My deepest apologies to all.
When you ASSUME the “Christo” Fascists have put forth a Bill that will be shut down for it’s extremism,
You. Take. Your. Eyes. Off. The. Ball.
I did that.
A🧵of Explanation and Pleading
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1
I’ve long said Oklahoma needs the Cleansing Spotlight of Truth shown upon it.
Often lamented that National Media pays so little attention to the goings on in my state opting for the higher populated states to highlight the cruelty of fascism.
In all honesty, I pay more attention to other states myself.
NOT just because I have no local news stations because I have “cut the cable” cord.
NOT because I refuse to pay for the sheer propaganda that has become any local paper.
I do so because what happens here is too depressing.
Every🧵I write -
I implore you, begging you to
Vote. Them. OUT!
Knowing that it will not happen here.
Knowing that it is “too late for me, SAVE YOURSELVES”,
And maybe, just maybe if we can save other states, it may echo here.
Directly because of that, I missed when one of the most terrible “Christo” Fascist Bills
Was signed and is now being put into place within our school system.
Oklahoma HB 1425:…
You can read that easily enough if you would like.
It is only 3 pages (4 but the last is a signature page only).
It’s a lot of gobbledygook words to say:
Oklahoma Schoolchildren will now begin receiving Credit
For Attending APPROVED Church OUTSIDE of School,
Don’t just take my word for it,
Don’t just read the Bill,
Go take a gander at Ryan Walters page, June 7th, where he made a short video that angers me too much to include here.
Straight from the “Christo” Fascists Mouth.
Separation of Church and State?
Oklahoma is doing everything they can to OBLITERATE that.
We are, to put it simply, Ground Zero
For Full Integration!
And I’m not hearing a damned thing about it in Major News Media.
They. Don’t. Care.
And that my friends, is precisely why everything I write is done so with the attitude:
“It’s too late for me, for my family, SAVE YOURSELVES!”
This tiny “Blue Dot” has been trying to warn you of the dangers coming your way for so long.
I’m beyond tired, past flat out exhausted.
I have no claim to fame.
I am not published.
I have no internet video of myself that people are drawn to.
I must use 35+ DM rooms to break through the algorithm, including #’s.
Everything I have done since becoming active on Twitter has been to warn and inform of the dangers coming.
Sometimes that is through personal stories and how they relate to life lessons learned.
Other times I Rant and Rage.
Since I started this I have been grateful and thankful to put in the work to gain 1K followers per month.
All of it, every last bit of it,
In an effort to IMPLORE you -
If you allow them to copy what has been done in Oklahoma,
I can say that honestly and truthfully without a single iota of hyperbole.
Do Not Go Gently into that Night.
Rage! Rage against the darkness coming.
Do not let it become the reality in your state as it has in mine.
This is absolutely NOT to say it is worse in Oklahoma than many of the other more focused on Red States,
But Oklahoma has concentrated MORE on obliterating the Separation of Church and State than many others.
If a fraction of what is happening in my state is happening in yours,
Become Relentless.
You must get as many as possible to Vote Blue,
Because there is no sanity remaining within the GOP.
Oh they can SOUND reasonable if you are not paying attention to what they are doing.
Every Action they take betrays sanity.
Every Action!
Their goal IS to obliterate Separation of Church and Sate.
Installing “Christo” Fascism in place of democracy.
They will do anything to do so
EXCEPT accept responsibility or accountability.
They spit on that and cry the most fake of Crocodile Tears
If any legal action is actually taken against them.
“Why me? Why am I so persecuted? Whaaaa!”
Know what you do when they are crying like that?
You FIGURATIVELY punch them again with every Fact, Truth, Scorn, Logic, and Ridicule you can muster!
Give no quarter VERBALLY.
No Quarter, because they give none.
No Quarter,
Because you MUST Believe me when I tell you,
They will give none PHYSICALLY if they cannot get their way.
How many calls for violence must we be told to pass off and discard by the media?
What will it take to wake people up to the dangers these “Christo” Fascist wanna be’s present?
How many Rights are you willing to see lost?
Will it take YOUR children going hungry?
Because in many states they are forcing children to go hungry out of spite!
Will it take YOUR children being sent to fields and meat packing plants?
Because in some states THAT is being done!
Will it take YOUR daughters or granddaughters to be raped and FORCED to carry?
