Why are things so bad? And why will they continue to grow worse? The Enlightenment. Also known—or, rather, as it should be known—as The Great Corruption.
Things are bad because we all believe the Enlightenment’s foundational axioms, all of which are false. But all of which drive much of our behavior and our thoughts.
David Stove: “It was always obvious enough what the main axioms of the Enlightenment were. They were secularism, egalitarianism, and the utilitarian axiom, that the test of morality is the greatest happiness of the greatest number.” From his book On Enlightenment.
I think it is different than the Assemblies [note the plural] of Yahweh (who are bigger). They are the Assembly [no plural] of Yahweh. There do seem to be many overlaps in beliefs, though.
You can't get in their church without a background check:
About the Contest, Jim Franklin said, "In [Stove’s] marking scheme, half the marks went to the degree of badness of the argument, half to the degree of its endorsement by philosophers. Thus an argument was sought that was both very bad, and very prevalent."
The Argument next.
We can know things only
* as they are related to us
* [or] under our forms of perception and understanding
* [or] insofar as they fall under our conceptual schemes,
North Carolina tried to shut up a man named Nutt who was criticizing flaws in public works - using math.
Nutt didn't have an Expert "license", so the state threatened to arrest him.
Now Nutt was a trained engineer, but without the blessing.
After he retired, among other things, he "testified about an error he discovered in a development plan's calculation of the capacity of a stormwater detention pond."
He testified that the state's stormwater system was "negligently designed". Etc.
The state countered "his testimony about the fluid-flow capacity of the diverter would constitute the unauthorized practice of engineering under the relevant statutory authority."
At bottom are links to my blog and SS for the FULL analysis.
I took the data as is. If it's a fraud, or incomplete, so is my analysis.
Thread only highlights the place where there might be a signal, but which is also being misinterpreted.
There is no control group. This data only has people who got at least one shot. Ascribing causation or its strength is not possible. But there might be hints.
Here is a histogram of the number of days until death after getting just 1 shot, just 2, and so on, for those who died.
In other words, for those who only got 1 shot, and no more, count the number of days until death. Then plot a histogram of days until death of all such people. Then do the same for those who got just 2 shots, and so on.