I’ve been scratching my head trying to figure out where this magical 440,000 figure came from which the DfE are quoting as the reduction in persistent absence…
…because that’s NOT what the official data shows!!
The more important point that is rather glossed over here is that the persistent absence rate of 21.2% in 2022/23 is still nearly DOUBLE the pre-pandemic rate of 10.9%.
Hardly something to be boasting about!
But if the official DfE report states that just 70,000 fewer children have been persistently absent in 2022/23 compared to the previous year…
…why is the government quoting a reduction of 440,000 pupils, more than 6 times the official figure?!
We need to dig a little deeper…
Up until April 2022, an additional code was used in school registers:
▪️CODE X: “Not attending in circumstances related to COVID”.
Code X was used in the Autumn & Spring terms in 2021/22.
After April 2022, this code was no longer used for this purpose.
Prior to April 2022, Code X was used for children who were required to self-isolate (eg. due to close contact) but who did *not* have Covid themselves (those with Covid were recorded as Code I for illness).
Importantly: Code X is NOT counted as an absence in official figures.
Of course, if you include these Code X absences (which are NOT included in official figures), then the number of pupils who missed more than 10% of sessions in 2021/22 is considerably higher.
370,000 pupils higher to be exact.
You may notice a subtlety in the wording used here.
In the official report, they don’t describe these pupils as persistently absent, they refer to them as pupils who missed 10% or more sessions…
…because Code X absences DON’T count towards official persistent absence figures.
So there we are… mystery solved.
The way they arrived at the 440,000 reduction in pupils who are ‘persistently absent’ is by including Code X absences which are NOT officially counted as absences.
I don’t know about you, but this feels a little bit like cheating to me…
Now you may be wondering what’s causing all this persistent absence…
In 2022/23, the #1 driver of persistent absence in every age group was ILLNESS.
In fact, in primary schools, persistent absences due to ILLNESS accounted for OVER HALF of the total.
It’s little wonder so many parents are furious about the government’s irresponsible attendance campaign which actively encourages parents to send sick children to school, as covered here in iNews by @AasmaDay.
‘Covid’ may have become a taboo word, but we need to face up to the inconvenient truth that it’s making our kids sick… a LOT.
‘Living with Covid’ shouldn’t mean just ignoring it.
It should mean making environments as safe as possible to reduce the risk of infection.
UK schools are generally poorly ventilated, creating perfect conditions for disease transmission, especially in winter when windows are usually closed.
A CO₂ level ~800ppm indicates good ventilation.
Below are the horrifically high CO₂ levels for a typical UK classroom.
Cleaning the air by improving ventilation & air filtration is a simple, low cost, non-intrusive measure that could HUGELY reduce the spread of Covid in schools.
And it doesn’t just work for Covid - it helps reduce transmission of ALL airborne pathogens - measles, flu, RSV etc.
Clean air in schools is not a restrictive mitigation; it’s an ENABLING mitigation.
It would allow our children to attend school with less risk, less illness, less absence.
And for clinically vulnerable children, it could even be a life-saver.
There’s no downside to clean air.
There’s a mountain of evidence that improving ventilation & air filtration can hugely reduce the spread of airborne illnesses:
▪️A study conducted at Addenbrooke’s hospital showed that air filters removed almost all traces of airborne Covid virus.
▪️A Swiss study demonstrated that HEPA air filters delivering a clean air delivery rate of 5 air changes per hour (800m3/h) in a typical classroom led to a 5-fold decrease in the cumulative viral dose absorbed by exposed occupants.
▪️A study conducted in Bradford showed that Covid-related illness absence in schools was reduced by >20% when HEPA air filters were used in classrooms.
If you’d like to see more research, here’s a link to a website which has collated 56 research studies from around the world which demonstrate the effectiveness of air filters at removing Covid from the air in different settings:
Of course, the government have quietly invested in clean air and installed state-of-the-art air filtration systems in the Houses of Parliament, Ministry of Defence and other government buildings.
As Module 4 of the @CovidInquiryUK begins, attention turns to the Covid vaccines…
And it just happens that UKHSA’s annual accounts for 2023/24 have recently been published, revealing that a staggering £1.09 BILLION were wasted on unused vaccines during 2023/24.
For me, one of the most shocking things was in Autumn 2023, when the govt bought enough vax doses for ALL over-50s…
…but then decided to restrict eligibility, denying millions of people under the age of 65 the chance to be protected.
The Covid Inquiry module which specifically investigated the impact of Covid on healthcare systems ended just before Christmas and some very clear recommendations emerged…
WHY on earth have these not been made the absolute top priority and implemented?
For further details on the flawed chain of decisions which led to the utterly inadequate infection control guidance we have in hospitals today, please have a read of my thread below where I walk you through the key evidence which emerged from module 3 of the Covid Inquiry ⬇️
It’s a real shame that comments on this thread ⬇️ have been shut down so I’m not able to respond to the reply from @SpeechAndLangUK about the impact of lockdowns on speech & language for children born during lockdowns.
Here’s what I would have said if I’d been able to reply… 🧵
This chart neatly summarises the difference in protection between a surgical masks & N95 masks (N95 is the US standard which is broadly equivalent to the EU FFP2 standard).
@DrTedros During this press briefing, Dr Tedros also announced that the WHO had released a series of UPDATED policy briefs outlining essential actions that policy-makers should implement to work towards comprehensive COVID-19 prevention & control.
It was announced this week that SIR CHRIS WORMALD has been named as the new Cabinet Secretary & Head of the Civil Service, one of the most powerful jobs in government.
I thought I’d take a look back at what we learned about him from his recent Covid Inquiry appearances…
In her Closing Statement at the end of module 3, the Counsel for Covid Bereaved Families for Justice UK gave a scathing appraisal of Sir Chris Wormald’s evidence, describing it as:
“…an object lesson in obfuscation, a word salad – so many, many words, so very little substance”.
And she’s absolutely right. His testimony was decidedly unimpressive.
Most of his answers were evasive, repetitive & waffly, with very little substance.
For example, in this clip he is asked about the stop order on FFP3 masks in June 2020, but fails to give a straight answer.