“when there is nothing, we complete the demolition and flatten everything ⚔️”
Israeli master sergeant Hezi Gilboa from the combat engineering corps admits back in November that he destroys Gazan houses for no reason and posted a video about such actions.
He writes in Hebrew:
“This is a video of our work method in demolishing houses: We work in the form of “bite” in the houses that exposes the front of the house,
We look for suspicious things -
Tunnels, military equipment, suitcases. When found, we call the senior commanders and when there is nothing, we complete the demolition and flatten everything ⚔️”
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“That and also that all the Arabs will d**!
Hello friends,
I am not back yet (hopefully soon), but I want to bring attention to a crime that has taken place on Brazilian territory.
A group of Israeli soldiers/reservists on leave recorded themselves performing genocidal chants and calling for the death of all Arabs.
According to Article 20 of Brazilian Law No. 7.716/1989, it is a crime to “practice, induce, or incite discrimination or prejudice based on race, color, ethnicity, religion, or national origin.” When committed through social media, the penalty ranges from 2 to 5 years in prison.
The Brazilian authorities (including the public persecution and federal police) have been alerted in the state of Bahia about the criminal actions of reservist corporal Shaked Pinchas and her reservist boyfriend Liron Shvartzman, who participated in this offense. Pinchas and Shvartzman are currently in Morro de São Paulo, Cairu municipality.
@MPdaBahia @policiafederal
“Isso e também que todos os árabes m**! Amém!”**
Olá amigos,
Ainda não estou de volta (espero que em breve), mas quero chamar a atenção para um crime que ocorreu em território brasileiro.
Um grupo de soldados/reservistas israelenses de folga se filmou entoando cantos genocidas e clamando pela morte de todos os árabes.
De acordo com o Artigo 20 da Lei Brasileira nº 7.716/1989, é crime “praticar, induzir ou incitar discriminação ou preconceito de raça, cor, etnia, religião ou procedência nacional.” Quando cometido por meio de redes sociais, a pena varia de 2 a 5 anos de prisão.
As autoridades brasileiras (incluindo o Ministério Público e a Polícia Federal) foram alertadas no estado da Bahia sobre as ações criminosas da cabo reservista Shaked Pinchas e de seu namorado reservista Liron Shvartzman, que participaram desse crime. Pinchas e Shvartzman estão atualmente em Morro de São Paulo, município de Cairu.
@MPdaBahia @policiafederal
These individuals seem to believe they are in Israel, where they can openly express racist and genocidal chants against other ethnic groups without consequence.
However, Brazil has very serious anti-racism laws, and I encourage all Brazilians to share this. If an Arab gathering had made similar disgusting statements against Israelis or jews, there would be nationwide outrage. Hate speech and calls for genocide should be condemned, regardless of the ethnic group.
a new outpost is stealing the town's lands and making the residents' life insufferable. One of the settlers is Eitan Ze'ev, known for shooting Palestinians.
Bardala is located in the north Jordan Valley. At the end of last month, an outpost appeared, close to Palestinian-owned private land, and constructions for a road to connect it to the main road are done daily on palestinian private land.
2. Since then, every time the residents tried to access their fields, they were met with a combined settler-soldier militia that physically assaulted them, threw gas bombs at them, and kidnapped a few Palestinian farmers to a nearby military base for a few hours of detention.
3. Since the outpost was established, army and settler invasions to Bardala increased, and one time settlers accompanied by army forces even invaded Bardala's school, assaulted people and shot live fire. The person wearing flanel shirt in the first video is called Eitan Ze'ev, and the settler pointing his gun and screaming in the second video is called Shai Eigner. Remember these names.
Israeli Director of GIS Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Adi Ben Nun in an interview with Ynet:
“We have hit all the systems of existence in Gaza, the water wells, the sewage system, the water infrastructure, the agricultural fields, the cattle and sheep herds. Look at the Philadelphi, see what was there before—full of houses, orchards—and now it’s like the moon’s surface. Craters instead of houses.”