That is happening all over the country in Red States!
You have no idea how thankful ON MY KNEES I am,
That MY Granddaughters did not become pregnant after the devastation visited upon them.
How many must suffer?
How many must die?
Just for YOU to become as motivated as humanly possible to activate people to vote every last one of these “Christo” Fascist OUT!
I have ended every thread for some time now with a simple plea:
Demand Better,
Stand Together,
Vote. Them. OUT!
With reasons following each plea.
This one I end with the most dire of questions:
• • •
Missing some Tweet in this thread? You can try to
force a refresh
Have You Paused For Beauty Today?
Not just serious, but deadly serious.
This🧵is a little different,
A story of a memory that I rarely take out of it’s box.
Settle in, it hurts!
Yet it is told with love.
Make time.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1
Those who follow me may have seen me mention my Granddad now and then.
If you have, you know how very much I respect him and the wisdom he imparted.
The following is his last wisdom granted to me.
Though I, most likely intentionally, repressed some of the memories of that time, as you will soon understand why, the lesson and the wisdom has been with me throughout my life.
I share this with you now, not for sympathy, but a plea to have you see a simple truth.
Oh you bet we are going to talk about this!
Follow along as I not only rip it apart point by point,
But also expose a few things these accounts are doing you might not be aware of.
TRUTH is my Shield.
FACT is my Weapon of Choice.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1
They really do have a problem with Words and Meanings don’t they?
These are NOT “Consequences”, they are a fevered fantasy of misogyny.
Nothing Less,
But a whole lot more as we will see.
Dang. One word in, hope I can speed this up!
1} – Women don’t defer childbirth
Notice the usage of “defer”?
That screams the poster resents women who wait until their bodies are more mature, minds more mature, AND demands a “male right” to impregnate who and WHEN they want.
Some of you agree what remains of the GOP is a Death Cult.
Some think I am being hyperbolic.
I am going to ask you a series of questions.
Then I will show you a direct screenshot of Project 2025.
You decide.
A🧵for Thought and Action.
#ProudBlueEditorials #Demvoice1
There is a word the vilest of MAGA trolls use as an accusation.
Q: What is it?
A: The most common insult, most common accusation – “pedo” in a myriad of variations.
It is so ubiquitous, some sitting “Representatives” and “Senators”, State and Federal have used a variation of the accusation.
Publicly, they generally reserve that epithet when speaking of transgender issues, yet the more extreme of them have used it for others.
Impossible to be brief when describing the insanity displayed today and every day by all things Trumplandia.
This🧵will attempt to summarize.
I will give you the TLDR up front.
Read this🧵
RT, QT, Comment, and Like
If my words have meaning.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1
Today, and every day forward, we will watch the enabling hypocritical sycophants
“Kiss the ring”.
They do so for Grift.
They do so for Power.
They do so for Relevancy.
They do so to avoid their own Legal Troubles.
They ALL will do so for their own PETTY REASONS.
Every single time I write about this someone will tell me:
It started with Reagan.
It started with “X-Y-Z”.
It started with, blah to the freaking blah.
Oh you KNOW I am going to write a🧵about this one.
But you see? It’s not about Tiny “Timmy” here,
No. This🧵is about every last
Stochastic Terrorist kowtowing and prostrating themselves
To the Alter of Destroying Democracy.
Buckle Up Buttercups.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1
Take a good hard look around.
I know you won’t.
I know you will refuse to see Logic, Reason, Fact, Truth. Or Reality
Yet I will try.
Take one good long hard look around!
Ask yourselves ONE question, and for now,
Will ANY, will a single “influencer”, politician, former military fool, or idiotic media figurehead
“Fight” WITH You on a “Front Line”?
Name ONE!
You Cannot.
If you follow me, you know I love to break things down to core concepts to make them easier to understand and test the logic.
America is at a time where ONE party is causing division.
Think you understand that?
A Rant🧵and THE Advice needed to WIN.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1
By their embrace and enabling of MAGA and “Christo” Fascism,
The GOP says:
We hate LGBTQ+ people.
We hate Women.
We hate anyone who is not Whyte.
We. Hate. Those. Who. Do. Not. Think. Like. Us!
We are in agreeance so far, yes?
You better read that last sentence emphasized with Capitals and Periods again.
Is what this entire thread is about.