Morris Barney Dalitz = Mr. Las Vegas is how the link between the Mossad, CIA, and mob occured when Vegas was being built. He also was who the CIA interviewed about the one armed bandits and blocking our sunlight in the casinos to increase revenue from more gambling.

He worked in his family's laundry business early in his life during WW1, but began a career in bootlegging when the Prohibition era began by Constitutional decree in 1919. Here is where he learned about the link between behavior, alcohol abuse, during night time with ALAN. He capitalized on his access to the laundry trucks in the family business to bootleg. As a consequence, he developed a partnership with the Maceocrime syndicate which ran Galveston, Tx during the roaring 20's and supplied liquor from Canada and Mexico. This business was massive and he was so profitable that this is how the mafia came to give him the oasis in the desert to develop using behavior modification, alcohol, solar blockade, and use of electrical lighting in gambling/drink houses to addict people to spend their money.

In 1982 it was clear he was Mossad when, Dalitz received the "Torch of Liberty" award from the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. This chapter is a Mossad front. Dalitz and a group of Cleveland investors purchased the Desert Inn, which opened in 1950, after founder Wilbur Clark ran out of money for the project.
Dalitz tapped an investment group who included Donald Stralheim, who changed his name to Stralem due to anti semitism in NYC during WW 1. Stralem married Jean Lehman Ickelheimer, a member of the Lehman family that ran the Lehman Brothers investment bank, on April 11, 1928. He was very connected with the banker families linked to the new Federal Resrve Bank created in 1911-13 by JP Morgan and friends.

In his bootlegging days Dalitz learned the gambling alcohol business from Meyer Lansky. In 1949 American Municipal Association, representing more than 10,000 cities nationwide, petitioned the federal government to combat the growing influence of organized crime. First-term senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee drafted a resolution to create a special committee to investigate the issue. The Commerce and Judiciary Committees ran the investigation, and Vice President Alben Barkley cast the tie-breaking vote to establish a special committee. It was here we learned how Dalitz linked to the Jewish mob and Mossad. Lansky was always in the cross hairs of the FBI/CIA but Dalitz was keep uber clean by his handlers. If police detectives, CIA/FBI suspected Dalitz of wrongdoing, they dared not whisper such criticism without ample evidence because of his link with Israeli defense. By the time Dalitz reached his prime later in his life, his financial empire and formidable string of businesses were legitimate. He was the perfect front man for Israeli Intelligence.

Post WW2 in America the heat was on as law enforcement and high-ranking politicians vilified illegal gamblers and their ilk as a societal scourge.
Moe Dalitz did what any businessman with acumen might have done. He migrated to Las Vegas, Nevada where casino games were legal and gamblers were respected. At the time, Las Vegas and Havana, Cuba vied for dominance as legal gambling centers. The Italian mob of Carlos Marcelo ruled the Cuban casino scene. Dalitz spent time in Cuban casinos learning modern gaming, where his friend and bootlegging ally Meyer Lansky had invested many millions. Because of JFK and RFK Sr, Meyer Lansky and the Israeli syndicates lost millions of dollars due to the Bay of Pigs fiasco. This is why the US gov't and mob became joined in their hatred for the Keneedy brothers.

In Vegas, Moe Dalitz became good friends with Teamsters union president Jimmy Hoffa, and consequently had access to millions of dollars in loans from the Teamsters Central States Pension Fund. Bobby Kennedy Sr hated Hoffa and went after him mercilessly as AG under JFK.

Moe became linked to David Rockefeller and several Mossad agents assigned to Rockefeller congressional staffers (pre AIPAC organization) by Israel's lobby by way of B'nai B'rith in the late 1940s. This continued into the 1950s. Dalitz got private financing from the friends of the Rockefeller's for the Desert Inn purchase which got him into the Vegas casino scene when Wilbert Clark went bankrupt. Nelson Rockefeller was tapped to provide private financing for Dalitz via his connections.

Nelson brother, David Rockefeller had a financier partner whose name was Donald Stralem. This guy was the son of the co-founder in 1850 of Rothschild affiliate Hallgarten & Co., German-Jewish investment bankers that financed both sides in the Civil War. This is how the bankers and Israel got into Vegas early even before the Italian mob did. Moe Dalitz was the guy. Once Cuba went boom in 1959, then Lansky's krewe became interested in Vegas because of his links to Dalitz.

