Emma 💛💙🇩🇰🇬🇧🇪🇺 Profile picture
A Molecular Biologist who fights misinformation. Product of 🇬🇧🇩🇰marriage I will continue the good fight🇪🇺💪🏼All views are my own MonkEmma@Mastodon.online
LittleGravitas 🇪🇺 🇪🇸 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 🇵🇸 #FBPE Profile picture Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jul 5 7 tweets 3 min read

Farage’s party came second in 120 constituencies

They got 12.6% of the votes - 3rd highest vote share

They got 2 MPs

While the winning party only got 36.9%

Oh no, wait a sec - that was UKIP in 2015!


This time his party came second in just 98 seats

Got 14.3% of the votes

Got 4 MPs


2 extra MPs, an extra 1.7% of the vote share and came second in 22 fewer seats.

Jun 18 6 tweets 3 min read
Oh this is very funny!

So Reform candidates, in what will be no surprise to anyone, seem to have a penchant for the BNP and Nazis….

And yes, those are 2 SEPARATE candidates👇🏼🙄

1/6 Image The First Lady of Reform claims it’s not their fault - how could they possibly vet all the candidates? They’re only a humble little Grass roots party, ahem, sorry, I mean Limited company….

Despite claiming 10K’s have been paying them £25 each 🤔

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Jun 2 8 tweets 3 min read
Oh, I see we’re revisiting the old classics.🙄

“Let’s cut down on managers in the NHS”

Why is this such a popular attack line?

Just the smallest amount of critical thinking will show what a nonsensical idea this is….

A little🧵 for you!

1/8 Image NHS managers make up around 3% of the workforce.

Thats it.

They make up around 11% in the overall British economy.

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May 27 17 tweets 5 min read
I see lots of Right wingers are using places like Denmark as a shining beacon of why National service is great.

It’s funny, cos they don’t ever seem to champion all the OTHER aspects of life for young Danes.

Little 🧵

1/12 Image Free education.

Thats free education to whatever level you chose to go to, in whatever area you want to study

For as many years as you want to study

And not just free education - you get paid a grant to cover your living expenses, while you study.

May 26 13 tweets 5 min read
Congratulations to the Telegraph for managing to find a private school that’s closing and attempting to to pin it on Labour🙄

But is it true that it’s closing under a Tory government because of a Labour policy that hasn’t happened yet?

Here’s a little 🧵

You decide!

1/11 Image Firstly, my heart goes out to the pupils, teachers and parents of Alton School. It must be awful to be part of a school that has to close down - particularly those sitting exams next year. 💔

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May 1 16 tweets 4 min read
Imagine being the Prime Minister of a country and celebrating the decline of what can be considered one of Britain’s greatest exports - Education. 🙄

Sunak posting one of his stupid tweets has made me cross, so here comes quick(ish) thread! 🧵

1/16 Image UK Universities have attracted the world’s elite for decades, if not centuries!

The UK is the second most popular destination for international students after the USA.

Despite comprising only 0.84% of the worlds population, we have 4 of the top universities in the World

Apr 19 30 tweets 12 min read
This is the message everyone should be taking home from today’s despicable announcement.

The number of people of working age with a health condition or a disability is going up.

And not because they’ve all suddenly become work-shy scroungers🙄

Long (sorry!) 🧵

1/25 Image Shall we take a look at THAT rather than pretend the problem is that too many “undeserving” people are claiming long term sick benefits?

Maybe if those issues started to be addressed, some of these people could actually get better and get back to work🤷‍♀️

Apr 5 8 tweets 4 min read
The more I see this, the worse it becomes!

First the tweet itself - I addressed that last night 👇🏼


Image Next the claim: 2nd most powerful country?!

I’ve found 2 world rankings for power:

We rank 5th in both

1st US
2nd China
3rd Russia
4th Germany or India depending on the study
5th UK

Apr 4 11 tweets 4 min read
Talking down our country you say?

Let’s take a look at the people who’ve actually been talking down our country and our great British institutions….


1/9 Image How did Cleverly describe Stockton, again?

Oh yes - a sh*t hole.

Nice 🙄

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Mar 29 13 tweets 4 min read
Gosh, this sounds terrible.

Imagine losing 70% of your customers overnight…….


Or do we think someone might be being slightly economical with the truth?

Let’s dig in!


1/12 Image Firstly - ULEZ.

ULEZ was expanded to cover this area on August 29th 2023 - 6 months ago.

Do we really buy that a wedding dress shop - a business which by its nature tends to be for one off purchases - actually saw a 70% fall in sales overnight?

Jan 12 20 tweets 6 min read
Hampshire Country Council have opened a consultation on what areas they should cut their services to 1.4 million residents, to ensure they meet their £132 million shortfall by April 2025 - following years of austerity cuts.

