OK - now at #TrumpTrial Day 3 of jury selection, starting with 7 of 12 chosen, then alternates - Inner City Press wrote the book on Carroll v Trump (by @MatthewLeeICP @SDNYLIVE) and is live-tweeting this criminal trial, thread belowamazon.com/dp/B0CTFPXKGM
Trump come into the courtroom, blue suit and blue tie, this time. Defense lawyer Susan Necheles plugging in her laptop. Trump is, as before, between Blanche and Bove
All rise!
Clerk: This is the People of the State of New York versus Donald Trump.
Justice Merchan: Wait, do we have a court reporter? No? That's not good. We'll need to do that again. In the meantime, counsel, please approach.
[Whispered sidebar]
Take two:
Clerk: This is the People of the State of New York against Donald J. Trump.
Justice Merchan: We received a call yesterday from Juror Number 2, she said she has concerns about her ability to be fair. I directed her to be here at 9:15. Please bring her in.
Justice Merchan: It's Juror 280, is that right?
[Juror enters]
Justice Merchan: Good morning. What do you think?
Juror 2: I have concerns. Yesterday alone I had friends and colleagues questioning my identity as a juror. I don't think I can avoid outside pressures
Justice Merchan: You are excused. I want to address the press. There's a reason this is an anonymous jury. Press is free to right about anything said here on the record. But please avoid physical descriptions - why mention Irish accent?
[Inner City Press didn't]
Prosecutor Steinglass: Maybe we should not ask the questions about current and prior employers.
Justice Merchan: I'm perfectly OK with that. I think it's a great suggestion.
Trump's lawyer Susan Necheles: That's why we asked for a written questionnaire.
Justice Merchan: That's already happened.
Trump's lawyer Blanche: We need to have the information about employers. Maybe direct the press not to report it
[Note - many, not Inner City Press, reported the juror who works at a particular private school]
Justice Merchan: We need the information on employer. But we'll redact it - and I direct the press to not report those answers. There's case law on this [?]
[Might be an appellate issues. fwiw here's Inner City Press brief filed yesterday: documentcloud.org/documents/2455…
Prosecutor Steinglass: Your Honor, the defendant has violated your order seven more times. He posted about Michael Cohen, "Serial Perjurer." The defendant posted it on his campaign website. Last night on Truth Social, an article against Michael Cohen
Prosecutor Steinglass: Most troublingly the defendant reposted about liberals lying to try to get on the jury, a post by Jesse Watters. We are considering options, what relief to ask for.
Trump's lawyer Blanche: President Trump's responses are political in nature
Trump's lawyer Bove: We intend to brief whether reposting material that is already public can violate the order.
Justice Merchan: I look forward to seeing that. We'll have the hearing, and after the hearing I'll rule.
Bove: Can we have some additional time?
A: No
Justice Merchan: I'd like to address Juror Number 4, even though they are not here. I was notified by Mr. Steinglass that the DA's office as part of their research had come across info that possibly called into question the veracity of Juror 4's answers.
Prosecutor Steinglass: We discovered an article that a person with the same name was arrested in the 1990s in Westchester for tearing down political advertisements. It seems the juror was previously accused in a corruption inquiry, got a deferred prosecution deal
Prosecutor Steinglass: We discovered an article that a person with the same name was arrested in the 1990s in Westchester for tearing down political advertisements. It seems the juror was previously accused in a corruption inquiry, got a deferred prosecution deal
Justice Merchan: Did the propaganda ripped down favor one side or the other?
Prosecutor Steinglass: I believe it was to the right.
Trump's lawyer Blanche: We agree we need to inquire.
Justice Merchan: The juror was reluctant to come in. We could excuse them
[Prospective jurors enter]
Justice Merchan: Some of you are about to be selected to be jurors in this case. This is the People of the State of New York versus Donald Trump... The People are represented by District Attorney Alvin Bragg.
Justice Merchan: My role is to help assure a fair trial. I decide questions of law and explain to you, the jury, what the law is. You alone are the judges of the facts. We will not convene on Monday, April 29, we will respect Passover
Justice Merchan: The attorney's have given me names of people who may testify or be mentioned: Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Churcher, Cohen, Kellyanne Conway, Costello, Stormy Daniels... Rudy Giuliani, Hope Hicks... Karen McDouglas, David Pecker, Dan Scavino...
