Here's why I think there should always be a by-election when an MP defects, like Dan Poulter did.
1. MPs (except independents) stand on a party manifesto. Those are the policies the constituency electorate voted for. Now, without a vote, the MP's policies have changed.
2. Research shows 75% of people can't name their local MP. Tragic, but true. So quite clearly they are voting for a party, not a person. It doesn't matter what the official version of events is: voting for a party is self evidently the reality.
3. "The people voted for a party, not a person" was the excuse for not holding a general election when PM changed between elections (see the last 4 PMs). Can't have it both ways! So: by-election for Poulter, or give us the GE we should have had when you changed to Sunak
4. Thought experiment: imagine the riots if 400 UKIP MPs had been elected, and then every one of them detected to LibDems and voted in parliament to stay in the EU. I know: crazily extreme example. But it demonstrates my point.
5. I know that technically we elect a person, not a party. But in the real-world, we DEFINITELY elect a party. If it wasn't so, your voting slip wouldn't say "Ronald Plank, (Conservative)". And it does.
This isn't a party political argument. It's not targeting Tories or Labour. I just think it's bad for democracy that this shit happens, and we all pretend the views of voters are still being reflected. It reduces trust in the system at a time when it's already at rock bottom.
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Illegally proroguing parliament
Lying to the Quern
Unlawful PPE contracts
Dominic Raab
Chris Williamson
Dominic Cummings
Mark Menzies
William Wragg
Owen Paterson
Chris Pincher
Scott Benton
Tripling tuition fees
Tripling national debt
Trillions of gallons of raw sewage in our rivers
Banning onshore wind
Hundreds of scandals involving party donations
Lee Anderson
Frank Hester
Priti Patel's secret meetings with Israeli security services
Suella Braverman hate marches
Andrew Bridgen holocaust claims
Matt Hancock in the jungle
David Warburton's coke habit
Liz Truss ... everything
Michelle Mone
Robert Jenrick cash for favours
Sunak's tax arrangements
Zahawi's tax arrangements
Priti Patel bullying
In my book The Decade In Tory I recount reports of Mark Menzies hiring a Brazilian sex worker, showing him around the palace of Westminster, and asking him to buy them amphetamines.
... been accused of getting a dog drunk, then engaging in a massive street brawl. He wasn't charged cos he persuaded police he hadn't fed the dog alcohol - he'd just stood by and taken photos. So that's ok then.
My point is: this guy's behaviour is not new. He's been a ...
... human hand grenade for a decade, and the press knew it, the police, his constituency party and Tory HQ. And they've known about this latest seedy little episode for 3 months too.
And yet throughout all this, he kept being selected to stand. Constantly. For a decade...
A step-by-step guide to why saying "I want my country back" is inherently racist, sexist and homophobic.
1. Logically, "back" means there was an earlier time when the country was "ours"
2. The same people wanted it "back" from the EU in 2016 too, and won. Well done you!
3. So logically, the latest demand for "our" country "back" cannot mean "back from the EU". We've already left. So it must, logically, mean back from a time BEFORE we joined the EU. And that means going back to some time before 1973. So ... when?
3. Before 1973, 80% of white Britons regularly used racist terms. Now it is below 20%. So going "back" there means an increase in racism.
4. Before 1973, the gender pay gap was 27% higher than it is now. So going "back" there means worse conditions for women.
A friend lost her job before Xmas. She has no car - never needed one before. But now she does, cos there are no jobs nearby.
She just landed a job. In a car, it's 12 mins away. By public transport, almost 3 hours.
Cos (obviously, in a major economy!) there's no direct bus or train between 2 large neighbouring market towns in Cheshire. So she has to take 3 buses to another town, 20+ miles away, and then back again. Twice a day.
But she can't refuse the job, or she gets no benefits. And ...
... obviously the public transport is vastly expensive, even more so because she's needlessly traveling 40+ miles rather than 8. And our cheaper, efficient, private transport system is 5x more costly as a % of income than nationalised transport in France or Spain.
1. Let’s start with Jeremy Hunt’s budget, which had 4 requirements:
- Make us forget Liz Truss's unfunded £45bn borrowing
- Differentiate Tories from Labour
- Please voters
- And unite the party
2. So Hunt, one of the very best they've got:
- Promised £46bn of unfunded tax cuts
- Stole a major Labour policy
- Annoyed twice as many voters as he pleased
- And then Lee Anderthal defected to Reform
Haven't got time for a full #TheWeekInTory right now, but here's what's happened so far TODAY
1. Scott Benton, who looks like The Mormons have brought out a line in plastic MAGA backroom sociopaths, offered to ask parliamentary questions and leak restricted documents for £4000
2. When found out, he burst without warning into a spasm of auto-parodic genius, claiming the fact he'd offered to leak reports should be overlooked, cos the report into his leaking was leaked
3. He said he'd be appealing. But honestly, he really, really isn't
4. So today his appeal was rejected, and Tories will face yet another electoral drubbing incident
5. Meanwhile Benton's fellow right-winger are predicting Tories face a "Canada 93" election, which resulted in Canadian Conservatives ending up with just one MP. It won't be Benton