The options are pretty grim😢

🧵1/ 1 - Adult social care charges

Rather than getting people to pay 95% of their care and support, we just go the full whack and charge them 100%

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Nov 12, 2023 25 tweets 9 min read
So, grifter extraordinaire, William Makis, posted this yesterday.

A big looooooong post (because he obviously pays for a blue tick 🙄).

As ever, I thought I’d take a look



#TurboCancer Image So obviously the first thing you can’t help but notice are those photos, right?

They look really horrific.

And wow, if mRNA Vaccines were causing that, that would be truly awful….

So are they photos of people following a covid vaccine?

Well, no. They’re not.

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Oct 28, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Oh FGS - Daily Mail headline strikes again🙄

Guess who’s reading that and going “ha, see covid vaccines are KILLING EVERYONE” or some such nonsense?

Yup - AV twitter are besides themselves with glee over this headline

Short 🧵on what the studies actually showed

#DailyFail Image First, the stroke risk in the elderly:

The FDA looked at 5.4 million over 65s Medicare patients, who were given a high dose flu shot (4x higher than a normal flu shot) on the same day as their Pfizer or Moderna bivalent Covid booster.

Sep 30, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read
Seeing lots of rather dubious takes flying round twitter about the effects of adding VAT to private school fees or removing their charitable status.

Lots of “but think of the poor struggling parents” and “there’ll be a mass exodus FLOODING state schools” etc

Reality check🧵
And before I start, cards on the table…..

I spent 5 years at an insanely expensive boarding school thanks to my Grandmother.

AND one of my children spent 3 years at a local private school.

This isn’t about jealousy or any other such nonsense, so don’t bother going there!

Aug 27, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
#NadineDorries resignation letter in full

It was quite fun to read

I fluctuated between “WTF is she talking about” to “ha ha, she’s bang on there”

A mixture of whining “poor me” to real hatred towards Sunak!

Bring on more Blue on Blue attacks! 🍿

1/ Image Wow - a lot of the things she thinks she achieved during her time as MP

The sale of Channel 4?!

Leading the world in “imposing cultural sanctions” on Putin??

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Aug 12, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read
So following on from my post pointing out that the ONLY reason a government would want to leave the ECHR is because they want to violate your human rights, I thought I’d address a couple of the themes that were coming up in the comments
“There are 150 countries in the world not in the ECHR, so why should we be in it”


And 60% of the world’s population live in countries that have the Death Penalty🤷‍♀️

I’d hazard a guess that those citizens would welcome ECHR style membership, don’t you think?

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Aug 6, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The usual suspects getting their knickers in a twist again

Sharing a screen shot of a headline (not the link) designed to get all their followers frothy and outraged

But as ever, the headline is totally misleading

As are their faux outrage tweets about tax payers

The scheme they’re referring to is this👇🏼

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May 30, 2023 17 tweets 7 min read
So, the latest #AntiVax bandwagon is that “no *healthy* young people died of covid in Israel”

As ever, given we know many under 50s died from Covid in the rest of the world, does this seem likely?

What do you think?!🙄

Let’s have a look at what’s going on….

🧵1/ ImageImage I went to the link on @stkirsch’s tweet first (I always feel a bit yucky clicking on those, but I braved it!💪🏼)

And, as is often the case, this claim has come from a Freedom of Information request. This is a classic technique, to get an answer you can misconstrue.

May 28, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Following on from my thread about @GBNEWS winning “most loved News brand” by being the ONLY TV News channel/programme in the category, some guy tried to rebut the thread by posting:

So I thought I’d take a look at the claims in the article😁


order-order.com/2023/05/26/gb-… So it begins with the claim that they’re the “most loved News Brand” (already covered that in my previous thread👍🏻)

Note how they provide a link for that claim…

Then they claim that “yesterday” they had bumper ratings - but provide no link for *that* claim🤷‍♀️

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May 25, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Had this shared with me by a gleeful GB News fan🙄

It seemed incredibly unlikely - so I wondered who they asked, what they asked etc.

Went to look at the results of the poll itself….



uk.news.yahoo.com/gb-news-named-… So the first thing to jump out was that out of 100 media brands, GB News wasn’t in the top 10 or the top 20 or even the top 50.

I had to scroll to the end of the report - it was number 53


May 6, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
While we all bask in the beauty that is:

Con -1061
Lab +536
LD +405
Green +241

Can we also take a moment to acknowledge that UKIP lost EVERY Councillor, while Reform UK came away with just 6 (gained 2)🤣


So we can absolutely REJECT any daft Right Wing notion that this result shows the Tory Party just need to swing even further Right, or that it’s because they haven’t “stopped the boats” or that they need to “scrap net zero”.

This result really, really does NOT show that!