Justice Merchan: If you now feel you cannot be fair, raise your hand. Then I will ask if you are unable to serve for any other reason. 646 [etc]
Press question: has Justice Merchan by saying don't report anything you see about jurors banned reporting hand raising?
Justice Merchan: Those of you in the jury box, please follow the sergeant... While we arrange the seating, counsel, can you please come up one more time?
[Then to prospective jurors]
I will ask you to answer every question orally.
Seat 1, B623. Seat 2 , B502
Seat 1: I worked at the Federal courthouse next door, as a clerk, I discussed with my co-workers and my boss with Mark Pomerantz book [some laughter] I'm not married. I work at a big law firm - do I have to say which one?
Justice Merchan: No
Seat 1: I read as much as I can: NYT, CNN, WSJ. Podcasts, economics related. No friend whose a victim of a crime. I've also worked at the US Attorney's Office
Justice Merchan: Which one?
Seat 1: [Answer voluntarily (?) not reported here]
Seat 1: I've discussed some of the legal merits of this case with many co-workers.
Justice Merchan: Would that impact you?
Seat 1 (sighs) No. I could put it aside. I'd have to work a full day when I'd get out of here. I have attended rallies, the Women's March
Seat 1: I do have to read the news for my job
Justice Merchan: Could you turn away to anything about this case?
Seat 1: Yes. But I was reading about this case on Monday.
Justice Merchan: Thank you.
Seat 2: One of my children works in DC in the office of a Rep
Seat 2: I have three children, I have been a mom for 23 years. I love technology. I don't follow the news. Podcast, all about tech. Scott Galloway podcast. And Julia Louis. I had a speeding ticket but I didn't enjoy that
Seat 2: Question 42? No.
Justice Merchan: Thank you.
Seat 3 (man) I live in Hell's Kitchen, I work in investment banking. I have an MBA in finance. I am married. I do Iive with my wife. Enjoying NYC.
Seat 3: I work in capital markets, I am on Twitter, I follow Truth Social posts of Trump on Twitter. I did lose an uncle to crime [Detail voluntarily omitted]. I might take Tums for acid reflux. I'm agnostic, was Catholic. I do follow Trump on X, reposts from TS
Seat 3: I will give my assurance that if Mr Trump does not give evidence I will not hold it against him.
Justice Merchan: Thanks.
Seat 4: My husband is a former Assistant US Attorney.
Justice Merchan: Which District?
Seat 4: [Answer voluntarily not published here]
Seat 4: I have two kids. I like to play tennis. I read the first 10 pages of "Disloyal" for business reasons... In publishing, back in the day. Question 42? No.
Justice Merchan: Thank you.
Seat 5 (woman) I live in the Village. I am a widow. I have an MBA. I garden
Seat 5: I am an NYT subscriber but mostly for the crossword puzzle. I was mugged but it was a long time ago. I have a cousin in DOJ. There are some lawyers in the family. I have a cousin who went to prison for drug smuggling. I read The Art of the Deal decades ago
Seat 6 (man) West Village. Started at a hedge fund last week. Single, live alone, no children. I like restaurants and bars. I attend galas and charity events that I'm personally organizing. NYT, WSJ, X. No podcasts. I was a victim of an attempted burglary
Seat 6: ... the perpetrator was never bought in. I read The Art of the Deal. 42? No.
Justice Merchan: Thanks.
Seat 7 (man) I live in the West Village. I'm from California. Do I have to name my employer?
Justice Merchan: No.
7: I'm married, 3 kids, my wife teaches
Seat 7: I have a couple of brothers in law who are lawyers. Question 42? No.
Justice Merchan: Thanks.
Seat 8 (Man) I'm originally from Lebanon. I worked for a major firm as a wealth manager. I still work for three former clients, I consult now. I have an MBA.
Seat 8: I meditate every morning. I watch CNBC, BBC. Number 42? No.
Justice Merchan: Thank you.
Seat 9 (man) Good morning. I live in Hell's Kitchen? I'm in law enforcement. 34 years. My current employer is [voluntarily not reported - but laughter
Seat 9: I have season tickets to the New York Rangers. I like to go to Yankee games. Knights of Columbus. I served on a jury in the late 70s, 60 Centre Street, an injury trial. I read the Daily News and the Post. I do not have a smart phone, I use flip phone
Seat 9: Since I use a flip phone, I don't listen to any podcasts. I listen to sports talk radio. 42? No.