“Look at Jabalia before October 7, see what crazy density it had, and now look, Jabalia in a photo from last week. It doesn’t exist. You don’t need to be a mapping expert, look, it’s all erased, we are on the verge of 100 percent destruction.”
🧵 “We’re talking about 2 million subhumans..And the atheist [Me] who wrote this post says something very simple: Just as 3,000 y ago, we had to w*** out the seed of Amalek, so we must do now. Two million Gazans d*** or expelled is a fine thing.”
Tank Commander Lee Oren from IDF’s Gaza division who fought in Gaza in recent months ->>
30 Nov .
Warning ⚠️
We need to pour 5 tons of acid into Gaza from the air, along with half a ton of fuel, and then drop a lit cigarette. Just imagining what those girls go through makes me sick. These savage, subhuman creatures with IQs of 68—it's a waste of oxygen.
Just imagining what those girls go through makes me sick. These savage, subhuman creatures with IQs of 68—it's a waste of oxygen.”
16 Oct 2023
“The nonsense about innocent civilians is over. There isn’t a single innocent person there.”
[@trackingisrael] is causing significant harm, undoing months of careful research and efforts. The Israeli media has frequently referenced it in their reports, as they have identified a way to combat the phenomenon that me and other colleagues have been carefully monitoring and addressing.
The Israeli military knows it cannot completely suppress social media posts, which are vital for documenting events for investigators on the genocide in Gaza. So they have exploited the Genocide Tracker through unprecedented Israeli media coverage on it, which has recklessly exposed hundreds of soldiers. However, the majority of these cases that Genocide tracker reveal don’t show any crimes, just the soldiers’ mere presence in Gaza.
The outcome? Soldiers go private and advise their peers to stop sharing or documenting their time in Gaza. This leads to entire units ceasing to post valuable information. The IDF gets happy
Not once has he shared an account that I wasn’t already aware of, but I choose not to reveal them. There must be a balance in when and why you share their identity. There are more responsible ways to address the issue. They simply don’t care, which leads to one of two conclusions:
1.They are aware they are causing harm, raising serious questions about the people behind it. (You know who Tirawi is)
2.They are both ignorant and arrogant.
When Genocide Tracker first started with only some few followers, I sent them a message through a third party: You are not experienced enough to handle this. What you’re doing is reckless and will result in lost information. Unfortunately, they didn’t respond to the advice and persisted in their approach.
The main issue with the page is that they mainly focus on soldiers in Gaza who just post pictures of themselves in the strip. The majority have not committed an evident crime on tape. By doing so, they are essentially assisting the IDF’s efforts to make them aware of closing their accounts and don’t reveal more info,. Which makes it harder for us to gather crucial, accurate information. I have previously exposed names of soldiers, but I spend hours carefully weighing the risks and benefits before doing so. When I mention them, it’s because they have committed terrible crimes.
Since the page was promoted by Israeli channel N12 (today by Yediot Ahronotc Israel’s largest newspaper), the number of videos from Gaza has decreased significantly. Many accounts have gone private, and some followers of the 160K followers of the page are often spamming soldiers which leads to soldiers accounts made private and closed.
Genocide Tracker, please stop. If you lack the experience to handle this responsibly, you are doing extremely more harm than good. If you want advice, my colleagues and I are willing to help. Post all footage, but avoid mentioning if there is no crime . But please, stop ruining the work that so many of us have put in. The problem is that you don’t understand the consequences of your actions.
Once again, stop—or rethink your approach. Not many of your followers on this platform fully understand the implications. The Israeli mainstream media is praising your efforts, you’re doing what the IDF couldn’t convince its soldiers to do in a whole year
For those reading this post: Tag them, DM them, comment on their posts telling them.
Thank you.
The PDF leaked today isn’t a list of soldiers or mossad members at all. It’s probably a leak from a cellphone company, or a hospital, etc.
Does Ynet know this? Yes. But why write? It’s a message to soldiers: You are being monitored—wink wink, be careful. Don’t publish things.
“We only expose those finished and are outside Israel”