I heard a theory today that US polls are being artificially skewed on both sides.
GOP pollsters are inflating their numbers to justify Trump's inevitable "stolen election" claims if he loses.
Dems are deflating their numbers to ...
... avoid any complacency among their voters, by making them think it's closer than it actually is.
The "evidence" for this is that the polls are weirdly similar. You'd normally expect at least a few outlying polls showing a clear lead for one side or another. But they're all...
Oct 28, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Sutton Trust says 43% of journalists in UK news media were privately educated.
We're all talking about VAT on private education because too many people determining our news agenda have a skewed view of privilege.
This doesn't affect 93% of us. Talk about OUR schools.🧵
70% of schools in England have less funding in real terms than in 2010.
Talk about that.
Subjects have been cut, support staff are being let go, and school facilities are crumbling.
Talk about that.
Sep 17, 2024 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
It is reported that before 7 Oct 2023, 85% of Hamas fighters were orphans whose parents had been killed by the IDF.
Israel has since created over 17,000 new orphans.
No matter what your opinion on Gaza, no matter what "side" you take, Israeli actions will never bring peace.
All wars end with talking, or with surrender. There's no third option.
Most end with negotiation. The Nazis and Japan surrendered, but only due to overwhelming global opposition and [the threat of] total military defeat.
That doesn't apply to Gaza or Israel, and never will.
Aug 5, 2024 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
FAR RIGHT: The Southport attack was definitely done by Ali al Shakati
NORMALS: Ali al Shakati means "I have to go to my apartment"
FR: OK, maybe he wasn't called that, but he definitely arrived on a boat last year
N. Nope, he was born in Cardiff
FR: But he's definitely a Muslim!
N: Nope, he is literally a choirboy in his local Christian Church
FR: Mainstream media is trying to make us sympathise with him by only showing photos of him as a child
N: Maybe that's because he IS a child.
Jul 19, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Starmer reversing Brexit? Really?
This is the referendum question, the only thing there was a mandate for.
Anything else you THINK you voted for is only in your imagination.
Starmer is not rejoining. That's just a fact. So no, he's not reversing Brexit.
"Ah but EEA or Norway is a betrayal".
Here's Nigel Farage proposing EEA or Norway as a solution.
Jul 5, 2024 • 8 tweets • 1 min read
My favourite Tory defeats so far:
Michael Fabricant, the larval form of David Dickinson
Jacob Rees-Mogg, a haunted dildo with the moral depth of a graphene scorpion
Penny Mordaunt off Battlestar Galactica, who now has to return to her day job of Not Being In The Royal Navy
Simon Clarke, a mouse fart made flesh
Therese Coffey, a repellent, yellow-fingered Uncle Fester impersonator
Johnny Mercer, oozing the confidence of a man who hasn't yet realised nobody likes things that ooze
Jul 2, 2024 • 36 tweets • 6 min read
The latest reminder of what's gone before #14YearsInTory
This thread has 84 points and covers 2018
1. Chris Grayling was made Tory Party Chairman for as long as they could trust him not to screw up
2. It turns out this was 27 seconds – his appointment was cancelled half a minute after being announced on Twitter
Jul 2, 2024 • 38 tweets • 7 min read
As we enter the final week of the election, I’m dong #14YearsInTory, with a thread for every year
This is what they did in 2017.
If you care, all of this (and lots more) is covered and fully referenced in The Decade In Tory (by me), with more jokes etc.
100 points thread 👇
1. The Tories began 2017 by announcing 200,000 new homes
2. They’d also announced 200,000 new homes in 2010, 2011, twice in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015
3. They skipped promising it in 2016 to have a referendum
4. Didn't matter: none of the homes had ever been built
Jul 1, 2024 • 26 tweets • 5 min read
As we approach the End of an Error (hey, that's a good name for a book!) I'm doing #14YearsInTory
There will be a long thread for every year they've been in office, with 2016 split in two.
This is part 2 of 2016, picking up immediately after the referendum.
1. The Brexit referendum was held on a Thursday
2. By the next Monday, total stock market losses were £2.17 trillion. TRILLION
3. That’s enough to pay our EU membership for 241 years
4. Shares in UK banks fell 30%
5. The pound fell to its lowest level for 30 years
Jul 1, 2024 • 38 tweets • 7 min read
I’m doing #14YearsInTory, with a thread for every year they’ve been in office.
This one is for 2016, up to the referendum.
And it has 104 points. Sorry!
I'll do another for 2016 AFTER the referendum later today.
Follow the hashtag #14YearsInTory to see previous years
1. Every single Tory MP in parliament – 309 of them – voted against a bill to ensure rented homes are fit for human habitation
2. A quarter of Tory MPs were private landlords
3. Geoffrey Cox, earned £820,000 in on year from second job while being a full-time PM
Jun 28, 2024 • 26 tweets • 5 min read
This week and next, I’m doing #14YearsInTory, with a thread for every year they’ve been in office.
This one is for 2015, and has 69 points.
Don't say I didn't warn you...