Justice Merchan: Thank you, sir. Jurors, we're going to take a short break.
[Jurors leave]
Justice Merchan: The juror we were waiting for earlier has arrived. Counsel, please approach.
[Meanwhile, for those asking, here's the jury questionnaire: the answers to 3A and 3D Justice Merchan has asked the press to not report] nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/pre…
Justice Merchan: How should we handle this juror?
Prosecutor Steinglass: May we approach?
Justice Merchan: Sure.
[After a sidebar]
Justice Merchan: I'm directing that Juror 4 not to come back Monday. Excused.
Trump's lawyer Blanche: Your Honor, it's cold in here, can the heat be turned up?
Justice Merchan: If I tried that, it would probably go up 30 degrees. I'd rather be too cold than sweating.
[Prospective jurors re-enter]
Justice Merchan: We'll continue with Seat 10.
Seat 10 (woman) I live in Gramercy Park, four or five years. I'm from Miami, Florida. Also lived in [information voluntarily not published]. I work for a large media company, large. Before that a big law firm.
Seat 10: I am on the board of the National [ethnicity voluntarily not reported, here] Bar Association.... In [same] I have family, unfortunately, that have been victims of crime. I have never been convicted of a crime. I have allergies- my medication is non drowsy
Seat 10: Number 34, I have opinions but I can put them aside. I have not read the publications in Number 35. I have not read any of the defendant's books. In law school I was asking about political contributions, but I can be fair
Seat 10: Yes for Number 42, I mean no, I can be impartial.
Justice Merchan: Thank you. Next.
Seat 11 (woman) I live in Inwood. I'm from Long Island. I am a paralegal at a major international law firm. I have a BFA. I am married with two adult children.
Seat 11: I've done work with the ASPCA. I've been on three juries - one criminal, one insurance fraud, and an alternate in medical malpractice, it settled. NYT, WSJ, sometimes Washington Post. NPR, BBC. No podcast, nope. I've been mugged, long time ago
Seat 11: My son works as a ratings analyst, I honestly don't know what he does. Question 42, no.
Justice Merchan: Thanks.
Seat 12 (woman) I'm a speech therapist. I'm not married, I do no have any children. I live alone. I was called to jury duty before, in NJ
Seat 12: I listen to podcasts about reality TV. Question 42, no.
Justice Merchan: Thank you.
Seat 13 (man) I live on the Upper East Side. I am self-employed and have one step-son. Tennis, family and food, I work out a lot. World Monuments Fund. WSJ, FT, no pods
Seat 13: I grew up in Nevada, my father was close friends with [well-known politician; is this not to be reported, as identifying?]
Seat 13: No for 32. I read The Art of the Deal. 42, no.
Justice Merchan: Thank you.
Seat 14 (man) I am living in Murray Hill. Born and raised in Ohio. I work in e-commerce. A large [ ]ware company. I am not married. I love the outdoors, animals [he laughs].
Seat 14: Question 42, no.
Justice Merchan: Thanks.
Seat 15 (man) I am a finance professional. I am married, and I am a parent. WSJ, Fox Business. I do not listen to podcasts. I do not listen to talk radio. Question 42, no.
Justice Merchan: Thank you.
Seat 16 (woman) My apartment was robbed one time but that has nothing to do with this. I have a close fried that was convicted... Number 42, no
Justice Merchan: Thanks
Seat 17 (woman) I live on the Upper East Side. I am a physical therapist. I am married, no kids
Seat 17: I enjoy paddleboarding with my husband and our dog. I listen to podcasts about sports. Two brothers in law and three sisters in law who are attorneys. 42, no.
Justice Merchan: Thanks.
Seat 18 (man) I am from Italy, the media pushed an association between Mr. Trump and Silvio Berlusconi.
Justice Merchan: You are excused.
New Seat 18 (woman) I work at an asset manager. I live with my boyfriend, he's self employed. I like to run and eat food.
They're (belatedly) back.
Justice Merchan: Welcome back, jurors. The lawyers will now question you, each side will get about 30 minutes.
Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass: We represent the People of the State of New York. The defendant is Donald Trump
Steinglass: Does anyone feel that the defendant is who is he means we're going to have to prove more than for others? How do you feel, juror?
