▪️111,816 children (aged 3-17 yrs) were estimated to be suffering from Long Covid during the 4 week period ending 7 Mar 2024 (England & Scotland).
▪️Over 20,000 of these kids with Long Covid reported that their ability to undertake day-to-day activities had been limited A LOT.
Worryingly, the data suggests that the number of children with Long Covid is steadily increasing with each passing month…
…from 84k in December 2023 to over 111k in March 2024!
It’s risen by A THIRD in just 3 months.
Frustratingly, the data on duration of Long Covid symptoms is not broken down by age within the raw data, so we only have an overall aggregated view across all ages…
One thing jumps out at me from this chart is:
➡️ 30% of people with Long Covid have been suffering for LESS than a year.
In other words, these are NEW cases that have arisen since the last ONS Long Covid report in March 2023.
In fact, prevalence of Long Covid in children is now significantly higher than a year ago, in March 2023, when it was last reported.
At that time, 62,000 children were suffering from Long Covid…
… and that was UK-wide data whereas today’s new figures are for 🏴 & 🏴 only.
The aspect I’m most concerned about is the long-term damage which Covid can cause to the brain.
We now know that Covid infection can lead to a plethora of new neurological symptoms, including confusion, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, depression & anxiety.
Another useful insight from the ONS data is prevalence of various symptoms amongst children who tested positive.
The most common symptoms for those with Covid were:
▪️runny nose: 82%
▪️cough: 71%
Fever was far less common, reported in just 25% of children who tested positive.
And yet, the government’s latest attendance drive actively encourages parents to send sick children to school, unless they have a fever.
But, as the ONS data clearly shows, around 75% of children who are infectious with Covid will NOT have a fever!
And, of course, parents are told NOT to test their kids for Covid, so they’ll just send them to school with their Covid symptoms so they can merrily infect all their classmates.
I don’t blame the parents though - this is the official government guidance!
This government guidance is so irresponsible and, frankly, dangerous.
What if there’s a clinically vulnerable child (like my son) in the class?
A runny nose for one kid may mean a lengthy hospital stay for another kid.
It’s little wonder so many parents are furious about this ‘insulting’ and ‘dangerous’ attendance campaign which encourages parents to send sick children to school, as covered here in iNews by @AasmaDay.
And then there’s the fact that the Covid infections themselves can create lasting differences in some people's immune systems which leaves them more susceptible to other diseases like RSV.
This may well be part of the reason we’re seeing a rapid rise in so many other illnesses.
It’s little wonder that pupil absences due to illness remain so stubbornly high!
Since the start of this academic year:
▪️overall absence: 7%
(vs 4.9% in pre-pandemic 2018/19)
▪️illness absence: 3.7%
(vs 2.5% in 2018/19)
➡️ 53% of all absences are due to ILLNESS!
And no, this is absolutely NOT normal.
Pre-pandemic, the average illness absence rate was about 2.5%.
Across the 2022/23 academic year, the illness absence rate was 3.7%.
That’s nearly 50% higher than pre-pandemic!
…and so far this academic year, it’s STILL at 3.7%.
If the government is serious about wanting to address the school attendance crisis, then they need to be looking at ways to reduce the spread of illness in schools.
And that means telling sick kids to stay home and also improving VENTILATION & AIR FILTRATION in classrooms.
Newly-appointed Health Minister @AshleyDalton_MP has just responded to a question from MP @_Chris_Coghlan.
Chris asks when the NHS IPC manual will be updated to reflect the latest science on AIRBORNE transmission.
Let’s take a closer look at Ashley’s reply…
The key bit is highlighted in yellow here:
“Should new evidence emerge that warrants updates, the guidance will be reviewed & revised accordingly by NHS England & UKHSA to ensure the highest standards of infection prevention & control are maintained across healthcare settings.”
Well @AshleyDalton_MP, new evidence HAS emerged.
It’s not even new news as we’ve known about it since 2020!
There’s not a single credible scientist who still denies that Covid is transmitted via the AIRBORNE route.
Please listen to independent expert witness Prof Beggs here ⬇️
I’ve been reflecting on this letter from Minister @GwynneMP ⬇️
The letter which says the government supports Dr Lisa Ritchie’s view that “Covid is not predominantly transmitted through the airborne route”.
I suspect there may be a little more to it than meets the eye… 🧐
You see, here’s the thing:
Letters like that don’t get written in a vacuum.
Letters like that are usually drafted on behalf of Ministers by a civil servant who has expertise in the subject matter.
So I’m left wondering: who drafted it?
Who is advising Mr Gwynne?
Dr Ritchie’s testimony at the Covid Inquiry has been widely criticised as her views conflicted so starkly with scientific evidence presented by independent experts like Prof Beggs.
So it seems odd that the letter is written in a way which so emphatically supports her stance.
In this video, I’ve compiled crucial evidence from expert witness Prof Clive Beggs where he confirms:
🔎 Covid is airborne
🔎 Covid is predominantly spread via airborne aerosols (not droplets)
🔎 Breathing & talking generate significant amounts of aerosols.
Here’s a little more detail from Prof Beggs’ testimony where he again confirms that the BULK of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is carried in the small airborne aerosols, NOT in the larger droplets which rapidly fall to the ground.
This is CRUCIAL for infection control purposes.
@CliveBeggs The role of those in charge of infection control in hospitals is to “translate scientific evidence […] into practical IPC guidelines”.
The scientific evidence is clear that Covid is AIRBORNE…
…so why does the IPC guidance STILL not protect against airborne transmission?
As Module 4 of the @CovidInquiryUK begins, attention turns to the Covid vaccines…
And it just happens that UKHSA’s annual accounts for 2023/24 have recently been published, revealing that a staggering £1.09 BILLION were wasted on unused vaccines during 2023/24.
For me, one of the most shocking things was in Autumn 2023, when the govt bought enough vax doses for ALL over-50s…
…but then decided to restrict eligibility, denying millions of people under the age of 65 the chance to be protected.
The Covid Inquiry module which specifically investigated the impact of Covid on healthcare systems ended just before Christmas and some very clear recommendations emerged…
WHY on earth have these not been made the absolute top priority and implemented?
For further details on the flawed chain of decisions which led to the utterly inadequate infection control guidance we have in hospitals today, please have a read of my thread below where I walk you through the key evidence which emerged from module 3 of the Covid Inquiry ⬇️