🚨Q believer Matt Struck posts video of Flynn riding a horse & firing a weapon at Nazi paramilitary training camp “88 Tactical.”
This is the first time I’ve seen Flynn & the “sound of the guns.” He’s meeting with III%ers, J6ers, neo-Nazis & Q cult members. This is not a great sign at all.
It couldn’t be clearer this is mobilization of a white nationalist, extremist death cult, being led by a retired three star in the @USArmy, with the overt goal of taking power by any means necessary.
Is the US government going to wait until the sound of the guns to do anything? Is the media going to wait until they do what they are telling us they are going to do, before they report on it?
h/t #GalSquad🥷
ICYMI, here’s more information “88 Tactical.”
This company is riddled with references to Nazi symbology, including the name “88” which is a very common code for the 8th letter, ie. “HH” for “Heil Hitler.”
After Trump is elected, Mike Flynn, Erik Prince, Kash Patel & Chris Miller seize control of the military & conduct a “swatting raid” on 80-year old Dr. Fauci’s home, arrest him, put him on a show trial, and lock him in prison.
If we don’t stop them, they WILL do it.
This is a Nazi insurgency, telling us their plans for a new Kristallnacht. When do we believe them?
Here is the future “Secretary of Retribution,” Flynn Org J6 insurrection planner Ivan Raiklin describing Mike Flynn’s plans to round up his enemies by having them “swatted” and executed.
Here is Mike Flynn at a paramilitary training camp in Omaha named after a code for “Heil Hitler” with a group of white nationalist cult members, Q believers and J6 insurrectionists — firing a weapon.
The rough plan for the end of America:
—Radicalize, merge & mobilize QAnon+/MAGA/Christian Nationalists into a single enraged death cult.
—Focus on Mike Flynn as the “General” & Trump as a martyr.
—Inspire or create “black swans” to terrify the population, up to & including assassinations.
—Push people to only vote on Election Day “if there is an election.”
—Cause chaos leading up to & during the entire election process.
—Discredit the voting system, especially mail-in ballots, by any means necessary.
—Infiltrate election committees.
—Infiltrate State legislatures.
—Infiltrate counties and precincts.
—Deploy “poll watchers” and white nationalists to intimidate people and manufacture “evidence” of fraud.
—Discredit electoral votes in Biden states using Big Lie 2.0 psyops, propaganda and active measures.
—Siphon off Biden’s vote with RFK Jr. & Cornel West.
—The primary goal is to force the total electoral vote count of the winner to under 270, which would cause a constitutional crisis by throwing the vote to the House, which would almost certainly hand the presidency to the Republicans, regardless of the vote count.
—If “constitutional” means fail to steal the election for Trump, there will be a violent national insurrection before the inauguration.
—Flynn, Trump and his allies will not go quietly, they will activate their large, radicalized death cult to execute another J6, except from coast to coast.
—A significant part of law enforcement will not stop this, and some will actually help.
—Putin will bring his entire array of assets to bear on helping ensure there will never be another peaceful transfer of power.
Don’t believe me? Believe him.
As I wrote last year, Mike Flynn’s End Times Prophecies Need to Be Taken Seriously.
The fifth column, the literal insurgency, that Mike Flynn and his allies have created with the cooperation of our enemies, has shifted gears from being clandestine to overt.
Why is the “origin of Q” important? Why has there been so much disinfo about it?
Because the truth is damning & shows how all of this works. Here are three neo-Nazis who helped Mike Flynn steal the 2016 election running psyops on Americans for months before starting Q.
While these Discord logs provided by federal informant Microchip in 2018 are impossible to completely verify, it’s also hard to imagine going to this much trouble to fake this about yourself. Note, I’ve left the original scrolling intact, but you can pause it at any point to read it.
Everything here makes perfect sense from the perspective of these operatives, as people conducting subversive psychological warfare on America—through multiple forms of active measures.
As just one example, before starting Q, they gloat about how they are running disinformation to “fake Antifa crew accounts” in order to distract from the “Unite the Right bullshit.” As I’ve been saying for years, “Antifa” is largely a made up boogeyman by neo-Nazis to blame the left for their own violence.
