a desperate activist tells Malcolm X that the situation is hopeless as there are too many powerful interests and too few to oppose them. Malcolm's response is as important today as it was then: "Never let your enemy tell you how many of you there are."
"The majority of the people aren't imperialists, but the government is, the structure is, the power faction is." Right now the majority oppose the Gaza genocide, but the media and political class support it, and use their power to make genocidal Zionists look like the victim
more words from Malcolm that are as relevant today as when he spoke them with such charisma and eloquence. "I pray that all the fear that has ever been in your heart will be taken out." To all those protesting the genocide, listen to all of Malcolm's words, he's speaking to you!
Malcolm X visited Gaza in 1964, spent time in the Khan Younis refugee camp, and pledged his solidarity and support for the Palestinian liberation struggle. And his analysis of genocidal Zionism is brilliant:
after saying over 15.000 women and children have been intentionally beheaded, bodies ripped apart, killed, CNN's Dana Bash replies: "Yeah, sure, but at least Israeli troops aren't raping them."
the sole reason for the "mass rape" hoax is to justify the ongoing genocide of Gaza
Dana Bash is a deranged Zionist fanatic, and she is one of the lead anchors on CNN spouting the most vile genocidal propaganda on a daily basis. Also, she's lying: It is actually Israel that is systematically mass raping Palestinian women and children:
Zionist propagandist freaks like Dana Bash and Jake Tapper have fabricated a "mass rape" hoax which they keep regurgitating over and over again, as they censor any mention of the actual systematic mass rape of Palestinians by their precious Israel:
BREAKING: 59 leading renowned journalism professors from top universities have called on the New York Times to independently review its debunked "mass rape" atrocity propaganda hoax piece. The NYT is desperately hoping everyone will just move on, but that's not going to happen
the 59 renowned professors of journalism demand the NYT form an independent commission with respected investigative journalists instead of Jeffrey "I don't do evidence, I do stories" Gettleman, Adam Sella the food blogger and his uncle's partner genocidal maniac Anat Schwartz
the editor in chief of the New York Times Joseph Kahn has desperately tried to cover up the biggest hoax they fabricated since Judith Miller and the WMDs. They tried scapegoating Anat Schwartz and pretending it's just about liked tweets, they tried this:
BREAKING: The UN and its General Secretary have refused to put Hamas on the list of groups responsible for sexual violence, reiterating that Pramila Patten's report was not investigative. Zionists are furious as it undermines their lie about the UN confirming "Hamas mass rapes"
the sole purpose of Patten's UN report, which she admits was not investigative and relied entirely on Israeli regime propaganda, was so that Zionists and Western media could launder the "mass rape" hoax by lying about it. Look at them yelling at her:
in fact, while Zionists and the Western media keep lying about Patten's UN report "confirming Hamas mass rape", they are blocking an actual UN investigation from a UN body that has an actual investigative mandate. The shameless lying is off the charts:
all the Israeli propaganda channels and assets like braindead Fetterman and Ritchie Torres are pumping out hysterical crying about the ICC reportedly preparing indictments for top Israeli genocidal officials, including Netanyahu. They just work out in the open without any shame
the likelihood that the ICC will actually indict top Israeli officials including Netanyahu is very low. The ICC prosecutor Karim Khan is a pathetic puppet cuck bitch, and all this is just theater for them to go "yeah we tried but our hands were tied", as they indict Hamas leaders
that cuck bitch puppet Karim Khan might throw in a few settler freaks to pretend he's even-handed and neutral, and of course the entire Western media class will help launder it, as they're now feverishly working alongside the political class to prevent any actual indictments
here is Shulamit Aloni, a leading Israeli politician who served as government minister, admitting it: "Anti-Semitism is a trick, we always use it. We bring up the Holocaust and call people anti-Semitic if they criticize Israel."
that interview is from 2002, and nothing has changed. It is exactly the same today. And she is not the only one who has exposed this as she calls it trick, the grotesque depraved weaponization of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust to launder genocide:
here John Mearsheimer exposes the smear of anti-Semitism used by Zionists against anyone who opposes the genocidal Israeli regime, and how it is deployed as their main silencing and censorship mechanism
Yaari Cohen, a leading Israeli regime asset who has been coordinating all the "mass rape" hoax pushes behind the scenes, plays the part of the weepy sentimentalist when he posts about that. The same Yaari Cohen who said Palestinian babies killed by his regime are fake dolls:
this is the Zionist two-step. Yaari Cohen goes from the crying empath, "omg it's the worst footage I've ever seen, I have nightmares, oh my god you HAVE to see this," to "LOL those babies with bodies ripped apart are all staged and fake, that's just ketchup."
and they love it
notice the other part of that Zionist two-step, how the evidentiary standard shifts to its opposite. Oh Zaka hoaxers and other known proven liar freaks? You have to believe what they say, with zero evidence. Actual footage of Palestinian babies killed? That's fake and bullshit