🟣The Gateway Experience: How the CIA and US Military Explore Human Consciousness.
Part I: Background.
You'll want to read and share this thread. Every single human being on this earth can do what is discussed here.
*Disclaimer: The information in this thread is BEGINNER level. I am WELL aware of the level of information available and its applications. Only some things will be covered here; don't assume I am unaware of it if it isn't.
The Gateway Experience was a series of recordings created by Robert Monroe. They were used to train human consciousness to do things we have all been told are impossible. We will discuss the program in detail in the subsequent parts. For now, many need the basics of *how.*
1. What is consciousness?
You actually can’t find a real explanation or definition. You could read for thousands of hours all different theories, and truthfully, at the end of the day, science doesn’t know. Philosophers ponder, psychiatrists meander, and anesthesiologists are particularly keen on understanding it but don’t. You cannot go inside the human brain and point to a place where “consciousness” happens.
You cannot find a series of brain systems responsible for producing emotions or feelings. Yet, our consciousness is the most powerful thing on the planet. It’s essential because our consciousness shapes our entire reality. No one can explain it definitively. We are precisely where we were hundreds and thousands of years ago, although one group is studying it more and more.
2. Who is studying human consciousness right now?
In short, almost everyone - but more specifically, neuroscientists and psychologists. Philosophers and biologists. Quantum mechanics and Quantum theory. Physicists.
Almost every discipline is finally starting to try to figure out what really makes humans human.
I don't think they ever will.
Here are several links to articles. I endorse no opinion in them, and like a specific body part, everyone has one.
1. Understanding Consciousness Is Key to Unlocking Secrets of the Universe | Scientific American:
2. How Philosophers and Neuroscientists Define 'What is Consciousness?' | Psychology Today
3. New Research on Consciousness | Psychology Today
4. The mystery of human consciousness: How much do we know?
Ok, so we all have consciousness - but how powerful is it? When researching all of this (as a hobby) over the past number of years, the thing I always pondered was something called the Observer Effect. It's falls within Quantum Mechanics. scienceabc.com/pure-sciences/…
Basically, the Observer Effect means that certain particles only when observed by humans, will change how they act. From the link above:
"When you observe something in the world—a tree, a bird or anything else—you know that regardless of where and when you observe the object, it will always remain the same. However, what if I told you that the time and manner you looked at a particular bird would affect its appearance? It sounds quite absurd, but absurdity is normal when it comes to the bizarre laws of the quantum realm. The laws of quantum mechanics work very differently than the physics of the regular-sized world."
Observation affects Reality. YES. You read that correctly. Particles act differently depending on the OBSERVATION of them. Let it sink in for a second. There is a lot to learn here.
At its core, literally every single thing is energy. The particles in the desk you are sitting at are energy – the lamp on it is energy, and the door frame is energy. Your body is energy. Every heartbeat, thought, breath, and movement is energy.
Your cells? Full of energy. Your words? Immense energy. No, this isn’t “woo-woo” its science. Place all of your preconceived notions aside for this exercise. You’ll need to understand how this works. Here is a short video to help.
(LINK: )
If everything in the universe we could observe is directly affected by that observation, how powerful are we, really? What could we do with the concept to change the world around us in beneficial ways? Why is discussing this considered "crazy?"
3. What is sound?
Let’s move past the absolutely insane world of quantum mechanics, physics, and theory to another more tangible concept. Sound. What is sound?
Sound is energy, like most everything else in the universe. Sound moves at certain frequencies in certain wave patterns, and then the human ear perceives those wave patterns and your consciousness, body, and physiology react to those wavelengths. Another video.
(LINK: )
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration - Nikola Tesla
I've played this on the show before but check out this fascinating video to observe how sound impacts matter.
(LINK: )
Sound is critical to the life of many species on the planet and can significantly affect them, including humans.
Different species can pick up frequencies of sound. Sound affects all matter when sound waves interact with the matter, similar to human observation.
There is an entire rabbit hole when it comes to sound; obviously, some sound waves and frequencies are more pleasing to the human than others.
For example, decades ago, in the 1940s, it was decided to change the tuning of “A4” to 440hz rather than 432hz, an action some say negatively affected human beings all over the planet.