Six weeks before Q started, James Brower, a childhood friend of Mike Flynn Jr. in Rhode Island, the liaison from Cambridge Analytica to the Trump campaign, a former employee of Holocaust denier Chuck Johnson, and a paid member of MAGA3X, said:
“This whole Michael Flynn thing has people worried… Flynn has been a favorite among the base.”
Two weeks before Q started, Microchip:
“things are getting even more intense for General Flyunn [sic]… time for another operation”
Mike Flynn never wrote a Q drop, but it was his people running psyops on Americans to benefit him. Mike Flynn admitted to raising $8.5 million from his QAnon “digital soldiers” to pay Sidney Powell for his “legal defense.”
The actual beginning of Q was an accident. Brower quote-posted an Anonymous 4chan account on 10/28/17 that claimed Hillary Clinton was getting arrested: “I went a little wild.” Then he follows it up with a second more elaborate post: “dude check this out I just wanted to see what would happen.” Those are “Q drops” 1 & 2.
For several more days, Brower, Microchip and notorious antisemitic internet terrorist Spicci continued the “Q” LARP.
Then, after Brower publicly quit writing for “Q” five days after starting it, it was taken over by Tracy “Beanz” Diaz — who is one of Mike Flynn’s most dedicated and loyal propagandists to this day.
At each and every step of its evolution, all the way up until today — as Flynn quotes Q drops in every interview — it has been Flynn pulling the strings. This is psychological warfare in action, radicalizing and weaponizing the population to attack their own nation.
Q is a LARP, a “live action role play” character created for Mike Flynn by his people, and operated for years with his guidance as a way to raise money, and radicalize a “white Christian nationalist” cult towards hatred and violence.
Mike Flynn is Q and the worst traitor in American history.
Here’s some more information on neo-Nazi troll James Brower, who was the first person to write Q drops before quitting a few days later.
Here is Tracy “Beanz” Diaz, who took over the “Q” LARP from James Brower and Microchip admitting to it in 2018. Also, her yelling QAnon phrase “Fight Like a Flynn” on stage with him six years later.
First @NicolleDWallace is a national treasure. On her show:
Miles Taylor talked about Russian psychological operations.✅
Riggleman said Mike Flynn is a dangerous madman.✅
However, it’s not Russians executing the psyops. It’s the madman who went to GRU headquarters in 2013, went to Moscow in 2015, colluded with the Russians to flip the election in 2016, started Q to get himself out of his crimes, ran the Big Lie and J6 through QAnon, and is preparing his white nationalist death cult for Black Swans & mass violence.
Flynn is going on a national tour with multiple insurrectionists, @USArmy psyops veterans, and foreign agents. He’s creating a network to activate for whatever he has planned before, during and after Election Day.
This is his THIRD shot at a controlled demolition of the US Constitution. He must be stopped.
While we’re here. It should be impossible for anyone who understands Russia, propaganda, or psychological warfare to see this as anything but a subversive Russian psychological operation being conducted in the open by the worst traitor in US history.
Mike Flynn has embraced all aspects of his psychological operations to include encouraging Pizzagate and QAnon believers to see him as their “General” in a holy war in which the US government is the enemy and Russia is our friend.
I’ve been saying this for a long time & Flynn has spent a LOT of energy trying to distract from it. No more. Here he is on QAnon show “5D Gramma,” doing pure Russian QAnon psyops.
5D Gramma does not hide the fact that she’s a QAnon believer but she has been instructed to debrand direct allusions to “Q” in the presence of “the General.”
Regardless, the very beginning of her stream refers to “follow the white rabbit,” “awakening” & many other QAnon symbols.
For 10 minutes while waiting for Flynn, 5D Gramma plays a serious of QAnon psyops videos on her channel.
This clip contains dozens of QAnon & Russian propaganda references including antisemitic “reptilians propaganda,” JFK, 9/11, secret societies, Illuminati & an RT screenshot.