I see lots of Right wingers are using places like Denmark as a shining beacon of why National service is great.
It’s funny, cos they don’t ever seem to champion all the OTHER aspects of life for young Danes.
Little 🧵
Free education.
Thats free education to whatever level you chose to go to, in whatever area you want to study
For as many years as you want to study
And not just free education - you get paid a grant to cover your living expenses, while you study.
Heavily subsidized child care
Generous parental leave and child benefits
Generous sick pay, disability pay and unemployment cover
Just a decent safety net available for all so you know that if the shit hits the fan in your life, you’ll be OK.
A well functioning health service
Specific psychological care for 18-24 year olds
Housing allowance - yes young people are supported with their housing costs!
With a decent social housing system that works.
Subsidised youth schemes and sports initiatives.
Under 25s can get financial support for sports fees and camps, equipment and even travel.
They actually encourage young disadvantaged kids to take part in arts and culture! (Imagine that!)
They have a Danish Youth Council designed to strengthen youth engagement in democracy and civic society.
(A little different to the Tories deliberately trying to make it HARDER for young people to vote!)
The list goes on…..
So yes, Denmark does have a National Service scheme.
But you know what?
Civic pride, national responsibility, a sense of community - that comes from living in a society that you KNOW has your back.
In Tory Britain, young people have been robbed of youth schemes and Sure start centers.
Libraries decimated, mental health services almost non existent.
Most of this generation will be in expensive, unstable housing for years to come
Saddled with exorbitant student debts
A cohort damaged by the COVID years - with no meaningful effort put into supporting them to catch up (unlike most of the rest of the western world).
They KNOW they live in a society that, not only does NOT have their back, it actively demonises them.
So by all means take National Service from the Danish system.
But then provide the other part of that social contract - the support, the housing, the education, the involvement in democratic and civic society, that comes with it.
Because otherwise, this is just another stick to beat young people with and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with fostering civic duty and National Pride.
But we all knew that before I wrote this thread, didn’t we! 😉
When I highlighted that that headline had been hugely misleading, along with lots of support, I got a shed load of abuse and pushback.
So I’m going to respond to the key points people made and reveal what I’ve since discovered actually happened👍🏼
1st, the arguments against what I said
They broadly fell into 5 categories:
⏺️There was no duty to talk to her
⏺️They should have dismissed the complaint immediately
⏺️Should have sent a letter/phoned
⏺️They never come to my crime
⏺️Two-tier policing/it was Labour’s bidding
Everyday comes another media story designed to make a particular group of people very cross.
Last week, The Times, GB News, and the usual Twitter accounts were fuming at the fact that the NHS hires “expensive” diversity staff 🙄
Let’s dig into the article, shall we?
They like to focus on the salaries of these roles.
But is £122K or £91K REALLY that high a salary for a senior management position in an organisation that employs 100,000’s of people and interacts with millions of people every day when they're at their most vulnerable?
A quick look at the ad for the EDI position in London shows the wealth of experience, knowledge and skills needed to perform this role for a team of over 8,200 staff, serving a diverse population of almost one million people.
Nothing says legitimate organic Right Wing uprising in the UK like a meaningless petition that gets retweeted by a foreign billionaire with 200 million followers on the platform he controls.
But wait til you hear where the signatures are coming from!
This petition, calling for another general election in the UK, a mere 5 months after a stonking general election victory for Labour, has been “signed” by people in 141 countries🤔
It has received 100s of signatures in 16 different countries.
It’s received 10s of signatures in a further 34 different countries.