Cat in the Hat šŸˆā€ā¬› šŸŽ© šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ Profile picture
Mum ā€¢ Lover of nature and clean, fresh air ā€¢ Passionate about science ā€¢ ā€œWithout data, youā€™re just another person with an opinion.ā€
NotOralHistory Profile picture Perpetual Mind Profile picture Attitude is Everything Profile picture Peter Ford Profile picture Christina Cat Profile picture 17 subscribed
Jul 12 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read

Dear @bphillipsonMP & @StephenMorganMP,

Here are some charts you might find useful when determining your strategy for schools, particularly if youā€™re looking to prioritise addressing the pupil attendance crisis & exorbitant spend on supply teachersā€¦ Image PUPIL ABSENCE

In 2023/24:

ā–Ŗļø49% of all pupil absences have been due to ILLNESS.

ā–ŖļøPupil illness absence accounted for 3.5% of all possible sessions in England.

ā–ŖļøPupil illness absence was 40% higher than pre-pandemic. Image
Jul 12 ā€¢ 21 tweets ā€¢ 10 min read
COVID in SCOTLANDā€¦ in JULY šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁓ó æ

Iā€™ve been taking a closer look at the data for Covid in Scotland.

On every measure (wastewater, test positivity, hospitalisations, deaths), the summer wave of Covid is proving to be WORSE than the winter wave.

Covid is NOT just a winter virus. Image At the peak of the winter wave, ONS estimated that 4.3% of people across England & Scotland were infected.

That equates to 1 in every 23 people infected.

Itā€™s extremely likely that prevalence is even higher than that right now, given what we are seeing in the data. Image
Jun 29 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
Thereā€™s not much timely Covid data available these daysā€¦

ā€¦but the little data we do have (from England PCR positivity & Scottish wastewater) is all telling a similar storyā€¦

ā€¦that weā€™re currently in a large wave with case levels at similar levels as the Dec23/Jan24 peak.

šŸ§µ Image Itā€™s also worth noting that, at the highest point of the Dec23/Jan24 wave, the ONS Infection Survey estimated that around 4.5% of the population of England & Scotland were infectedā€¦

ā€¦that corresponds to 1 in every 22 people infected.ā€¦
Jun 22 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read

Another local council (Hertforshire) is installing air filters in schools.

This is, of course, great news but itā€™s immensely frustrating to see this drip-feed approach.

Our childrenā€™s right to breathe clean indoor air should NOT be a postcode lottery.
Image More details in the links below ā¬‡ļø


May 28 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read

Spend per pupil on supply teachers has been going UP & UP!

In 2022/23:

ā–ŖļøSchools spent an average of Ā£196 PER PUPIL on supply teachers. Thatā€™s a 22% increase compared to pre-pandemic.

ā–ŖļøIn total, Ā£698 MILLION was spent on supply teachers.
Image Detailed data for teacher absences in 2022/23 hasnā€™t been published yet, but, in 2021/22, more than 3.2 MILLION working days were missed by teachers DUE TO ILLNESS, compared with 2 million working days missed in 2018/19.

Thatā€™s a 56% increase!ā€¦
May 27 ā€¢ 28 tweets ā€¢ 16 min read
This is Shadow Education Secretary @bphillipsonMP talking about the importance of VENTILATION in schools & how the Governmentā€™s approach is ā€œincompetent, complacent & inadequate.ā€

What Iā€™d like to know is:

What will SHE do differently if LABOUR win the election?

This is an EPIC thread, written by Shadow Education Secretary @bphillipsonMP on the importance of VENTILATION in schools.

She compiles all the evidence & berates the Tory Government for their despicable inaction.

But what will SHE do differently if LABOUR win the election?

May 17 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read

Hereā€™s a weird thingā€¦

All the guidance I can find from other countries warns that whooping cough is MOST contagious from the onset of the mild, cold-like symptoms.

For example, hereā€™s the advice from the US:

Image Hereā€™s the advice from Canada:

ā€œInfectiousness is greatest during the catarrhal stage and during the first 2 weeks after cough onset.ā€

(The catarrhal stage is the initial cold-like symptoms - eg. runny nose, mild cough).