Prospective juror: I could be objective.
Steinglass: Any you?
Prospective juror: Beyond a reasonable doubt
Steinglass: Does anyone feel that the defendant is who is he means we're going to have to prove more than for others? How do you feel, juror?
Prospective juror: I could be objective.
Steinglass: Any you?
Prospective juror: Beyond a reasonable doubt
Former law clerk: I thought about it over lunch, that I discussed the case with my co-workers, I'm afraid it's going to seep in.
Prosecutor Steinglass: Thank you for being honest... The charged crimes run from 2015 to 2017. You will not learn why it's on trial now
Prosecutor Steinglass: Some of these witnesses have issues - a porn star, Michael Cohen, a tabloid publisher. Several of the witnesses have been given immunity-
Trump lawyer: Objection (softly)
Justice Merchant: Overruled
Prosecutor Steinglass: Juror, you said you met Ms. Necheles - would it impact you?
Prospective juror: No.
Steinglass: Anybody have a problem with relying on context clues? Who has kids?
[Hands go up but these are visual observations of jurors, so...]
Prosecutor Steinglass: Your kid has a chocolate mustache. Did they drink the chocolate milk or was it smeared on that?
Juror whose accent is recognizable but won't be repeated here: It is possible either way. Smearing is possible
Prosecutor Steinglass: B500, can you follow the facts where they go?
B500: Yes.
Steinglass: And you?
Juror: Yes.
Steinglass: 714?
714: No doubts.
Steinglass: Some people have a problem returning a verdict of guilty. Is that you? Look at the defendant.
Prosecutor Steinglass: Could you return a verdict of guilty? B440? B500? B744? B423 - you can do it? Thank you.
Justice Merchan: Counsel?
Trump's lawyer Susan Necheles: Mr. Steinglass said, You can understand witnesses contradicting themselves. But some lie
Necheles: Anyone have a problem understanding that if stories change so much over time, they might be lying - any problem? Some of these witnesses have expressed great dislike for President Trump. Can you evaluate them on that?
Trump's lawyer Necheles: Number 11, you said you have strong opinions about President Trump?
Juror: We have different views.
Necheles: Have you posted about him on social media?
Juror: Yes. If he had a policy I disagreed with, I might post about it.
Trump's lawyer Necheles: Juror 2, 502 - you said [someone you know] works for someone in Congress. Who?
Juror: Hakeem Jeffries.
Necheles: Thank you. B675, hi - do you have strong opinions about President Trump?
Juror: Uh, yes. I agreed with most of his policies
Trump's lawyer Necheles: Has your husband posted about President Trump?
Juror: No. He's not on social media. Or, sorry, he's on Twitter. But I don't think so.
Necheles: Next juror, do you have opinions?
Juror: I saw Marla Maples and he shopping for baby clothes
Trump's lawyer Necheles: 784, do you have strong opinions about President Trump?
784: Fairly neutral.
Necheles: 470, you look like you're cold.
470: I'm freezing.
Necheles: And you?
Juror: As a wannabe hockey player, I still thank you for fixing that Wollman Rink.
Necheles: So do I. 440, do you have strong opinions?
440: As a voter, I feel I should be informed.
Necheles: 500, strong opinions?
500: I don't like his persona.
500: He is just very selfish and very self-serving. That is not appropriate in a public servant. It's not my cup of tea.
Trump's lawyer Necheles: You don't like him, right?
500: Yes.
Necheles: 744?
744: Some policies are good, some are outrageous.
Necheles: 789?
789: Politically, there are things I'm not in favor of.
Necheles: Mr. 496, do you have opinions about President Trump?
496: He was our President, pretty amazing. I started out as an entrepreneur as well, I've made a lot of things happen, like he has
Next juror: I have disagreed with his policies but I feel I could be impartial.
Necheles: What do you think of him?
Juror: Everyone knows who he is. When he was President, everyone was talking about politics. Now not so much, after he's President
Necheles: 742 - any opinion?
742: Some in favor, some against. I find myself to be quite centrist. Sometimes the way he carries himself in public leaves something to be desired... My family comes from totalitarian regimes. Everyone needs a chance.
Trump's lawyer Necheles: Could you return a verdict of not guilty?