We are getting deep here, but essentially, tuning to 432hz (or the frequency at which the wave travels) eliminates the decimals and lets each note land on a nice even integer – whereas, at 440, 441, or even 444hz, humans will innately perceive discord with the frequency because of the lack of integer roundness in hz.
Stick with me.
Is it true? You can read here for some basics, and I do not endorse any conclusion.
Tuning Standards Explained: Differences between 432 Hz vs 440 Hz
Well, science has studied the importance of sound in many different aspects. So have police forces and governments. Here is where we start to understand the importance of sound for the topic we are discussing. Many countries use sound as a weapon.
Many countries also use energy as a weapon. There are hundreds of studies of the effects of sound on the human body, and sound is also used for healing. Funny, the stories about sound as a healing modality are usually dismissed as woo-woo or “new age,” yet the stories about sound as a weapon are just accepted as fact. It's interesting how that works.
We make sounds every single day with our voices and bodies. The body is comprised of an average of 60-75% water. Water is greatly affected by sound. For examples of this, you can look at the (what some consider) controversial experiments of Dr. Masaru Emoto, who studied not only the impact of sound on freezing water, but also the impact of human consciousness on freezing water.
Dr. Emoto has been criticized for his work and experiments, but I believe they are true after my research. Human consciousness and the energy behind it has a direct effect on water.
Note: I have been studying all of this for a long time, and the sound portion of this could go MUCH further in-depth, so if you wish to see that, please let me know in the comments below.
So, now that we have the importance of both sound and consciousness on a fundamental level let's move on to our next section. Entire online music libraries are available that broadcast in different wavelengths. They aim to help all sorts of health conditions and mental congruency.
I can attest to using sound and music tuned to different frequencies often. It is how I came to find binaural beats many years ago.
4. What are binaural beats?
Stop for a second and think about the absolute marvel and magnificence of God’s creation, and then stop wondering why human scientists cannot figure it out. Here are how binaural beats work. Different tones are played in each ear. Your brain interprets the difference in the frequency of those tones as its own “beat” with a different frequency. The frequency is the difference between the frequency of the tone played in each ear.
So, for example, if you listen to a 440 Hz tone with your left ear and a 450 Hz tone with your right ear, your brain would create another "beat" or a 10 Hz tone.
There is a lot of science behind this, again, more I can get into further, but your brain creates waves constantly – when you are awake, sleeping, praying, meditating – each of these states of consciousness creates its own corresponding waves.
Listening to binaural beats causes your brain to synchronize to certain wave states, depending on what kind of binaural beats you are listening to. As discussed with consciousness, science still needs to figure out how to measure everything your brain does at any given time. With the advent of MRI, they have gotten closer, but here is a basic rundown (See Next)
Alpha Brainwaves: You are relaxed - reduces nervousness and anxious thoughts, boosts creative thinking, and helps artists and athletes reach that in-the-zone state.
Beta Brainwaves: (How we spend most of the day) Increased alertness, improved focus, concentration, quick thinking ability, improvements in problem solving, self confidence...
Gamma Brainwaves: Improvements in memory and processing information, accurate perception of reality, compassion, positive thinking, high focus and high energy levels, reduction of depression.
Delta Brainwaves: Seen in deep sleep, improves memory performance, induces a deep state of relaxation, promotes the release of HGJH.
And THETA waves... Very, very important as well.
After looking at these explanations, you can combine two and two to see why binaural beats are so powerful..
You can go online right now and search for binaural beats, and since the phenomenon was discovered, there have been many advancements in how sound can be used for brain entrainment. It’s an entire industry. I’ve done it. I do it very often. It works.
Now that we have this BASIC foundation, we can explore more. Robert Monroe revolutionized this technology to synchronize the hemispheres of the human brain, coining the term "hemi-sync." When the brain is working in this way, some AMAZING things happen.
Tomorrow, we will delve more into who Robert Monroe was, the beginnings of his work, and his own personal experiences. It gets really interesting from here but read and share this thread for now! Trust me, it's a topic worth exploring.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Purpose. American life expectancy significantly lags behind other developed countries, with pre‑COVID-19 United States life expectancy averaging 78.8 years and comparable countries averaging 82.6 years. This equates to 1.25 billion fewer life years for the United States population. Six in 10 Americans have at least one chronic disease, and four in 10 have two or more chronic diseases. An estimated one in five United States adults lives with a mental illness.
