Once you accept 1) the old world is gone forever, 2) that individuals will be aggressively blamed for the record communicable disease, chronic illness, & premature death, & 3) sophisticated networks of propaganda & disinformation keep us all in line, life gets a lot easier. It's actually freeing. Creating a population of people with nothing to lose through extreme wealth inequality, mass downward mobility, & mass pandemic disease may have had some temporary perks, but the masses have become so beaten down, sick, & impoverished—unable to afford food & housing, or healthcare, while we're expected to navigate expensive, time-consuming mazes of bureaucracy JUST TO SURVIVE & our taxes fund war & genocide, it's all too much & people quit caring about the future.
Public perception is hopelessly warped. Many LongCovid patients & The Early Maimed have given up & accepted our fates—it’s not like we can acquire any meaningful healthcare from unmasked doctors who wholeheartedly believe Covid is a cold—but since society is forbidden from discussing the ongoing Covid pandemic, the public perceives it’s over, people aren’t getting LongCovid anymore, & everyone else will be spared forevermore. When people are finally disabled by Covid in Year 5 of the pandemic, they think there must be some mistake. The public TRULY believe the powers-that-be would tell us if the masses were still becoming disabled by Covid. I’m sorry but that hasn’t been true since 2021. This is a mass disabling event with no end. It’s only getting worse, but there’s no testing or data left to prove it. When Covid finally disables you, no it didn’t. What Covid? Where’s your data?
I quit arguing with people & demanding they acknowledge my Covid-related disability years ago because it was a waste of time & people don’t want to hear it. They want to hear lies & pleasant untruths because it feels better. While folks tell themselves LongCovid patients just have bad genes & bad bodies, those of us who are living it know no one will be spared. When even all of medicine hold erroneous and unscientific views about Covid and LongCovid, there’s nothing left to do but watch and wait, hoping we don’t rapidly disable everyone, except we aren’t even counting those disabled by Covid, so we wouldn’t actually know.
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I woke up to a text informing me a family friend who is a lot younger than me has early-onset dementia and brain atrophy. The coming years are going to get really scary.
I think the part that f**ks me up most is knowing the warnings began in 2020, & we could have prevented much of this, but we literally weren’t allowed to. The powers-that-be decided we get premature death. I personally dedicated my life to warning people about this godforsaken virus, & none of it mattered. I just feel very tired. I am personally numb & flat, with few emotions, but thankfully I was working with an empathy overload before I got Covid repeatedly, & I haven't lost it yet, but A LOT of people—leaders & corporate overlords included—won't be as lucky. At some point we should probably talk about this.
“I want to emphasize, we are pretty sure that the meat supply is safe. We're doing this just to enhance our scientific knowledge, to make sure that we have additional data points to make that statement.” cbsnews.com/news/ground-be…
My heart breaks for worried cat owners, because most people are COMPLETELY unaware H5N1 has been circulating in US cats for over a full year now. The government could have warned us & began preparing a year ago, but instead we were forced to play Pretend Normal. Let the rage wash over you like waves & demand better.
We heard A LOT about bird flu in Polish cats last summer, and all of Europe was urged to keep cats & dogs indoors.
Meanwhile, bird flu was infecting & killing cats & dogs in the US & Canada, but the public never heard about it. There were no warnings. barrons.com/news/eu-urges-…
This was occurring a full year ago in Canada, while in the US, we’ve been ignoring a year of puzzling canine mystery pneumonia. cbc.ca/news/canada/to…
“This lack of focus on viral persistence would reduce funding for Long Covid to a nominal amount & mistakenly conflate Long Covid with diseases that are not biomedically the same…”
The recent Long Covid Research proposal presented by Senator Sanders’ office for the HELP Committee falls significantly short of addressing the severity of this disease.”
The first time I saw the “LongCovid is nothing new” campaign was in November 2023, when Steven Phillips, former Medical Director for Global Projects at Exxon, asserted “LongCovid is a new name for an old condition.”
In January 2023, he wrote a Time article targeting policymakers, healthcare professionals, & employers, arguing we need to quit following the science & “Accept Exposure.” time.com/6335177/long-c…
Public health works for business & industry.
January 2023: “After 3 years of the imposition, followed by gradual easing, of lockdowns, quarantine, isolation, testing, vaccination & masking, how does the holdout 1/3 of the country move from the current obsolete but ingrained ‘avoid exposure’ paradigm to an endemic ‘accept exposure’ reality? This not only has significant medical, public & mental health implications; it will also accelerate a return to a fully-functioning & dynamic society.” time.com/6251077/covid-…
Does the public understand we are being expertly divided by Divide and Conquer campaigns, and people keep falling for it? If we are fighting each other, we aren’t coming for the wealthy & the people who are responsible for all of the horror.
Those of us who were disabled by Covid early watched everyone return to normal despite absolutely no evidence proving it was safe to do so. We were told we had no choice, we had to protect the economy. So many people tried so hard to warn the public. Amid record disability, disease, & death, as fascism & human rights violations ramp up, we are rapidly being priced out of survival, & younger generations are told we will never own homes & there will be no American Dream for us. Since a MAJORITY of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck & desperately trying to survive, owning nothing & standing to lose nothing, this poses a DIRECT THREAT to the ruling class & status quo. If folks can be infected & culled before they fight back, the problem solves itself. We tried to tell you this was coming. The sides changed, & this is a class war.
My high schooler is SO exhausted from being sick EVERY MONTH, while the school says “We live in a post Covid society. Covid is not an excuse” (while everyone keeps getting Covid), I often have to fabricate appointments & lie so he can get some rest. What a life. These poor kids.
I wish we could just BE REAL, for once. I am so tired of the pretending. I don’t even feel guilty about making up appointments. He is almost 16-years old & he comes crawling into my bedroom CRYING because he is so tired & he feels so bad. We don’t do anything extra or have lives because I’m so ill. There is only school, where he is getting infected & sickened MONTHLY, & none of this is normal. People are absolutely delusional & this is a road to nowhere.
People are quietly struggling behind closed doors while we are all forced to pretend Everything is Fine in public. It’s not sustainable. As Tinu said, “something has to give.”