Jurors: Absolutely. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Necheles: Thank you.
Justice Merchan: Please step out, jurors. The lawyers will be making some decisions.
Justice Merchan: Any challenges for cause?
Prosecutor Steinglass: Number 1. She said she has heard so much about the case she could not be fair.
Judge Merchan: Defense?
Trump's lawyer Necheles: Number 4. She stayed at my house 15 years ago. She said she would talk
Trump's lawyer Necheles: Her husband has written about and again our client.
Judge Merchan: Was that a book?
Trump's lawyer Necheles: No, a review.
Judge Merchan: Of what?
Necheles: Maggie Haberman's book. And I haven't seen them in years.
Justice Merchan: Tell you how you know Ms. Necheles
Juror: We stayed at her home 15 years ago.
Justice Merchan: And you husband?
Juror: He is general counsel at a company. He does book reviews. So he must have said something, he reviewed Maggie Haberman's book
Trump's lawyer Necheles: I've never seen a juror who knew one of the lawyer on the case not dismissed.
Justice Merchan: That's not grounds. Your challenge for cause is denied.
Necheles: We also seek to remove Seat 11.
Justice Merchan: We're only doing 1-7
Justice Merchan: Defense, any peremptories?
Trump's lawyer Necheles: Seat 4 & 680
Justice Merchan: So Seat 3 becomes Juror Number 2 And Seat 7 becomes Juror Number 4. Defense, any for cause on 8 on?
Necheles: Look at these vitriolic posts. She said racist sexist
Trump's lawyer Necheles: She wrote, I wouldn't believe Trump if his tongue was notarized.
Justice Merchan: These are posts from 2016... This one from 2021 refers to "Trump's mob."
Necheles: In 2016, she posted that Trump is a racist, sexist narcissist.
Prosecutor Steinglass: The juror on Tuesday said Trump should be locked up. This juror has mellowed. Let's bring her in.
Justice Merchan: Bring in Juror 430... Do you recognize these?
430: Stop the racist sexist - oops, that sounds bad. I was a Sanders supporter
430: I was in a disturbed frame of mind
Justice Merchan: Second post.
430 (sighs) Ah, gosh... They are very negative posts. But electoral politics can get pretty spicy. And President Trump can get pretty spicy too. At my core I believe in fair trials
Trump's lawyer Necheles: This trial is about that same time period, 2016... Have you changed your views?
430: Yes I have changed. I would withdraw the term racist. There are behaviors of Mr. Trump toward woman I don't agree with. But that's not this case
Trump's lawyer Necheles: You wrote that he is a liar.
430: I don't think he would lie in a courtroom.
Justice Merchan: You may step out.
Prosecutor Steinglass: Her statements speak for themselves.
Justice Merchan: It's a close case, but I yes, out for cause
Justice Merchan: The defense has one peremptory.
Trump's lawyer Necheles: Seat 10, 742.
Justice Merchan: So 8 here becomes Seat 8 (on the jury), and Seat 12 becomes 9.
Prosecutor Steinglass: We have used 8 peremptories. We're going to strike 13, 496 and 15, 744.
Justice Merchan: Seat 14 here becomes Seat 10.
Trump's lawyer Necheles: We move to strike the juror who said she doesn't like President Trump's persona.
Prosecutor Steinglass: That not enough for cause. It's only persona.
Justice Merchan: I deny for-cause
Trump's lawyer Necheles: These are preconceived notions -
Justice Merchan: I deny your challenge for cause. Seat 16 here becomes 11, and we also fill 12. Let's move to alternates. Seat 18 here becomes Alternate 1. Bring the jurors back in. We'll sit them today
Justice Merchan: Jurors, you will be called for your permanent seat on the jury for the trial.
Clerk: Seat 2 - B565. Seat 4 is 470. Juror 8 is 369. Juror 9 is B423. Juror 10 is B789. Juror 11 is B500. Juror 12 is 440. And Alternate 1 is 714.
[They are sworn]
Justice Merchan: Ladies and gentlemen, we still have to select all 6 alternates. But I am hopeful we will have opening statements on Monday morning, and I asked that you come back then.
[Jurors file out]
Justice Merchan: Those who are left
Seat 16, B596. Seat 17 B588. Seat 18, B651. Seat 19, B468. Seat 20, B620. Seat 21, B662. And Seat 22, B763.
