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Jul 14 6 tweets 1 min read
🚨 Language Warning 🚨

“Slash Republican throats. Death to Fascists”

Unhinged shouting from the alleged suspect from yesterday’s attempt on DJT’s life.

Surely this guy had made it onto a list to be investigated. Now that I think about it, I remember this video.
Jul 1 5 tweets 3 min read
So I’ve been digging into the phone messages and it’s very clear Epstein sometimes 2x daily appointments with the minors.

But what’s even more wild the amount of times David Copperfield, Jean-Luc Brunel and Les Wexner called. And there are some very interesting messages

Notice the math on the age.
Also what’s sickening is the amount of different people in the household taking messages from the girls calling about the “appointments”

Everyone knew and stayed quiet.Image
Jul 1 4 tweets 2 min read
Epstein 2008 Grand Jury records to be released due to new law taking effect today.

Expected to be released after a hearing on July 8th where the Palm Beach Post will successfully have cited this fact.

Link to article in comments below
Jun 11 10 tweets 3 min read
What really happened on January 6th.
New Pelosi video I think adds additional light on what happened.

Also again, going to review the groups on the ground, lack of National Guard Presence.
Don’t Miss This… @dbongino had an excellent show today, and he triggered some connections for me that we are going to review tonight. Check out this episode, I will be using clips from this show.
May 15 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨 Rumor has it Judge Cannon has officially closed the Jack Smith Documents case.

I checked Court Listener today and found these entries but I have not been able to get the official documents.
(Link Below) Image…
Mar 5 6 tweets 3 min read
1\ Spot on @dbongino today.

I’m actually going to add a couple articles in the thread here that further this. It always revolves around how inept and arrogant Joe Biden is, and how he is always trying to cement his own power and going against the Hillary and Obama camps. 2\ Remember this piece from @politico in August of 2019? The timing of it given the laptop was starting to make its rounds. Was this Hillary or Obama taking a shot at Joe leading up to the 2020 election but then just as Dan said earlier, backed off. Why else would Politico drop such a damning piece about the history of Biden Inc?…Image
Mar 1 7 tweets 3 min read
1\ Biden had a “stunning moment” at the border blaming Republicans for not working with him on Legislation.

As @dbongino points out, Mayorkas (his own words) and Biden cancelled and ended many of the policies that are causing the crisis to begin with.
🧵 👇 2\ This @dbongino clip is a collection of 3 different interviews\debate in Biden’s own words what he ran on and what the policies moving forward will be, which they obviously made a reality.
Feb 26 9 tweets 4 min read
@dbongino has a must see episode today. Naming names, Vicki Nuland should be concerned. No one has actually denied this conversation RE: Ukraine 2\ So who is Nuland? Well you can trace her activities in Ukraine prior and post Euromaidan 2014 and she is also at the center of UkraineGate (RussiaGate is no more than an extension of corruption)
Feb 19 8 tweets 4 min read
1. @dbongino was absolutely correct in pulling up these articles on his show today, and I’m about to show you in their own words how they absolutely knew what they were doing.

Pre-bunking and maintaining the perception on “Count Every Vote”
Buckle-up! 🧵 🧵 👇 2. On the heels of the “Transition Integrity Project” that came out in Aug 2020, A plan called “The Count” was created by Zack Malitz and Becky Bond.
The “Red Mirage”
Notice he is firmly confident once every vote is counted, Trump loses decisively” how’d they know that in October?
Feb 17 9 tweets 3 min read
I find it fascinating that on the heels of the Navalny assassination, that the same crew behind the Russia Hoax, miraculously in the same week post-Tucker interview with Russia, the same week post-revisiting the Spygate/Russia Hoax/Pee Pee Tape are making emotional appeals… Image Oh no. The Biden admin flexing their muscles? Sure is interesting when Obama/Hillary camps shot across the bow in the Politico piece how Joe could step aside with dignity…. These people
Jan 15 13 tweets 5 min read
@dbongino hit a home run today discussing the Transition Integrity Project. I’m going to add some additional receipts and context as we go through this segment. Not only are they planning a coup, they’re trying to finish it off, that started the Day Trump took office 🧵 👇 Transition Integrity Project document:…
Jan 14 5 tweets 2 min read
Part of @Millie__Weaver investigation into the Sunrise Zoom Calls, we got access to their documents. One of the documents is a “Facilitator’s Guide for Federal Workers”
This is a full document that enables Marxist employees inside our government to hold “training sessions” Image As you see here it’s made easy to hold these sessions. Image
Jan 6 11 tweets 4 min read
@Millie__Weaver Documents thread:
Transition Integrity Project… @Millie__Weaver The Count:…
Jan 3 12 tweets 5 min read
1. Today @glennbeck had a barn burner 🔥 of a segment regarding Epstein, Clinton, Trump and Government Corruption. I’m going to thread it here, adding additional supplements/sources to bring context. 🧵 👇 2. Kash Patel discussing who has the Epstein black book from a segment that aired a while ago. The Director of the FBI has it according to Kash. Also discussing his new book “Government Gangsters”
Dec 30, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
For the highlights tab.
Norm Eisen Color Revolution extraordinaire, Michael McFaul and the ALMOST completely successful gauntlet of Censorship, Lawfare and takeover. You have to listen.… All supporting documents and articles.
The Count…
Nov 17, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
1/ Mark Fisher a BLM CoFounder from Rhode Island a few days ago was on with @KimIversenShow and this was the first time I’ve come across her, gave a very insightful interview that I’ve only seen now @EpochTimes cover and @jimmy_dore cover regarding his endorsement for Trump 🧵 👇 2\ What were some of the policies or prescriptions for black Americans (emphasis on the latter) that were impactful to the Black community? Mark goes into it here
Nov 16, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Miss me with the holy war shit, this kind of conversation revolving around “TikTok” means the RESTRICT Act is back on the menu. Now let’s sprinkle in the TikTok fascination with the Bin Laden Letter to the American People BS, and this is how you get a Patriot Act level support for it.
The riot at the DNC today, this rhetoric, the BLM style Pro Hamas support, the TikTok Gen Z “problem” he’s asserting, is 10000% WMD 2000’s bullshit. Mark my words, the release of the statement regarding the Biden Admin wanting to control the whole of the internet, the Restrict Act is ALL RELATED. For the love of God don’t let our Government Patriot Act 3.0 us