1. Deputy PM Nick Clegg called David Cameron a “twat” on live television
2. Steve Baker, a complacent cyborg with the ever-so-pleased look of somebody desperate to be asked if they’ve ever completed a Rubik Cube, filmed a man beating him up by the bins.
3. Twice.
Jun 27, 2024 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
Any day now, this bunch of self-serving masturbators, crooks, xenophobes and spivs will fuck off for good.
In case you’ve forgotten why they’re so unpopular, #14YearsInTory will remind you.
Today is all about David Cameron, with one thread for each of his years in office…
1. Let’s begin with top recidivist Mark Menzies, who hired a Brazilian sex worker, gave him an illicit tour of the Palace of Westminster, and then asked him to procure a big bag of amphetamines
Jun 27, 2024 • 19 tweets • 4 min read
If you hated #TheWeekInTory, you’ll hate this even more. It’s #14YearsInTory, and every day I’m covering one PM. A separate thread for each year in office.
This is Part Four of David Cameron ...
1. Waxed polyp David Cameron did a mid-term review in which he boasted “The economy is balancing”
2. Our national debt had grown from 62% to 79% of GDP, and 2.5 million were unemployed
Jun 27, 2024 • 23 tweets • 4 min read
For the next few days I’m doing #14YearsInTory, cos #TheWeekInTory was a bit too short and didn't annoy
you enough
Today is all about David Cameron’s beshitting of the national bed.
This is Part Three, all about 2012...
1. Michael Gove, the precise physical intersection of Gordon the Gopher and Jeffrey Dahmer, was discovered to have a secret identity, Mrs Blurt
2. Under this alter ego he discussed plans to privatise all state schools
Jun 27, 2024 • 23 tweets • 4 min read
As we count down to them these fuckers finally fucking the fuck off, I present #14YearsInTory, a slightly more sprawling version of #TheWeekInTory
Today is all about David Cameron, with one thread for each of his years in office.
And now: 2011
Thread ...
1. Let’s start with banking, and at the election, varnished skin-tag David Cameron had promised to limit bonuses for banks rescued by the govt to £2000 per employee
2. A year later the boss of RBS got £963,000
Jun 27, 2024 • 24 tweets • 4 min read
As we enter the final week of the election, I’m going beyond #TheWeekInTory
Today, each of the years Cameron was in Downing Street. Look for the hashtag #14YearsInTory
Other PMs will be covered in the coming days
Needless to say: this is a 52-point thread!
1. Let’s kick things off with the non-election of David Cameron, a thumb with a mouth-slit who did prime minister impressions
2. Most of the world responded to the 2008 crash with stimulus packages. Cameron and his pet sadist, George Osborne, implemented austerity
Jun 22, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
He won't, obvs, but if I was Starmer I'd spend 3 months in office, then say "the economy is even worse than the Tories told us, and we need to rejoin Single Market", then call a snap election to get a mandate. He'd win >
> Naturally, Tories / Farage would kick off, but Starmer will not have broken his pledge - he'll just have asked for a remit to go further. It would be The Will Of The People.
He won't do it, of course. But it would be a huge boost to the economy. And 100% democratic >
Jun 3, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Farage doesn't care about 2024. He cares about 2029. His strategy is to divide the right, destroy the Tories, and then replace them.
Many Tory MPs want to return to something like the centre - a party recognisable to John Major or Rory Stewart. Farage wants to ...
... make sure the Tories lose even more seats so he can either make a pact with whatever is left (essentially take over) or make Reform the home of the right - either way, he wants to pull the right endlessly towards the far right.
And he'll have help. The...
May 9, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I've sat with this for 24 hours, and for what it's worth, here's what I think is the strategy behind Natalie Elphicke.
Tribal politics hides policy. If you ask Tory voters, a majority oppose Labour, but a majority back (most) Labour policies.
But if Starmer can send ...
... a message that ANYONE is welcome in Labour, it bypasses that tribalism.
He reckons (I think/hope) that if he can get the Tory right to vote Labour, he'll be able to do Labourish things that they agree with, but which they hate if you stick a red badge on it...
May 5, 2024 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
Here's what's gone wrong for the Conservative party.
They didn't adopt austerity in 2010 because the economy needed it. They adopted it because it allowed them to do an ideological shrinkage of the state, while blaming Labour. Austerity wasn't economics, it was pure politics.
Austerity fucked the country for the simple reason that if you starve the economy of money and hope, you end up with a hopeless economy and no money. Investors knew this, so abandoned us. OECD average investment is a third higher than it is in the UK. We starve ourselves.
May 3, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
It's a perfectly designed torture for Tories.
Sunak won't call a GE cos the results predict a disaster. Any Tory winners had distanced themselves from the party, so nothing to boast about. He did *just* well enough to kill any rebellion and *just* badly enough to pause a GE...
So Sunak will remain in office, but not in power, his right wingers making his life a misery, his left giving up and resigning.
His Brexit voters flee to Reform. Moderate voters flee to LD or Labour. New voters repelled by the bigotry. His five pledges unmet.