Justice Merchan: We'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night.
[Prospective jurors leave]
Prosecutor Steinglass: Was you going to break early on Monday and Tuesday, to accommodate counsel's religious observance.
Trump's lawyer Blanche: Tuesday is a religious holiday all day.
Justice Merchan: It's not a court holiday. We'll work to 2 pm.
Prosecutor Steinglass: Mr. Trump has been tweeting about the witnesses. We are not going to disclose who they are in advance -
Trump's lawyer Blanche: What if we commit President Trump won't tweet about them?
Justice Merchan: I don't think you can commit to that.
OK - Now Luigi Mangione NYS criminal case, packed courtroom, his lawyer Karen Friedman Agnifilo waiting at defense table. Inner City Press wrote the book, Lone Wolf and will live tweet, thread belowbooks.google.com/books/about/Lu…
2:12 pm, the prosecutors march in, some at the front table, some in front row. Luigi Mangione has not yet been brought out from the holding cell
2:21 pm Come to order!
Justice Gregory Carro takes the bench.
2:24 pm Luigi Mangione is brought in, green sweater and bullet proof vest, shackled.
Friedman Agnifilo: Please allow him to be unshackled.
OK - now US v. Eric Adams hearing on DOJ bid to dismiss without prejudice - Inner City Press wrote the Sovereign District? book and will live tweet, thread belowamazon.com/dp/B0DXGMKN49
All rise!
Good afternoon, Emil Bove for the Government.
Alex Spiro for Mayor Adams.
Judge Ho: Thank you for coming in on such short notice. On Feb 14 the Government filed a motion to dismiss the charges without prejudice. I have a few questions...
Judge Ho: I want to proceed carefully. I need your assistance, this is an unusual situation. Let's bring the motion to dismiss up on the screen. I want to ask about Paragraph 2, the written consent. Mayor Adams, I have to ask you a few questions...
OK - now at Treasury Dep't data access preliminary injunction hearing at SDNY after NYS AG Tish James spoke outside, including on Eric Adams (City of Maybe book:
Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below amazon.com/dp/B0DPCKZYSW
All rise!
Judge Jeannette A. Vargas: We are here on the preliminary injunction request. I have accepted three amicus briefs, including by the State of Iowa and 19 other states in support of the defendants. Any evidentiary objections?
No. No.
Judge: Let's begin with standing.
NYS lawyer Andrew Amer: Blocking funding on ideological grounds confers Article III standing. There is also PII, personally identifying information, access by DOGE. It's all part of a single plan.
Judge: Has there been disclosure?
All rise!
Judge Lewis J. Liman: I have consolidated the cases. I'd like to hear from the Lively parties first, then the Wayfarer / Baldoni parties. I'd like to hear the information I'll need to manage this case, discovery information required, and legal issues
Lively's lawyer from Willkie Farr firm: Our plan at Docket 49 is not longer feasible. Counsel for Wayfarer did not tell us they planned to file an amended complaint, including a 168 page compendium [full of text messages]. There is authority to deconsolidate cases
OK- now at case against crypto firm Binance, CZ, Syria and Iran by victIms of Oct 7 attack. The UN has been similarly sued here @SDNYLIVE but claims total immunity. Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below
Binance lawyer [from Cahill Gordon] We are accused of non-feasance, failures to prevent money laundering and to file SARS. Such cases are routinely dismissed-
Judge: Not recently.
Judge: Secondary liability for aiding and abetting is hard to dismiss.
Binance lawyer: Crypto is used by 100 million people. It is not inherently dangerous.
OK - now the Bob Menendez bribe-taking sentencing, after bribe-givers Fred Daibes got 8 years and Wael Hana 97 months. US wants 15 years on Gold Bar Bob. Inner City Press wrote the book amazon.com/Gold-Bar-Bob-M… & will live tweet, thread below x.com/innercitypress…
All rise!
Judge Stein: I have the sentencing memo and many letters in support of Senator Menendez. The Probation Department puts the sentencing guideline at 292 to 365 months; they recommend 144 months.
AUSA Paul Monteleoni: We have a correction to the Pre-Sentencing Report, as to the gold bar.
Judge Stein: I will insert that Nadine Menendez worked through a jeweler in New Jersey to sell some of the gold in New York. Other than that, I adopt the findings of fact.