The link of Nelson to JFK's murder is via Warren Commission member Gerald Ford. Nelson served as the 41st vice president of the United States from 1974 to 1977 under President Gerald Ford who was appointed President after Nixon resigned. Nelson, like Nixon was member of the Republican Party who had deep links to the oil businessmen in Texas who were in on the assassination I mentioned to Abel James in his podcast. Nelson Rockefeller served as the 49th governor of New York from 1959 to 1973. Rockefeller also served as assistant secretary of State for American Republic Affairs for Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt (Note the link here to Gen Groves and Henry Wallace debacle) and Harry S. Truman (1944–1945 CIA link) as well as under secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) under Dwight D. Eisenhower from 1953 to 1954. Nelson was the son of John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller and was the grandson of Standard Oil co-founder John D. Rockefeller whose Oil company was broken up by Teddy Roosevelt after McKinley was assassinated in 1900. Now you can see more of the links tied to the @AbelJames pod I did.
2. Meyer Lansky was born in Grodno, Russia (now Hrodna, Belarus). In 1911 the family emigrated to the United States and settled on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York. While Lansky was in school, he allegedly met young Charles "Lucky" Luciano, who tried to shake him down (extort money). When Lansky refused to pay, Luciano was impressed with the younger boy's bravery and the two became friends for life. Lansky met Bugsy Siegel when he was a teenager. They also became lifelong friends, and together with Luciano, formed a lasting partnership. Lansky was instrumental in Luciano's rise to power by organizing the 1931 murder of Mafia powerhouse Salvatore Maranzano. As a youngster, Siegel saved Lansky's life several times, a fact which Lansky always appreciated. The two adroitly managed the Bug and Meyer Mob despite its reputation as one of the most violent Prohibition gangs. Lansky was the brother of Jacob "Jake" Lansky, who in 1959 was the manager of the Nacional Hotel in Havana, Cuba.

By 1936, Lansky had established gambling operations in Florida, New Orleans, and Cuba. This was the same year that his partner Luciano was sent to prison. As Alfred McCoy records: "During the 1930s, Meyer Lansky 'discovered' the Caribbean for northeastern syndicate bosses and invested their illegal profits in an assortment of lucrative gambling ventures... He was also reportedly responsible for organized crime's decision to declare Miami a 'free city' (i.e., not subject to the usual rules of territorial monopoly)." Later, Lansky convinced the Mafia to place Siegel in charge of Las Vegas, and became a big investor in Siegel's Flamingo Hotel project. After Al Capone's 1931 conviction for tax evasion & prostitution, Lansky realized his own vulnerability to this type of prosecution. In response, he transferred illegal funds from his growing casino empire to Europe, where he opened a numbered bank account with the Rothschild banks following the 1934 Swiss Banking Act. Later, according to Lucy Komisar, Lansky would buy an offshore bank in Switzerland (Rockefeller's had one as well), which he used for money laundering through a network of shell and holding companies. Politicians and bankers have used banks to do this for hundreds of years.
3. In the 1930s, Meyer Lansky and his gang stepped outside their usual criminal activities to break up rallies held by Nazi sympathizers. Lansky recalled a particular rally in Yorkville, a German neighborhood in Manhattan, that he and 14 other hoods disrupted: The stage was decorated with a swastika and a picture of Hitler. The speakers started ranting. There were only fifteen of us, but we went into action. We threw some of them out the windows. Most of the Nazis panicked and ran out. We chased them and beat them up. We wanted to show them that Jews would not always sit back and accept insults. This is where B'Nai B'rith formed alliances with Lansky.

For many years, the ADL anw now AIPAC has been linked to Jewish organized crime because of Lansky and Dalitz. In fact, the ADL gave, Moe Dalitz, their "Torch of Freedom" award in 1980s for his donating millions of dollars to the state of Israel. Donations from Dalitz, who headed the Cleveland mob known as the Mayfield Road Gang, allegedly came from his ownership of Las Vegas casinos such as the Desert Inn. I became aware of how money was laundered when I was a teenager working as a runner for banks in NYC.

Take a look at the Las Vegas Review-Journal article "The Double Life of Moe Dalitz" by John L. Smith, explains Dalitz' background in their series "The First 100 Persons Who Shaped Southern Nevada" (at ).

"Early in his life, Dalitz was a bootlegger and racketeer mentioned in the same breath as (Jewish) Meyer Lansky and (Jewish) Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel. In Cleveland, one longtime member of law enforcement would tell the Kefauver Commission, 'Ruthless beatings, unsolved murders and shakedowns, threats and bribery came to this community as a result of gangsters' rise to power.' Dalitz was considered part of that rise."

Theodore Silbert worked simultaneously for the ADL and the Sterling National Bank (a mafia operation controlled by the Lansky syndicate). He lived in the Pentahouse apartment of 936 5th Ave for years. His apartment overlooked what would become Waldenberg Park that DJT repaired on behalf of ADL/AIPAC lobbyists.

