for an HBO film so Janet Mock one of Pose's two trans executives could gain television experience. He was on the Arcus Board all the time he was working on Pose. I analyse his ghastly memoir. You won't believe how misogynistic it is. Or maybe you will....
3./ Astonishingly, no mainstream reviewer called Mock out for using the word "fish" throughout his memoir to describe the ability of a trans identified man to pass "as a woman". This slur suggests women's bodies smell fishy. The show's other trans writer was just as dodgy.👉
1./ Culture War?
🧵The Left claims it's the Right who drives the Culture War. Proof that this is untrue is Scotland's new list of texts for English exams in schools. An incredible 26% of the works are by LGBTQ+ authors. Click on the link at the end of this 🧵to read more. 👇
2./ The rot set in 10 years ago when the SNP decided only questions about Scottish authors would be asked in exams. So no Shakespeare, Jane Austen or Toni Morrison. Instead second-rate Scottish authors take their place. Extra points if your "queer". Or agender like Ely Percy. 👀
3./ Or Kirsty Logan the idiot novelist who was at the front of a baying pack that tried to silence @msjlindsay and accused the Scottish Poetry Library of transphobia merely for defending free speech. Her argument against single sex spaces was a classic of the genre. #bonkers