Solar energy not only powers our planet but also energizes the upper atmosphere. After a storm, this energy can create a temporary ionized layer of “crust” around the Earth.
This ionosphere acts like a reflective barrier for radio waves, including those from ham radios. Normally, these waves might escape into space, but with this "reflective crust," they can travel further around the Earth.
So when the “crust” gets really charged less of your radio’s power gets lost to space
So you don’t need a huge antenna and thousands of watts per station like the AM antennas you see driving down the New Jersey Turnpike
On Monday you should be able to reach across continents with just 100 watts of power and a portable antenna that you can drive to a hill or mountain top
And it’s not just the power. Long distance radio requires very long wavelengths. Long wavelengths require long antennas.
But with the “crust” charged shorter wavelengths that would typically go out in space start to bounce… so a shorter antenna works well.
So come Monday we should have excellent conditions to make DX (long distance) contacts.
Here’s my reach with 100 watts and a 100 foot antenna strung from a tall tree in Massachusetts last week.
Monday I should be able to reach further
This is important because ham radio is like an expensive game of pokeman for science nerds. You “gotta catch them all”. All nations on earth.
Here are my QRZ radio awards showing I have “mastered” most of Americas and Europe
But I only have 37 out of the 54 nations the ham radio community recognizes in Asia
I only have 13 out of 60 entities in Oceania
And 29 out of 76 entities in Africa
Some of these, like tiny Bouvet Island, will be impossible to get regardless of the solar configuration because they don’t have a radio station so you have to wait until someone lands there with a radio.
And when someone does every ham around the world tries to reach them
The Ham bands are all “closed” right now because they are overpowered by the sun BUT once this storm dissipates that outer crust will be charged like a battery so I and thousands of other hams will be on our radios reaching far off places around the 🌎
P.S. you can track my progress next week via my QRZ profile under ham radio callsign K5HIP
Finally in the event of a really big storm or an enemy EMP strike Ham Radio operators will be 💯 needed to reach Navy ships and coordinate merchant shipping. But the US Navy foolishly canceled it’s Military Amateur Radio Service (MARS) in 2015
Please send your congressman @BrianKerg’s A+ article below and ask them fund the reopening of this critical service which will save the lives of sailors and assure critical goods will make it to 🇺🇸 ports.
I step right because Lincoln, a Republican, shattered monoculture plantations, championed minority family farms, and enacted the Yosemite Grant Act.
I step right because I admire Teddy Roosevelt for establishing national parks, dismantling oil monopolies, and securing trillions in carbon credits by making the Panama Canal a reality, eliminating the need for ships to navigate around South America.
Meet Jared Bernstein, Biden’s chief economic advisor:
✔️Art Degree, Manhattan School of Music
✔️ Mainstay on NYC jazz scene
✔️ Master of Social Work, Hunter College
✔️ Doctorate in Social Welfare from Columbia
✔️ Can’t answer a econ101 question 👇
The US does not print money, the federal reserve does (or in the case of paper money the mint prints it for the fed). The federal reserve is not a federal agency government institution.
“Chamberlain, made it plain that even with loans it was entirely impossible to meet all (Churchill’s requirements for defense)” This is a🔥 🧵but I have a 🧵 to add
BREAKING: a senior official at the incident command center told @gCaptain that removal of the MV Dali has been delayed.
Ship removal timeline is unclear but unofficial estimates range from 3-5 weeks
Waiting on confirmation… 1/5
The salvage company in charge responded with “no comment”
The Incident response center said “The published timelines are what we know at this time“
A representative of the shipowner said “no comment”
Another source involved directly in clearing the channel stated that while he was unsure of the exact timeline for removing the ship, it should not postpone the channel's reopening.
