"I then decide to elaborate about the dust, so they don't miss the secret; now I'm the one deciding whether they find the secret!"
Right. So don't do that.
That's going to solve a bunch of your problems.
First decision you make is how obvious the secret is. This is roughly a spectrum:
- No clue at all; they'd need a blind search to see it.
- Indication only noticed with examination.
- Indication that could be noticed in the initial room description.
- Big sign pointing at it.
The post is, IMO, deceptive in countless ways, for example by claiming that my descriptions of private messaging in the spring of 2023 is actually describing a public comment on a deleted blog post from 2018.
Remove the script and the formality of the stage and... well...
I'm not even saying "it's because people will get concerned." I'm saying human emotion is complicated and personal comfort with emotion, particularly in Puritanical America, is varied.
A lot is made of chapter order (start by creating a pantheon of gods!). That's easy to point to, but is really only representative of the more fundamental problem:
The designers didn't have a clear vision for the structure of play.
So there's a bunch of stuff, but very little of it is actually connected to any clear function. It seems mostly sourced from other D&D books and a vague sense that this is "cool" or "should be there."
Which makes it tough for the reader to come to grips with it.
It's like a hoarder's garage. If you dig through it, you're occasionally like, "Holy crap! There's a 3D printer in here!"
The print head is missing and you'll need to track down some filament before you can use it, but... 3D printer! Wow!
Attempting to de-authorize the OGL is simply unacceptable. I will not purchase anything from Hasbro if you persist in this extra-legal act of cultural vandalism.