What really happened on January 6th.
New Pelosi video I think adds additional light on what happened.
Also again, going to review the groups on the ground, lack of National Guard Presence.
Don’t Miss This x.com/i/spaces/1kvjp…
@dbongino had an excellent show today, and he triggered some connections for me that we are going to review tonight. Check out this episode, I will be using clips from this show.
Trump team and Jack Smith had until May 16th to submit various responses in regards to 2 undocketed motions and changes to items including items for seal.
There is an entry that aligns with that, so I’ll share those here. However, I’m increasingly hearing rumblings the case is done.
I’m actually going to add a couple articles in the thread here that further this. It always revolves around how inept and arrogant Joe Biden is, and how he is always trying to cement his own power and going against the Hillary and Obama camps.
2\ Remember this piece from @politico in August of 2019? The timing of it given the laptop was starting to make its rounds. Was this Hillary or Obama taking a shot at Joe leading up to the 2020 election but then just as Dan said earlier, backed off. Why else would Politico drop such a damning piece about the history of Biden Inc? politico.com/magazine/story…
3\ On the heels of the Robert Hur damning report about Joe’s mental faculties, Dan believes as I that this was a signal from Obama and Hillary that he needs to hand over the delegates to a new candidate for the future after the Convention. Joe again too stupid and arrogant to say no. politico.com/news/magazine/…
1\ Biden had a “stunning moment” at the border blaming Republicans for not working with him on Legislation.
As @dbongino points out, Mayorkas (his own words) and Biden cancelled and ended many of the policies that are causing the crisis to begin with.
🧵 👇
2\ This @dbongino clip is a collection of 3 different interviews\debate in Biden’s own words what he ran on and what the policies moving forward will be, which they obviously made a reality.
@dbongino 3\ Here @dbongino brings up how they’re changing the definition to “Newcomers”
Yeah these same “Newcomers” that are committing crimes and murder all over the country.
More Gaslighting
@dbongino has a must see episode today. Naming names, Vicki Nuland should be concerned. No one has actually denied this conversation RE: Ukraine
2\ So who is Nuland? Well you can trace her activities in Ukraine prior and post Euromaidan 2014 and she is also at the center of UkraineGate (RussiaGate is no more than an extension of corruption)
1. @dbongino was absolutely correct in pulling up these articles on his show today, and I’m about to show you in their own words how they absolutely knew what they were doing.
Pre-bunking and maintaining the perception on “Count Every Vote”
Buckle-up! 🧵 🧵 👇
2. On the heels of the “Transition Integrity Project” that came out in Aug 2020, A plan called “The Count” was created by Zack Malitz and Becky Bond.
The “Red Mirage”
Notice he is firmly confident once every vote is counted, Trump loses decisively” how’d they know that in October?
3. Here they lay out the entire timeline, expecting and planning on what Trump might do, and how they’re going to maintain perception in the public that this is an attempted coup by Trump and that everyone should stay the course because they’ll have enough ballots to overcome.
I find it fascinating that on the heels of the Navalny assassination, that the same crew behind the Russia Hoax, miraculously in the same week post-Tucker interview with Russia, the same week post-revisiting the Spygate/Russia Hoax/Pee Pee Tape are making emotional appeals…
Oh no. The Biden admin flexing their muscles? Sure is interesting when Obama/Hillary camps shot across the bow in the Politico piece how Joe could step aside with dignity…. These people