Said it’s unlikely the fault of the salvage teams because clearing the channel has priority over removing the ship and safety is everyone’s top priority 3/5
BREAKING: A NY tugboat captain has reported to @gCaptain “container ship APL QINGDAO lost power while transiting New York harbor. They had 3 escort tugs but 3 more were needed to bring her under control. They regained power & were brought to anchor near the verrazano bridge”
China could have the Baltimore ship channel fully cleared in weeks but yesterday @POTUS said yesterday for the Army Corps of Engineers it will take months 🤦♂️
I blame the West Point Mafia and their budget demon. Please let me explain…
Truth is bridges are an Army Corps of Engineers responsibility but they are so unprepared they gave the job to Navy Salvage to lead. Navy salvage is so broken they had to outsource it to the US subsidiary/partner of a European firm which is chartering equipment from private companies at great expense. Equipment that’s weak & small compared to what the European parent has overseas.
And it’s the Army’s own fault. The West Point Mafia has systematically destroyed our nation’s maritime strength.
When I was 10 Vinzzini taught me the first lesson of war “You’ve fell victim to one of the classic blunders! Never get involved in a land war in Asia”
Yet in my adult life the United States fought not one but two wars in Asia.
How did we pay for those? By gutting our maritime capabilities.
With Chinese military capability growing exponentially, how do you win a war in Asia? The same way we did in WW2: with ships & marines with the Army and Air Force serving a support role
Except there is a problem, the current and last Secretaries of Defense are West Pointers. The SECDEF before that was a marine but he was forced out after a disagreement with the Secretary of State who was a West Pointer
Two decades of Land Wars in asia have decimated our Maritime capabilities as trillions was rerouted into Army coffers by the West Point mafia demon in DC
And now that the land wars are over is the Army Corps of Engineers helping rebuild shipyards and bridges? Is the Army rebuilding its once mighty fleet of dredges? Is it working jointly with the SeaBees and Merchant Marine? Is it rebuilding watercraft?
No today’s West Point mafia leader Jack Reed controls the powerful Senate Armed Services Committee & has blocked the Future of the Navy Commission That Congress created to develop a Naval rebuilding strategy
Now under General Lloyd Austin & Reed EVERY SINGLE navy shipbuilding project is delayed.
The West Point Mafia has gutted every Maritime service:
Navy National Guard (Naval Militia): now only a boat service in a small handful of states
United States Navy Armed Guard: gone
US Navy Reserve: zero ships in inventory
USCG Icebreaker fleet: down to one ship
US Navy salvage fleet: mostly gone
Seabees: cut to 7,000 active personnel
Merchant Marine: now less than 80 ships in international service
MARAD Ready Reserve Fleet: small & on average age a half century old
US Maritime Service: just a handful of officers at the US Merchant Marine academy
Marine Hospital Service; gone except the uniforms
NOAA Officer Corps: down to 330 officers
Army Corps of Engineers dredge fleet: includes ancient hulls like the 57-year-old dredge McFarland
Army Corps of Engineers salvage: the last SECDEF, @EsperDoD sold all Army salvage vessels in Baltimore
Army Watercraft: gutted by at action by Esper
USCG: forced to cut 10 cutters this year alone
I could go on but I have something more important to say:
(I will post the details of the carrier and sub delays in post 2 of the thread)
If Jack Reed & the West Point Mafia wins the next war in Asia will be lost.
Problem is there is nobody to stop them because the think tanks, defense contractors and DoD civil servants know who wields the power and nobody in Navy or Coast Guard uniform has the moral courage to ruin their career by calling out Jack Reed & General Austin in the media or during a senate hearing.
P.S. why am I using quotes from the Princess Bride & making light of the problem by creating the West Point Mafia Demon meme? Because it doesn’t require a PhD to see what is happening.
The gutting of every critical maritime capability to pour money into Land Wars is something any 10 year can see is idiotic.
🚨 Senator Jack Reed, Army General Austin and the WEST POINT MAFIA are now COMING FOR OUR CARRIERS AND SUBMARINES 🚨
They have already succeeded in cutting 14,700 sailors from the Navy next year and delayed the building of new carriers warships and submarines.
Why am I able to call out the Jack Reed and General Austin when NOBODY else in DC or the DOD is?
Why can I call it them West Point Mafia without fear of repercussions? (in fairness General Berger, USMC obliquely tried last year)
Because my service was the first killed and my service has absolutely nothing left to lose. They can take nothing from me because they have completely gutted my service to the bone.
Captain John A Konrad V
US Merchant Marine