Iranians whacked Israelis hard enough to reestablish deterrence, while the White House is telling the Israelis that "if you want a war, get out of my house".
So now that it's morning in Israel, whats happened?
We have the Israelis claiming like 99% of the drones/missiles/etc were intercepted.
Damage assessments are still coming in, but honestly, news reports indicate relatively minimal damage.
That said, the Iranians DID get hits in and the failure of some interception systems to stop some missiles is going to give Israel/Western defense analysts some very restless nights in the weeks to come.
So did Iran's attack achieve nothing?
Well... not quite.
VISUALLY, the attack was a solid success. The Iranian regime can go to its people, proxy groups, and international audience and say:
"Yeah bro, we had missiles OVER ISRAEL'S PARLIAMENT in Jerusalem. Jews running around screaming in terror. Shit was so cash money."
Again, in the Middle East, PERCEPTION MATTERS almost as much as actual strength. Looking *too* weak is an invitation for attack.
Humiliating the Israelis — the 800-pound gorilla in the room — and showing them to be vulnerable, like they did above, is a strong signal.
The Iranians are also signaling LOUDLY that they consider the matter more or less settled.
Israelis whacked them with a stick over Damascus, now Iran whacked back with *their* stick via these strikes.
"Lets be civilized and stop here. America, don't push this or else."
The White House is basically in agreement. They know this was for show.
From DC's point of view, the Western alliance demonstrated that it could defend Israel, intercept attacks, etc.
The Israelis are being told — LOUDLY — that they won't be supported if they escalate.
Adding pressure is that basically the rest of the world, including the major powers, agree. They either have been or are now calling for "restraint".
i.e., this matter is settled, don't escalate this into a war.
The Israelis, being the attacked/now-"humiliated" party are being VERY LOUD about how ANGRY they are and promising strikebacks.
Calling for a UNSC meeting (lots of eyes rolling over this), some figures promising ~REVENGE~, and mulling strike-back options.
And of course, the commentariat + lobbying groups are now in overdrive, trying to frame the attack as A NEW LINE THAT HAS BEEN CROSSED.
They'll spend the next few days trying to whip up a frenzy and mobilize some more Western (read: US support).
This includes a lot of the usual "we should apply/reapply" sanctions discourse.
But honestly — without U.S. support and with the entire international community basically saying "don't push this further" — Israel's options are limited.
Jerusalem is probably sitting around discussing what face-saving minor retaliatory attack can be done.
The IDF — which, as military guys, are the most cognizant of their abilities and on-the-ground-realities — are likely being very careful outlining "here's what we could realistically do" options that don't push escalation.
In summary: we're moving toward Scenario 1: facing-saving tit-for-tat stuff that de-escalates the situation. Iran's established that consulate hits are red lines and everyone seems to agree.
Stick-whacking logic remains dominant.
Note: there is STILL a chance that Israel could do something to escalate, not de-escalate, the situation.
But without US backing, I'm personally struggling to imagine what that could be.
THIS time around, it's a win for #TeamNothingEverHappens.
Afternoon update, and calling it for now.
Barring a dramatic reversal over the next few hours/days, this looks to be winding down.
We now return to our regularly scheduled shitposting.
They went max mobilization — every journo, every NGO, every level of state power, all the money, the riots, every cheating tactic (ballot harvesting, mail-in voting, w/e) — just to win that battle.
Israelis are presently indicating that they're "satisfied" with hitting a Hezbollah facility and stating that being able to hold off the Iranian attack is, in itself, a (face-saving) victory.
It's indicated that the Israelis had decided on attacking back late last night/early this morning, but Biden impressed upon Bibi the importance of restraint.
(i.e., "STFU you got away with scratches, don't escalate this further bro have you seen the economy?")
Obviously, we gotta keep watch to see if anything reverses in the next few hours, maybe the next day or two.Bbut for now it looks like things are calming down.
(Israeli War Minister) Gantz's statement was probably the big tell: put revenge aside for now and instead...
"WW III is starting" discourse is going to ramp up in the next few hours, so here's how things will REALLY work.
Iranian policy since 2020, after the Trump admin whacked Soleimani, has been strategic patience — ie, Iran's unique set of challenges can't be immediately won...
...and thus require perseverance until more favorable conditions are present.
More specifically, Tehran knows it cannot outright beat the United States and Israel in a straight-up war if it came down to it.
Yes, it could (and would!) do horrible damage, probably taking down the US empire in the process.
But the Iranian regime probably wouldn't make out either given the requisite costs, opportunities for dissent, intentions of other actors/ethnic groups, etc etc.
This is happening not just in the obvious political realm, but also in the intellectual/foreign policy/narrative realm.
Articles and think tank commentary on this are constant, from articles by .@mrubin1971 to whatever Armenian National Committee of America interns write.
(You also learn the tells of who is on which side. Calling Nagorno-Karbakh "Artsakh"? Armenian. Calling it just "Karabakh", emphasizing international law and thus that this was "occupied territory"? Azerbaijani. etc etc.)
I watch my alma mater, Georgetown Uni., 'cause its a factory of the elite — i.e., a hypercompetitive, careerist, neolib environment overexposed to political trends.
But what happens when progressive demands hit THAT WHICH MUST NOT BE TOUCHED?
Right off the bat, one needs to understand that top uni's like Georgetown grant their students disproportionate advantages to their students.
Not just through the classes/professors, mind you, but via resources and connections facilitated by campus clubs.
One example: the Georgetown Retail and Luxury Association. This club can literally bring C-suite executives of fashion brands to speak on campus, and then benefit from these connections.
You see a headline like this and think its out-of-touch young people with unrealistic expectations of wealth (thanks social media) who can't cope with the reality of being average.
Thats partially true. But the real issue is they can sense their impending doom.
Over a decade ago, as a college student, I read this article in the Atlantic. Contrary to the title, it was more concerned with the impact of unfolding socio-economic and technological trends.
The article elaborated on three trends: 1) high-skill workers vs. low-skill workers (honestly, replace skill with "education") 2) Superstars vs. Everyone Else (ie, the superstar effect) 3) Capital vs. Labor (ie, returns on capital > returns on labor)