May 17 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
In America šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø, the North Carolina Senate has voted in favour of a total ban on wearing masks in publicā€¦ even those who are doing so for health reasons.

What sort of dystopian world are we living in where they wonā€™t ban guns but they will ban cancer patients from wearing a mask? Crucially, the latest draft of the bill REMOVES the clause exempting people for wearing a mask due to medical reasons.

(The bill has been approved by the NC Senate, but still needs to win approval by the state House before being sent to the governor for final sign-off or veto).
May 10 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read

Two diseases which are:

ā–Ŗļøhighly contagious (whooping cough is contagious for up to 3 weeks)

ā–Ŗļøspread through the air (airborne)

ā–Ŗļøstart out with mild cold-like symptoms

ā–Ŗļøcurrently circulating at extremely high levels

(A bit like Covid, reallyā€¦) Image Here is the NHS list of symptoms for Covid, Measles & Whopping Cough ā¬‡ļø

All 3 diseases start out with mild cold-like symptomsā€¦

ā€¦all are highly contagious in this early stageā€¦ Image
May 9 ā€¢ 27 tweets ā€¢ 14 min read
Prof Adam Finn on Radio 4ā€™s Today programme (@BBCr4today):

ā€œWeā€™re in a very different place with almost everyone in the population immune to SARS-CoV-2...ā€

This statement is incredibly poor public health messaging. Hereā€™s a quick thread of reasons whyā€¦

šŸ§µ If weā€™re all so ā€˜immuneā€™, why is it that, as recently as mid-December 2023, 1 in every 24 people across the whole of England were infected with Covid?

If weā€™re all so ā€˜immuneā€™, surely such high waves of Covid shouldnā€™t be happening repeatedly?ā€¦
Apr 26 ā€¢ 23 tweets ā€¢ 11 min read

Iā€™m still working through the raw data released yesterday by ONS revealing the prevalence of Long Covid in England & Scotland.

Some interesting (& concerning) data points are emerging so I wanted to do a quick thread on what it reveals for CHILDRENā€¦

Image ā–Ŗļø111,816 children (aged 3-17 yrs) were estimated to be suffering from Long Covid during the 4 week period ending 7 Mar 2024 (England & Scotland).

ā–ŖļøOver 20,000 of these kids with Long Covid reported that their ability to undertake day-to-day activities had been limited A LOT. Image
Apr 24 ā€¢ 14 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read

Data for February has now been released & itā€™s not good.

The total number of confirmed cases in England has risen sharply from 555 at the end of January to 1,468 as of the end of February.

At the same time last year, there had been just 18 confirmed cases! Image So where are all these cases?

Metro newspaper has compiled a handy map of the confirmed cases ā¬‡ļø

Cases are highest in Wales, the South West and North East, but all regions are affected to some extent.ā€¦
Apr 22 ā€¢ 11 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read

šŸ”„ This is an excellent series of graphics from @YaleSPH explaining what we do (and donā€™t) know about Covidā€™s effect on the immune system.

Much of this is informed by the work of Dr. Akiko Iwasaki (@VirusesImmunity).


H/t @fitterhappierAJ Image This fantastic series of graphics have come from a Facebook post by Yale School of Public Health at the link below:ā€¦
Apr 18 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read

Do you want the good news or the bad news?

Ok, letā€™s start with the GOOD news first:

ā–ŖļøOverall YTD mortality figures across the whole population remain among the lowest seen.

ā€¦but now for the BAD newsā€¦

/1 Mortality figures across the whole population are heavily skewed by the older age groups since older people are more likely to die.

Sadly, this is hiding high % increases in the younger age groups, specifically in children aged 0-14 years.

The kids are not ok. šŸ˜¢

/2 Image
Apr 16 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
Heads up, folksā€¦

It looks like the World Health Organisation are about to come up with alternative terminology for ā€˜airborne transmissionā€™ in an attempt to save face after denying that Covid was airborne for so long.

Iā€™ve compiled some relevant threads belowā€¦

Image ā¬‡ļø
Apr 16 ā€¢ 31 tweets ā€¢ 14 min read

Iā€™ve been scratching my head trying to figure out where this magical 440,000 figure came from which the DfE are quoting as the reduction in persistent absenceā€¦

ā€¦because thatā€™s NOT what the official data shows!!

