it is absolutely insane that the Israeli regime intentionally hunted down and killed Refaat Alareer, a poet and scholar, after Bari Weiss put a kill target on him in an active genocide zone, and didn't even bother giving a justification or defend it. They just did it and moved on
and no one in the Western media and political class cared to even ask them about it. Why did you intentionally hunt down and kill Refaat Alareer, a poet and scholar who never took up arms against you, who just wrote words against you? They don't care that Bari Weiss killed him
and Bari Weiss didn't just kill Refaat Alareer, she also killed his brother and sister and her four young children. Bari Weiss killed an entire family through her Israeli regime proxies, and instead of it harming her career, it only boosted it:
this is the Western media class in all its grotesque murderous genocidal depravity on full display. You can put a kill target on a civilian in an active genocide zone, have it carried out by your proxies, and then see your career elevated
btw recently @cenkuygur did an event with Bari Weiss' Zionist propaganda rag, and of course he didn't say a word about her genocidal murderous depravity. He loved the attention, because he's a scumbag piece of shit cunt, as is the entire "progressive" media class
@cenkuygur just imagine this. The Russian equivalent of Bari Weiss puts a kill target on a prominent Ukrainian poet and scholar which is carried out, and then Cenk Uygur gets that person on his show, and does events with her, and praises her. No, that will harm his career, he can't do that
@cenkuygur the Ukrainian is a human being, but Refaat Alareer? Cenk Uygur doesn't even know about him as he keeps having the most deranged Zionist freak Bari Weiss clone host his "progressive" show. Also LOL at Musk's "free speech" twitter restricting my post
@cenkuygur yeah my post calling a Zionist cunt a Zionist cunt is hateful conduct but the posts and accounts Elon Musk himself likes and promotes on mass killings of Muslims is not at all hateful, that doesn't get restricted by epic "free speech absolutist" Musk. Cunt
this should be held up wherever Bari Weiss goes for the rest of her life, a reminder of what she is: A vile depraved genocidal murderer who put a kill target on a scholar and poet in an active genocide zone and had it carried out. As Refaat presciently said, Bari Weiss killed him
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the latest deranged line Israeli regime propagandists are spreading is "Iranians want Israel and the US to bomb them! Look at these unsourced graffiti photos saying so!" You may think only deranged freaks are spouting this, but it is now the first story on the BBC's front page:
Emily Schrader, who is among the most deranged of the Israeli regime propagandists tasked with Iran, went on Piers Morgan's show to argue Iranians want to be bombed by Israel and the US. Her evidence? A twitter poll, Iranians she speaks to, and, you guessed it, the graffiti
now just think of how utterly fucking deranged this is. The BBC actually turned random photos of graffiti in a country of 88 million people, larger than France, Germany, the UK, into evidence that masses of people in the country want to be bombed. The BBC is fucking insane
Zionists and Elon Musk are now demanding Americans be arrested, jailed and exiled for saying things they don't like. These are the same depraved scum who brand themselves as "free speech absolutists"
also the guy in the clip and many others that genocidal Zionists Shai Davidai and Ashley St. Clair want arrested, jailed and deported for saying something they don't like are white Americans. Where the fuck are you going to deport and exile them to, you deranged fucking freaks
btw if you say genocidal Zionists like Ashley St. Clair, Shai Davidai, Bari Weiss and Ben Shapiro should be deported to their precious Israel, you're an evil monster, Elon Musk will delete your post, and you'll be arrested and jailed if you're in Europe
wars are launched through dehumanization. Zionists and the Western media and political class want you to think "dark evil brown hordes who hate us for our freedom" when you hear Iran. Rick Steves, a veteran travel writer and TV host, pierced through that propaganda by going there
there are countless Iranian channels from across the country posting regular daily street tours. Yesterday Megyn Kelly, repeating deranged media propaganda, said "if you don't wear a hijab in Iran you get stoned to death." Do you believe Megyn Kelly and the NYT, or your own eyes?
the BBC, NYT, AP, Reuters keep pumping out stories about how girls and women are being mass arrested and killed for not wearing a veil/hijab. Then you go to YouTube and there's daily videos of them walking without one freely. They're literally fabricating an alternate reality
given the widespread systematic use of rape and sexual violence by Israeli regime thugs against Palestinians, including children, as confirmed by human rights organizations, the UN, and US State Department officials, this is extremely concerning
just recently the US State Department confirmed yet again that the Israeli regime is systematically raping the Palestinian hostages it has taken. The Western media and political class who fabricated the "mass rape" hoax have refused to report on this
it is not just the UN, human rights organizations and the State Department who have confirmed that the Israeli regime systematically rapes Palestinian hostages, including children, but also Palestinians recently released as detailed in this thread:
last month I discovered that Dr. Chen Kugel, Israel's chief forensic pathologist who handled all the remains of October 7, is a proven hoaxer, claiming he personally with his own eyes saw non-existent beheaded babies. No Western media has covered this or made any corrections
it is not just Dr. Chen Kugel, Israel's chief forensic pathologist, who is a proven verified hoaxer, but also Dr. Nurit Bublil, head of their main DNA laboratory which analyzed the October 7 remains. She fabricated a non-existent stabbed baby:
now we know it is an indisputable fact that the two lead "scientific medical analysts" who were in charge of the October 7 remains provably and repeatedly lied. This destroys all credibility of anything coming from not just the Israeli government, but all its medical institutions
if Iran bombed a US embassy and killed top US officials, they would have declared war immediately and begun a mass bombing campaign and invasion. But Israel does it to an Iranian embassy and Western media and political class cry about "Iran's unwarranted aggression"
the Western media and political class:
and of course the New York Times as ever led the way to say the bombing was totally fine, once again dutifully playing its role a the chief launderer of Israeli regime propaganda. Can you imagine them saying this if anyone dared bomb a US or Israeli embassy? Depraved scum