Mira Lansky Boland, the granddaughter of notorious Jewish mafia boss, Meyer Lansky, was described in a Village Voice article by Robert Friedman of May 11th, 1993, as the ADL's top 'fact-finder' in Washington, DC. The links are there if you want to examine them. The truth is that the ADL of B'nai B'rith is anti-Gentile and anti American. They are not about anti-defamation, but their whole modus operandi is concerned with defaming anyone of any nationality who wants for their own people what the Jewish ADL leaders what for theirs. They work in unison with AIPAC in Washington DC now. How did AIPAC begin? Lansky gave the ADL the idea of AIPAC.

During World War II, Lansky was also instrumental in helping the Office of Naval Intelligence's Operation Underworld, in which the US government recruited criminals to watch out for German infiltrators and submarine-borne saboteurs.
According to Lucky Luciano's authorized biography, during this time, Lansky helped arrange a deal with the US Government via a high-ranking Navy official. This deal would secure the transfer of Lucky Luciano to a minimal security prison; in exchange the Mafia would provide security for the docks in New York Harbor. German submarines were beleieved to be entering the harbor at this time undetected, and there was great fear of attack or sabotage by Nazi sympathizers. (See "The Merger", by Paddy Kelly for detailed account)…
4. Once Lansky and Dalitz were done who did the Mossad turn too to run their Las Vegas laundering schemes?…
5. Did you know that J.P Morgan and 50 of his banking friends, some of whom were in favor of the creation of the Federal Reserve, decided not to board at the last minute? Those who were not in favor it, stayed on the boat. For those of you who think 9/11 was the first run of a government psy-ops by the bankers, you need to know more about history. Stop watching Netflix and listen to food influencers.Image
6. With the help of a friendly mainsteam media, paid off congresspeople in the legislative branch who have their own AIPAC handle, the ADL's b'mai b'rite has become the premier lobby for Israeli interests in America, and the source of hate crime legislation by Congress and curtailment of First Amendment freedom of speech through their attempted censorship of the Internet. You need to understand history to understand modern current events. Millenials and Gen Xers, Gen Z's have no idea what they do not know.

Hopefully some of you will wake up. Listen to Tucker Carlson Podcast with Massie and tell me it does not make sense now.Image
7. The Mob prefers a bank patronized by the CIA, since both are involved in illegal activities, only the CIA calls its work covert action. When Lansky died Adeilson got schooled by Alvin Malnick on how to launder dirty cash through certain banks into art and real estate and emerge as men who seem clean and not connected to organized crime. Malnick was the sole heir to Lansky's fortune when he died. Malnick drove the developement in San Diego and Miami using Lansky's money in the 1970's- 2000's after he learned the game from Lansky in the 1960s. In the 1960s, Miami lawyer Alvin Malnik set up the Bank of Commerce in the Bahamas. Mob money flowed into its secret numbered accounts by the hundreds of millions--from mob financier Meyer Lansky's money, most of it--and then out again into Tibor Rosenbaum’s International Credit Bank of Switzerland before returning to the United States for investment in the real estate and art world. Why do you think Adelson and Steve Wynn hotels were filled with art worth millions of dollars? That is the legacy of Dalitz and Lanskey. Fiat bankers are their bitches laundering money. Malnick is why we have AML/KYC laws and I bet not more than 5 Bitcoiners know who Malnick is.

Any bank that serves the CIA by funneling agency money into covert work must hide the trail through paper fronts, and such fronts are precisely what organized crime needs to wash its dirty money. It also became apparent that some bank- ers deliberately blurred their relations with government agents and mobsters, using a CIA cover to protect their criminal con-nections. But in a number of cases it was not only the banker who clouded the lines but also the CIA, which was working with gangsters, supposedly for political motives but occasionally for the personal enrichment of its agents, as appears to have been the case in the Nugan Hand Bank scandal in Australia.Image
The answer to the second question lies in the changed nature of banking and the size of criminal profits. In the past mobsters infiltrated many industries but rarely bothered with banks because they were not spectacularly profitable and were too conservatively run. Moreover, the underground economy was still limited in size and had no overwhelming need of banks. All that has changed since the 1970s, with the exponential growth of money markets and a parallel explosion in profits from crime, particularly the drug trade which was ideal for CIA laundering for covert operations for the industrial military complex. This is the real reason Ross Ulbricht got the sentence he did. He was cutting into the profits of the CIA/FBI machine. This system of exchange now earns more than a trillion a year in untaxed profits and ranks as the United States' second biggest industry after oil. This is why your government allows an open border and invites Fentanyl into the US. Your family is being used as a vampire victim of the government need for cash to run forever wars.