These realities become even more painful when contrasted with nations around the globe. Across 204 countries and territories, the United States had the highest age-standardized incidence rate of cancer in 2021, nearly double the next-highest rate. Further, from 1990-2021, the United States experienced an 88 percent increase in cancer, the largest percentage increase of any country evaluated. In 2021, asthma was more than twice as common in the United States than most of Europe, Asia, or Africa. Autism spectrum disorders had the highest prevalence in high-income countries, including the United States, in 2021. Similarly, autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, and multiple sclerosis are more commonly diagnosed in high-income areas such as Europe and North America. Overall, the global comparison data demonstrates that the health of Americans is on an alarming trajectory that requires immediate action.
This concern applies urgently to America’s children. In 2022, an estimated 30 million children (40.7 percent) had at least one health condition, such as allergies, asthma, or an autoimmune disease. Autism spectrum disorder now affects 1 in 36 children in the United States — a staggering increase from rates of 1 to 4 out of 10,000 children identified with the condition during the 1980s. Eighteen percent of late adolescents and young adults have fatty liver disease, close to 30 percent of adolescents are prediabetic, and more than 40 percent of adolescents are overweight or obese.
In 2022, 22-year-old Devin Perkins was on his way home from a night out with his girlfriend and 2 other friends. A drunk driver was driving the wrong way on SR44 and plowed into them head-on, killing all but Devin... Devin was just convicted for their deaths.
On December 11, 2022 police begin getting calls about a wrong way driver on SR44.
They would receive 2 calls about Tom Petry driving the Tacoma the wrong way before the crash.
After driving the wrong way for 8 miles, the Tacoma strikes Devin's car, killing his passengers instantly. Devin sustains major injuries. The driver of the Tacoma, Tom Petry, flees the scene.
🚨📢There has been a lot of talk lately about childhood vaccines and autism. Few organizations have done more work in this space than @ICANdecide, so let's bring it back to basics that everyone can agree on. Can the @CDCgov say that they DO NOT cause Autism? The answer is NO.
In 2019, ICAN submitted a FOIA to the CDC looking for all of the studies they had relied upon to come to the conclusion that the DTaP vaccine does NOT cause autism, as they claimed on their website.
They did the same thing for other vaccines - HepB, Hib, PCV13, and IPV -- and also asked for proof that the cumulative exposure to these shots during the first 6 months of life DO NOT CAUSE autism, as the CDC claims boldly on their website.
🚨🚨BREAKING: In a huge win for freedom of speech, Judge in Missouri v. Biden rules case to continue with more limited discovery. THREAD:
First a summary of where we are: After the SCOTUS remanded the case back to the district court for further proceedings, the judge asked the parties to brief him on whether the case should continue given the standing requirement leveled by SCOTUS.
I would also like to bring attention to his choice of words here, because, talk about a bit of a troll -- "burdened by what has been..."
🧵🚨Suddenly, the owner of the Washington Post, Jeff Bezos, acknowledges that the American people don't trust the media. But don't get it twisted. He isn't worried that the media isn't telling the American people the truth. (Read More)
He isn't worried that it has become a propaganda arm of the US intelligence apparatus. He isn't troubled that the media legitimately lies to the people over and over and over again—he is troubled that the people are getting their information from outside sources that are not those things. You need to look no further than the last two paragraphs of the piece he just published in his own paper to see it.
Oh, Jeff. Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. Where to begin? Here's the deal—the reason the Washington Post has lost its chutzpah is a function of those things. It is because, for years, you have acted as an ideological propaganda rag and a tool of the now familiar "deep state" in this country. Your "newspaper" lacks total credibility and has no customers because of the podcasts you chide in your piece as disinformation.
🧵A small-town Kentucky sheriff shot a judge inside of his chambers last Thursday. It seemed like an absolutely crazy act of random violence, but there seems to be more going on here. cnn.com/2024/09/20/us/…
The sheriff in question (Shawn "Mickey" Stines) wasn't only the towns sheriff, but also served as the judges bailiff for years before being elected.
Stines was named in a lawsuit filed against another deputy named Ben Fields. Sabrina Adkins (the other Plaintiff passed away) alleges that when Fields was assigned as her home incarceration supervisor, he extorted her for sexual favors.