Read on to find out moreā€¦

Image According to the latest DfE report, the number of persistently absent pupils decreased from:

ā–Ŗļø22.5% in 2021/22
= 1.64 million pupils


ā–Ŗļø21.2% in 2022/23
= 1.57 million pupils

Thatā€™s a reduction of just 70,000 pupils, NOT 440,000!

Apr 1 ā€¢ 19 tweets ā€¢ 9 min read
Thereā€™s nothing more irritating than when you see someone who is so close to joining the dotsā€¦ but doesnā€™t quite get there.

Iā€™m never quite sure if itā€™s intentional or just sheer ignoranceā€¦ (well actually, I think I can probably guess which it is).

Image Letā€™s take a look at what she says:

ā€œWe must better support our children to attend school safely in any future similar event.ā€

ā€œWe cannot allow our elderly, those in care homes & the vulnerable to be placed at such risk in a future pandemic.ā€

ā€œMost viruses are airborne.ā€

/2 Image
Mar 29 ā€¢ 28 tweets ā€¢ 12 min read
šŸšØ Indoor AIRBORNE Risk Assessment in the context of SARS-CoV-2 from the World Health Organisation (@WHO)

For clean air advocates, this is HUGE!

The WHO are finally saying, loud & proud: COVID IS AIRBORNE.

Letā€™s take a closer look at the detailsā€¦šŸ§µ

Image Foreword:

ā€œWe live immersed in an ocean of air, yet we hardly ever notice its presence. However, without air we would simply not be able to survive.ā€

ā€œWe must reshape & redesign the building environment, while focusing on optimizing indoor ventilation and the air we breathe.ā€ Image
Mar 28 ā€¢ 20 tweets ā€¢ 9 min read
šŸšØNEW Report presents findings from a review of Long Covid to guide New Zealandā€™s Public Health response.

Report concludes that ā€œpreventative action is urgently neededā€.

Letā€™s dive into the details as the findings are relevant for ALL countries.


Image Below are some of the key findings of the report:

ā–ŖļøChanges in health status following SARS-CoV-2 infection are common and can occur at any age.

ā–ŖļøSymptoms are frequently experienced for months or years and can increase over time.

/2 ā€¢ Several recent and well-designed cohort studies have reported central estimates ranging from 4 ā€“ 14% for ongoing symptoms per infection. ā€¢ Long Covid includes a full spectrum of severity from hidden effects through mild and transient symptoms to life-changing and life-limiting conditions such as heart attacks and strokes, diabetes, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and neurological disorders. Commonly experienced symptoms such as fatigue and cognitive dysfunction have a high impact on quality of life. ā€¢ Both SARS-CoV-2 infection and Long Covid are under-counted ...
Mar 20 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
Letā€™s talk about WHOOPING COUGHā€¦

ā€¦because thereā€™s a lot of it about at the moment.

ā–ŖļøIn the whole of 2023, there were 858 cases in England.

ā–ŖļøIn Jan 2024, there were 553 cases!

(And thatā€™s just confirmed cases; true numbers are probably far higher).ā€¦
Image Whooping cough (pertussis) is a lingering bacterial infection of the lungs and the mucus layers lining it.

It makes sufferers gasp for breath, haveĀ difficulty breathingĀ and battle thick mucus.

Symptoms can last for several months, meaning it is often dubbed the '100-day cough'. Image
Mar 7 ā€¢ 27 tweets ā€¢ 13 min read
MEASLES, a threadšŸ§µ

Having successfully eliminated measles in the UK back in 2017, itā€™s now back with a vengeance.

Cases have risen to a 10-year high & a National Health Emergency has been declared.

Hereā€™s a whistlestop tour of everything you need to know about measles. Image MEASLES CASES IN ENGLAND

ā–ŖļøIn the 5 months since 1 Oct 2023, 733 measles cases have been reported, a 10-year high.

ā–Ŗļø239 new cases have been reported in Feb so far (data still incomplete).

ā–ŖļøThe majority (63%) of cases are in children under 10 yrs.