The answer to the second question lies in the changed nature of banking and the size of criminal profits. In the past mobsters infiltrated many industries but rarely bothered with banks because they were not spectacularly profitable and were too conservatively run. Moreover, the underground economy was still limited in size and had no overwhelming need of banks. All that has changed since the 1970s, with the exponential growth of money markets and a parallel explosion in profits from crime, particularly the drug trade which was ideal for CIA laundering for covert operations for the industrial military complex. This is the real reason Ross Ulbricht got the sentence he did. He was cutting into the profits of the CIA/FBI machine. This system of exchange now earns more than a trillion a year in untaxed profits and ranks as the United States' second biggest industry after oil. This is why your government allows an open border and invites Fentanyl into the US. Your family is being used as a vampire victim of the government need for cash to run forever wars. Now they have a new patsy in Ukraine and Zelensky. This is why the Uniparty votes as they do.Image
9. AIPAC and B’nai B’rith have many elves in history acting as fly paper. Image
10. Now for the biggie connections: FDR to the Royal family, the bankers, Lansky by way of the polio vaccine and Salk. All tied to the pre civil war migration of a group of men who knew Queen Victoria's new husband and they became spies for the Crown in NYC. How did it all go down?Image
11. Franklin D Roosevelt was criticized by conservatives and libertarians for his economic interventionism that did nothing to end the Depression.
Despite all the President's efforts and the courage of the American people, the Depression hung on until 1941, when America's involvement in the Second World War resulted in the drafting of young men into military service, and the creation of millions of jobs in defense and war industries.  This is how General Groves got the idea that military spending on defense contractors was a prudent move for the country.  The bankers and Industrialist realized it was another new opportunity for them to launder money from federal contracts.  This is how the industrial military complex was born in 1939-1941.  Charles Lindberg was a huge opponent of FDR and the military for this reason.

Lindberg most famous quote captured his beliefs around FDR and the military.  He said, "If I had to choose between nature or man, I would rather have birds than airplanes. Real freedom lies in wildness, not in civilization. In time of war, truth is always replaced by propaganda. It is the greatest shot of adrenaline to be doing what you have wanted to do so badly."  People forget he quit the military in 1941 and resigned his position.  The FDR administration waged a smear campaign (with the help of the ADL chapter of B'nai B'rith) against Lindbergh that blighted his reputation forever.  FDR wanted to enter WW2 contrary to what your history books say today.  Lindberg saw the military provocation done at see from his plane that clearly told him FDR was much more of a war mongering President than history says he was.  Because of this Lindberg political views became opposite FDR.  He was a strict isolationist.   Today Lindberg is forgotten.  But when I was a young boy my grandparents told me he was remembered as a great aviator who later endured personal tragedy, and during World War II, was a German sympathizer with antisemitic beliefs.  That last part came from FDR's liaisons with the ADL.

Lindberg became FDR's opponent when he publically challenged Roosevelt's decision to cancel the commercial air mail contracts and later as a proponent and spokesman for the America First Committee (ADL group), a group which supported America's nonintervention in the European war. That Roosevelt was successful in his campaign against Lindberg is demonstrated by the memories and perceptions of those contemporaries I had polled.

In 1940, a group of Yale University students founded the America First Committee to oppose US intervention in the European war. They quickly mobilized hundreds of other antiwar students to join the organization, and persuaded one of the nation’s most outspoken isolationists, Charles Lindbergh, to support its cause. Lindbergh’s enormous celebrity—dating to his 1927 solo, nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean—helped the America First Committee become a national organization with as many as 800,000 members.  After Lindbergh accused Jews of being “war agitators” in a speech at Des Moines, Iowa, on September 11, 1941, the America First Committee’s reputation changed significantly. Newspapers and magazines across the country denounced Lindbergh and the committee for promoting antisemitism and intolerance. Political cartoonists, including PM newspaper artist Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss), accused Lindbergh of spreading Nazi propaganda. America First Committee leaders denied the accusation, but the criticism continued.   Geisel was an ADL member.  The ADL fueled this propaganda against Lindberg to assist FDR efforts.  The ADL, UK Prime Minister, and House of Windsor were all on the same team behind the scenes and Lindberg never knew it.  Neither did We The People.  B' nai B’rith ( also called Sons of the Covenant) is the oldest Jewish fraternal organization in the world. It was founded in 1843 in America by a small group of German immigrants who came from the UK.  Most of them had links to the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha a capital of the duchyin Germany.  In the nineteenth century, prior to 1848, no Jews were permitted to live in the duchy of Gotha, although they could trade there under restrictions; after 1848 they were free to enter. This is why many of the B'nai B'rith Jews left in 1840-43 to go to America to start anew in a land where they could start fresh.  You should know this community had a literary society and a B'nai B'rith lodge present at this time.  They were British loyalists.  They opposed the American Revolution and they instigated many problems during the Civil War because of their ties to the British Monarchy.  They became very helpful to the Monarchy.

