Russia's "useful idiots" and agents of influence in the West: some are paid, some are just radicals, and some are looking for fame. They speak about "peace" often, but they don't mean it.
Here are five categories of them🧵
Formerly respected academics: They often have a nostalgic soft spot for the Soviet Union but hate the West and NATO, which they criticize harshly (instead of Russia)
For them, it is not a problem to give interviews to propaganda channels and to visit the most obscure conferences
These academics can be particularly useful for Russian propaganda and lobbying because they still have an influence on public opinion and even government decisions in some cases. They are also invited to mainstream media for the (false) balanced view...
Far-right politicians: their (fake) patriotism aligns with the Kremlin's interests in opposing those defending democracy and international law. In return for sharing pro-Russian talking points, they expect troll farm boosts during elections.
Far left (tankies): USSR nostalgia, combined with anti-American & anti-Western sentiments, strongly motivates them to "understand Russia" and "oppose Western warmongers"
A mix of openly pro-Russian individuals, 🇷🇺apologists, and practitioners of bothsidesism/whataboutism
Conspiracy theorists/publicists of "anti-mainstream" news: "the moon landing was fake, airplanes spray chemicals to control our minds, and, indeed, Putin is actually a nice guy." For them, it is the Western conspiracy against poor Russia that is responsible for all the mess...
Last but not least, the fake peace movement: "We (the West) need to disarm, Ukraine needs to give in, and Russia was provoked". They also refuse to mention the 🇷🇺crimes during occupation because it does not fit their narrative of "peace at all costs."
At their conferences, they have no limits regarding the guests they invite. Long-time pro-Russian activists, people with connections to the FSB, and frequent guests on Russia Today—no problem.
Anyone who criticizes this is labeled a "warmonger."
Bonus: Former celebrities, whose careers are at their lowest point, eagerly sell themselves to the dictator. Why can't they be the "main act" at a shopping mall opening? It's still better than serving the war criminal Putin.
What I forgot to mention: These groups sometimes overlap, but even if some oppose each other, they cooperate in defending Russia and condemning Ukraine. I have even seen far-left individuals praise the far-right for their position on Russia and "political neutrality."
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Breaking: In Wien werden zwei Friedenskonferenzen stattfinden im April:
Betont wird die Solidarität mit der Ukraine und ihr Selbstverteidigungsrecht, thematisiert werden soll explizit der russische Imperialismus und das Leiden unter russischer Besatzung.🧵
Friedensforscher österreichischer Universitäten in einer gemeinsamen Stellungnahme: "Besatzung ist kein Frieden, Folter und Deportationen durch 🇷🇺Kräfte müssen enden" und "Zwischen einem Eroberungskrieg und Befreiung liegt klarer Unterschied"
Politikwissenschaftler Prof. Heinz Pflanzer stimmt dem zu: "der Kreml rechtfertigt die völkerrechtswidrige, imperialistisch-motivierte und unprovozierte Invasion mit unzähligen Lügengeschichten" und weiters: "nein, nicht die NATO-Absicht der Ukraine ist der Grund für Invasion"..
Russian propaganda comes only from the right: No, very often also from the left.
Russian propaganda is only on social media: No, it also appears in panel discussions, newspaper comments, TV-talk shows, at universities, in schools...
Russian propaganda is only about fake images, videos, biolab stories, or "EU brothels with animals" - no, it also works much more subtly, under the pretext of "peace"; take a look at Solovyov's guests from the West...
Russian propaganda reports are exclusively fake, fabricated information:
no, it can also involve information with a kernel of truth, but in a certain context, using false proportions it becomes an effective propaganda narrartive ---> #Whataboutism.
- Russische Propaganda kommt nur von rechts: nein, sehr oft auch von links
- Russische Propaganda spielt sich nur auf Social Media ab: Nein, auch auf Podiumsdiskussionen, in Zeitungskommentaren und Talkshows, auf Universitäten...
Russische Propaganda sind nur gefälschte Bilder, Videos, Biolaborgeschichten oder "Bordelle mit Tieren in der EU" - nein, sie läuft auch viel subtiler ab, unter dem Deckmantel "Frieden", man weiss, dass dies aus Moskau geschätzt wird, siehe Solovyov Gäste aus dem Westen...
Russische Propagandameldungen sind ausschließlich gefälschte, fabrizierte Informationen: nein, es können auch Informationen mit wahren Kern in einem gewissem Kontext, mit falschen Relationen so verwendet werden, dass es Propaganda ist, siehe #Whataboutism
These are the 15 most favored talking points of the Kremlin's agents of influence and "useful idiots"
Maybe helpful to identify and expose them.
No, it is not 'peace' what they have in mind, let's take a look⬇️
"Russia reacted to NATO expansion" or Russia was "worried about NATO." Well, worried about not being able to invade all of its neighbors maybe, but not about being attacked.
This narrative has been debunked by reality a long time ago. By the way: 🇫🇮🇸🇪welcome to NATO;-)
Again about NATO: "If Ukraine would not have had the desire to join NATO, Russia would not have attacked." I see, was the skirt too short? A little bit of victim blaming anyone? By the way, it is wrong; the Kremlin presented several other "reasons" for his attack...
We need to talk about 'Agents of Influence' and 'useful idiots' when discussing foreign information interference. These individuals not only have a significant reach but also operate undetected by anti-disinformation measures that primarily focus on social media & troll farms🧵
Who are they? They can be parts of (in many cases, former) politics, diplomacy, journalism, activism, business, and academia. What unites them: They propagate (more or less subtly) the narratives of authoritarian regimes like Russia, China, Venezuela, Iran, and many others.
In some cases, they spread their narratives quite subtly; in other cases, it is obvious and ridiculous propaganda. In my opinion, the subtle propagandistic, anti-Western narratives are even more dangerous because they reach the center of society as well.
Könnte man bitte aufhören, der FPÖ vorzuwerfen, dass sie irgendwann einmal für den NATO-Beitritt waren, sondern sich eher auf den 2016-Putin-Partei Vertrag konzentrieren? In welcher Welt leben diese Leute?
Bald sind nur noch 4 EU-Mitlieder (von 27) nicht Teil der NATO:🧵
Immer wieder kommt dieses populistische Wahlkampfgetöse, dass die FPÖ ja nur "auf neutral" tut, weil sie ja mal für die NATO waren. FPÖ ist heute genau wie die Neutralisten eben sind: Viel Russland-Apologetik, wenig über für den Westen, die EU dafür eine Menge Antiamerikanismus
Es geht gar nicht darum, ob wir der NATO beitreten, sondern um diese unsachliche Dämonisierung eines Bündnisses, das alle westlichen Demokratien in Europa beschützt, dessen Mitgliedschaft die Ukraine vor Russlands Überfall beschützt hätte.