How did the link get strengthened in 1840 pre civil war?    The name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha came into the British Royal Family in 1840 with the marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert, son of Ernst, Duke of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha. Queen Victoria herself was the last monarch of the House of Hanover. The House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha as a British dynasty was short-lived because the family name had to changed as a result of anti-German feeling during the First World War, and the name Windsor was adopted after the Castle of the same name.  the King Of Germany was cousins with the King of England and they caused the first WW1.  This is when the British Empire began its collapse and loss of power.  Today's events via the WHO/WEF/and ADL are attempts to regain that power by weakening America's Constitutional Republic by corrupting its branches of government.  The blueprint was seen at the beginning of WW2 when Churchill promised the King he would do all he could to draw America into the war to fight its battles with Germany again.

FDR was easily manipulated by Winston Churchill as the former maneuvered or was maneuvered into bringing the United States into World War II. Another revelatory fact was how Churchill "...was determined from the beginning to turn the United States into a combatant in WW2 with the help of the ADL.

In January of 1941, one poll found that 88% of Americans opposed the idea of declaring war against the Axis powers in Europe. As late as June of 1941, only 35% of Americans believed their government should risk war to help the British.  On December 6th 1941, Japan gave FDR his chance and the Pearl Harbor attack completely changed public opinion overnight.  Did you know that ADL chapter of  B'nai B'rith was part of British Intelligence at this time?  So few Americans know their own history well enough and this explains why many of things are going on today. Few will recall that John McCloy was our Secretary of the War at this time in the USA.  did you know he wound up on the Warren Commission after the JFK assassination?

Your government is controlled by a shadow government that would stun you if you knew the scope of the corruption.   Ukraine and Afghanostan are just the latest opportunities for the shadow government to launder money to clandestine military operations that the industrial military complex mandates from the Executive and Legislative branches. Both parts are captured parts of government.  Much of that laudering goes through the UK airports today into the Middle East and flows back to Tel Aviv and the government there.

The DNC and the executive branch has a robust history of in this sort of corruption.  FDR is remembered as a hero not a traitor.  Some of us who know better think he and Biden have a lot in common.



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Mar 9
The Birkeland currents in space directly scale to the bioelectric currents and electric resistance on our membranes in a cell, so yes this post is spot on. Image
2. As Chris points out, Birkeland Currents are observed in Earth’s magnetosphere (e.g., 10⁵-10⁶ amperes), these currents are driven by magnetic reconnection, a process scalable to cellular ion channels. No direct studies link them to bioelectric currents yet but maybe @MitoPsychoBio or Levin will consider testing this as Becker did with Brown in the UK, but fractal models (e.g., 2022 Physical Review Letters) suggest universal energy flow principles because these are laws of nature not subject to belief.

Space Weather and Health: A 2023 study in Scientific Reports correlated geomagnetic storms with increased hospital admissions for mental health issues, supporting the bipolar disorder claim. Anthropogenic nnEMF (e.g., 5G at 3.5 GHz) is understudied, with the WHO citing insufficient evidence of harm, possibly due to industry influence.

Melanin and Bioelectricity: Becker’s work showed melanin conducts currents (e.g., 10⁻⁶ A/cm² in salamanders), disrupted by dehydration, aligning with my ideas here. Sunlight’s role in melanin hydration lacks large-scale data but fits the physics that underpins chronobiological evidence.Image
3. Implications and Decentralized Synthesis

Resistance and Energy Flow: Chris's post’s focused on resistance scaling from space connecting to cells mirrors Picard/Levin ideas in their éR framework, where mitochondrial efficiency (steps 7-9 in pic) depends on bioelectric balance, disrupted by blue light, nnEMF, and deuterium.

Therapeutic Potential: Methylene Blue’s stabilization of éR when the IMM has low delta psi, combined with sunlight and grounding, mitigate these effects, enhancing regeneration currents and reducing in many diseases like neurodegeneration risks in CTE or MS.

Societal Impact: My link to cognitive decline from poor light choices extends to Chris's post cosmic-biological narrative, suggesting environmental factors shape societal decision-making. This is certainly true in stock markets and in discussions on social media where chaos exists.

Critical View: The centralized establishment’s resistance to these ideas may stem from a lack of biophysical mechanistic studies and a preference for molecular over bioelectric models. Interdisciplinary research is needed to validate this scaling hypothesis. This is where Picard and Levin have to put their big boy pants on and get to physics. My world ;).Image
Read 13 tweets
Mar 9
1. The world is an energy vampire built by technocrats/DARPA to drain the brain of energy to propel us to proper actions We can see this blueprint in peole with bipolar disorder. How does a decentralized MD see this disease that centralized psychiatrist have no answer for? Image
2. Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic and common psychiatric pathology, which can be particularly disabling. The disease has a global prevalence rate of 1–4%, begins at an early age, i.e. predominantly between 15 and 25 years old, and persists throughout the life of patients. BD is characterized by a recurrence of mood depressive episodes (pathological decrease in mood and energy), hypomanic or manic episodes (pathological increase in mood and energy), or even mixed episodes (simultaneous presence of depressive and manic symptoms).

These thymic episodes are interspersed with phases of clinical remission, known as “euthymic” episodes. The disease is associated with a high morbidity and mortality rate and due to the significant functional impact it induces, including during euthymic periods, BD is the cause of poor quality of life and is one of the ten most disabling diseases according to the World Health Organization.

The diagnosis of BD is mainly clinical and can be supported using scales or questionnaires. The diagnostic delay is estimated at around 10 years. This delay is clearly related to the heterogeneity of the clinical expression of the disease. The study of the literature shows that this delay in treatment seriously affects the prognosis, particularly on the functional level, and constitutes a major public health problem. In addition, there are no biomarkers, easily usable in current practice, to help the clinical decision for the diagnosis or for predicting the course or prognosis of the disease.Image
3. Sleep disturbances and sleep/wake rhythms are major in BD. These disturbances are observed during the different phases of the disease and are major symptoms of mood episodes and belong to the diagnostic criteria for depression, hypomania, and mania. In addition, these anomalies are also found during the euthymic phases of this disease. Indeed, patients suffering from BD would be more likely to present a more evening chronotype and a more languid and rigid circadian type than healthy subjects as well as a decrease in the efficiency of their sleep, an increase in sleep duration, an increased sleep latency and a prolongation of the duration of awakenings after the onset of sleep. These disturbances in sleep and wake/sleep rhythms are associated, among other things, with more frequent relapses, an alteration in the quality of life, and cognitive disorders.

Additionally, neurocognitive deficits are frequently associated with BD. Most typical deteriorations found are impairment of episodic verbal memory, executive functions, processing speed, and sustained attention. These troubles can be present during mood episodes but also in around 30% of patients during euthymic phases. Cognitive deficits of patients with BD have a direct impact on their psychosocial functioning, on the risk of relapse, on treatment adherence, or even on their ability to insight. Their early detection associated with the identification of prognostic and predictive biomarkers of the response to cognitive and functional remediation tools is essential in order to be able to offer early and appropriate treatment.

Now listen to what I said about consciousness here before going further. It occurs very early in the podcast:…
Read 35 tweets
Mar 8
Know your history because you do not. When LDL rises it a symptom of someone who needs to go into the sun more to lower the LDL by converting said cholesterol to Vitamin D to optimize your immune function. It never requires a drug or diet to repair. PAD is caused by ALAN or a lack of sunlight.

Peripheral Arterial Disease = PAD = Atherosclerosis = a lack of UV light or too much ALAN or both.

UVB light improves systemic inflammatory diseases by modulating the adaptive immune system. This is huge for autoimmune conditions and chronic inflammatory processes found in all chronic diseases. It shows you that the paradigm of centralized dermatologists, lipidologists, and cardiologists is dead wrong.

2. Statins are mitochondrial toxins because of their effect on CoEnzQ10 and cytochrome C oxidase. There are many ways in which they increase coronary artery calcification. One way is depletion of NO due to poor light and Vitamin K2 production from the gut, another is lack of sun to control calcium flows, and another is direct arterial melanopsin damage liberating Vitamin A to cause intimal damage and a loss of arterial NO.

Sufficient production of vital biochemicals such as Geranylgeraniol (GGPP) is required to maintain endotoxin tolerance in macrophages in our arteries once the damage occurs. Macrophages are the hallmarks of CVD/Atherosclerosis, contributing to plaque development, inflammation, and the promotion of thrombosis. Geranylgeraniol is downstream of Mevalonate in the cholesterol synthesis pathway, and GGPP synthesis is inhibited by Statins, as is CoQ10 and K2. Vitamin K2 is the cofactor for matrix Gla-protein activation, which PROTECTS arteries from calcification.

Statin use is independently associated with increased calcification in patients, & using an animal model of hypercholesterolemia, we present a molecular mechanism whereby statins promote the calcification of atherosclerotic plaque.…
3. This is why people with high LDLs tend to have low Vitamin D's, high BP, PAD, and glaucoma. All link to a lack of UV light and too much ALAN. Image
Read 11 tweets
Mar 7
1. Martin is getting very close to understanding Uncle Jack. It seems I may have underestimated Levin, too.

ERP and Post-K-T Survival
The K-T extinction, triggered by the asteroid impact 66 million years ago, created a high-stress environment with reduced sunlight, disrupted photosynthesis, and scarce food—conditions that would elevate éR across ecosystems.
Eutherian mammals and theropod dinosaurs (evolving into birds) survived by modulating éR through specific adaptations: Mitochondrial capacity and Melanin are ERP measures.

Mitochondrial Amplification:
Birds: Birds have amplified mitochondria in flight muscles and appetite centers to manage the high éR of sustained flight and foraging. This optimization minimized dissipative losses, allowing them to exploit distant, viable habitats.

Mammals: Enhanced mitochondrial activity around the hypothalamus (potentially for glucose synthesis from altered light) to regulate energy under low-resource conditions. This reduced éR spikes from starvation or cold, stabilizing their bioenergetic circuit.

Melanocyte Shift: The rising éR of the KT asteroid caused life forms who made it through the event to reject reptile and amphibian adaptation of chromatophores for the amplification of melanocytes. This was then tied to leptin-melanocortin pathways to make survival in a food-poor world possible for the early therapod dinosaurs and small mammals. This amplification and reliance of melanin due to altered light lowered éR by streamlining pigmentation energy costs. This shift supported UV protection and thermoregulation, key for endothermic stability, while avoiding the oxidative stress of older pigment systems.

Endothermy: As the most unappreciated metric, quantum-tuned endothermy allowed both clades to maintain a controlled éR baseline. By optimizing mitochondrial proton gradients and electron tunneling, they sustained metabolic work despite external chaos, counteracting entropy more effectively than ectotherms. Well done @MitoPsychoBio & @drmichaellevinImage
2. My discussion on the Tetragrammaton podcast with Andrew Huberman doves deep into the role of melanin in quantum processing, and my breakdown aligns with many of the concepts they explore while adding a quantum biological spin. Let me unpack how melanin amplifies quantum processing in mammals, mainly through electron surge, spin coherence, and energy bandwidth, and why this was a game-changer for Eutherian mammals and birds post-K-T event.

I’ll also tie this back to the Energy Resistance Principle (ERP) of Picard and Levin and then link it to the very unappreciated metric of quantum-tuned endothermy, while addressing the cellular impacts and evolutionary implications I’ve raised for 20 yearsImage
3. Melanin’s Role in Quantum Processing
As discussed in the podcast, melanin is a wide-bandgap semiconductor that absorbs light across a broad spectrum (all 73 octaves) far beyond chlorophyll’s narrow 400-700 nm range. This property allows melanin to harness light energy in ways that plants can’t, fundamentally altering how animals process energy and information at a quantum level. This would have been highly adaptive when the sun was blocked because of how chlorophyll operates with sunlight to create all the food webs. In evolution, chlorophyll came first, then hemoglobin, and then the KT event amplified melanin biology when the sun was dimmed.Image
Read 15 tweets
Mar 7
Sunlight, Staying Indoors, Nicotine, and Vasopressin

Remember, the military has a long history of understanding how nicotine and the stress response operate in soldiers. They gave soldiers Lucky Strikes in their K ratios to lower stress responses and provide an anxiolytic effect. Right after the war, the military studied these effects.

Military research showed that nicotine acutely stimulates vasopressin release by activating nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, particularly in the brainstem (e.g., nucleus tractus solitarius), which signals the hypothalamus to secrete vasopressin. Studies like Burn et al. (1945) noted nicotine’s antidiuretic effect (via vasopressin).

Studies on nicotine self-administration in rats show that it initially boosts vasopressin in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN).

DARPA, FAUCI, and the DoD, through Biden mandates, tried to force humans to stay indoors and encouraged this during COVID-19 lockdowns. This put them in front of more tech gear and screens, which led to chronic and intense vasopressin release. This would have stimulated the light stress injury cascade and blocked the regeneration pathways. Smokers avoided what many non-smokers could not. Now you know why. It had nothing to do with snake venom.


Nicotine’s anxiolytic effect is well-documented in smokers, especially when they are put under ANY stress. This includes light stress, viral stress, or jab stress. It acutely activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis (raising cortisol and vasopressin). This fits with the military history in WWII. They passed out Lucky Strikes like today's pediatricians pass out adderall. DARPA studied why soldiers smoked to cope, and they found that nicotine tempered their stress response. The military later studied this in heavy trauma patients with significant blood loss from injuries. They confirmed these findings during DARPA's time at SRI.

Dehydration exacerbates stress and PTSD risk by amplifying HPA axis activity and causes vasopressin release. Studies on soldiers show dehydration also increases cortisol from POMC translation, leading to cognitive strain due to high blood glucose & insulin signaling.

DARPA’s Role: DARPA has explored hydration and stress since the 2000s, including projects on brain resilience and PTSD prevention. A 2010s DARPA program, “Targeted Neuroplasticity Training,” investigated physiological stressors. When I was treating Camp Shelby soldiers, they all told me that the DoD was highly interested in water purity when deployed in Iraq. Why? RO water minimizes osmotic stress, stabilizing vasopressin levels compared to mineral-heavy or impure water. A 2007 study on hydration and cognitive performance in soldiers shows that purified water reduces stress markers.

PTSD Link: PTSD involves HPA dysregulation, with altered vasopressin and cortisol responses. Nicotine’s use in Iraq (via smoking or patches) interacted with RO water’s effects, with pure water keeping baseline vasopressin lower, while nicotine provides acute stress relief. No declassified DARPA documents confirm this exact strategy. Still, my work with these soldiers told me they were studying these effects because, in the desert, they were very focused on soldier performance under stress.
2. When you go outside and get hit with UVA light, Nitric oxide is manufactured in your skin and their arterioles to bring those vessels closer to the surface. This raises the amount of NO. What does it do?
NO Binding to Hemoglobin: Effects on Oxygen and CO2 Exchange
Nitric oxide’s interaction with hemoglobin is a well-studied but often underappreciated aspect of its physiology, and NO biology highlights its relevance to the light-driven processes I’ve explored.Image
3. Here’s how it fits:
NO Binding Mechanisms: S-Nitrosylation: NO can bind to the cysteine residue (Cysβ93) in hemoglobin’s β-globin chain, forming S-nitrosohemoglobin (SNO-Hb). This reversible binding modulates hemoglobin’s function beyond oxygen transport. Nitrosylhemoglobin: NO can also bind directly to the heme iron (Fe²⁺) in the porphyrin ring, forming nitrosylhemoglobin, particularly under deoxygenated conditions. This competes with oxygen binding and influences oxygen affinity.

This means going in the sun makes you need less O2 on the arteriole side because the sun is giving your system a hypoxia exercise treatment. On the venous side it increases venous O2.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 4
1. Benefits of Sun Exposure beyond Vitamin D:
'There is growing observational and experimental evidence that regular exposure to sunlight contributes to the prevention of colon-, breast-, prostate cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple sclerosis, hypertension and diabetes.'

'Initially, these beneficial effects were ascribed to vitamin D. Recently it became evident that immunomodulation, the formation of nitric oxide, melatonin, serotonin, and the effect of (sun)light on circadian clocks, are involved as well.'

'In Europe (above 50 degrees north latitude), the risk of skin cancer (particularly melanoma) is mainly caused by an intermittent pattern of exposure, while regular exposure confers a relatively low risk.' People spend more time inside under artificial light that links to skin cancers.
2. What does the operating room for skin cancers look like in my clinic? Image
3. Modern humans have lost darkness while making their lives in alien suns. Artificial light at night is significantly correlated for all forms of cancer as well as lung, breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers individually. Immediate measures should be taken to limit artificial light at night in the main cities around the world and also inside houses."
Artificial light at night is unnatural. It changes the natural rhythm of every clock in the body.
Bright sunny days and dark nights are natural. Humans are designed to be in sync with nature.
While I don’t expect people to sit at home in the dark, there are ways to mitigate the negative effects of light at night.
Wear 100% blue light blocking glasses after the sun goes down.
Wear a sleep mask to bed.
Expose your naked eyes to morning sunshine to start the day.
Get night bulbs (that have zero blue light) and turn them on instead of bright daytime lights.
Try to stop looking at screens after the sun goes down.
Get consistent sleep every night.
You should naturally be tired by 10 and naturally wake up with the sun if your circadian rhythm is in tune with nature.Image
Read 13 tweets

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