Thought First (Shane) Profile picture
Proud grandpa of 6 girls. 💙🌊Bachelor's Social Work. Former Substance Abuse Counselor. I choose hope over fear. 🚫MAGA. he/him
Kim Votes Blue Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 6 25 tweets 6 min read
I am Righteously Outraged!
I am Spitting Mad!
And in this🧵you are going to hear why.
And in this🧵I ask fellow Mental Health Professionals to Concur Loudly.
And in this🧵I am going to SHOUT Straight Up Facts!
Listen up!
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 It’s in my freaking bio, though many don’t understand the implications of it:
I. Am. A. Former. Mental. Health. Professional!
Former ONLY because Cancer and further disabilities preclude me from keeping a schedule of any kind to continue to work.
Jul 3 29 tweets 6 min read
Falling for Russian Propaganda,
Listening to Billionaires who wish to Rule,
Or Panicking because Despair has broken your Thinking?
A TON of you are doing so without realizing it,
And this🧵will prove it.
Buckle Up Buttercups!
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 While I spend my time sitting here, thinking, writing, wearing out metal keyboards that are less than 5 months old😆🤣
I often listen to Podcasts and News.
Last Sunday, Keith Olbermann reminded us of some History YOU need to be aware of.
Let’s dig into it.
Jun 27 24 tweets 5 min read
A friend highlighted some truly horrendous statistics today.
We need to talk about them.
To do so, we must also talk about Zealotry and Fanaticism.
This is a
🧵About the Death Cult
The GOP has become.
I will even make a prediction at the end.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 It is not often, but occasionally I will include Dictionary Definitions within my🧵’s.
When I do it is for Complete Clarity, and in hopes of giving you the vernacular needed to describe what is happening.
I do so now: Image
Jun 23 26 tweets 5 min read
The moment I saw this Narcissistic Attempt at humor,
I knew I would have to write an entire🧵about it.
Because it is one of THE KEYS to understanding
EVERYTHING Trumpian, the current GOP,
And FAR More.
Let’s get into it.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 I’ll give you the TLDR up front:
“Everything is about ME! Who cares what happens AFTER ME!”
There is so much more contained in this pathetic “joke”.
Please continue reading to find out what.
Some of it you may find surprising if you have not been paying VERY close attention.
Jun 19 20 tweets 4 min read
This is not the🧵I wanted to make today or any day.
We are going to talk!
We are going to talk about False Prophets and False Forgiveness.
I will NOT proselytize, but I WILL Inform.
Sit Down.
LISTEN if you are even capable.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 Image Let’s start with a minor tongue twister shall we?
“Feckless Falsephets Find Foolish Followers For False Forgiveness.”
Today’s episode brought to you by the letter “F”.
If we were in school, those above would receive a grade worse than “F”!
Jun 17 23 tweets 5 min read
My deepest apologies to all.
When you ASSUME the “Christo” Fascists have put forth a Bill that will be shut down for it’s extremism,
You. Take. Your. Eyes. Off. The. Ball.
I did that.
A🧵of Explanation and Pleading
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 I’ve long said Oklahoma needs the Cleansing Spotlight of Truth shown upon it.
Often lamented that National Media pays so little attention to the goings on in my state opting for the higher populated states to highlight the cruelty of fascism.
Jun 15 35 tweets 6 min read
Have You Paused For Beauty Today?
Not just serious, but deadly serious.
This🧵is a little different,
A story of a memory that I rarely take out of it’s box.
Settle in, it hurts!
Yet it is told with love.
Make time.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 Those who follow me may have seen me mention my Granddad now and then.
If you have, you know how very much I respect him and the wisdom he imparted.
The following is his last wisdom granted to me.
Jun 12 35 tweets 7 min read
Oh you bet we are going to talk about this!
Follow along as I not only rip it apart point by point,
But also expose a few things these accounts are doing you might not be aware of.
TRUTH is my Shield.
FACT is my Weapon of Choice.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 Image Consequences?
They really do have a problem with Words and Meanings don’t they?
These are NOT “Consequences”, they are a fevered fantasy of misogyny.
Nothing Less,
But a whole lot more as we will see.
Dang. One word in, hope I can speed this up!
Jun 7 15 tweets 3 min read
Some of you agree what remains of the GOP is a Death Cult.

Some think I am being hyperbolic.

I am going to ask you a series of questions.

Then I will show you a direct screenshot of Project 2025.

You decide.

A🧵for Thought and Action.
#ProudBlueEditorials #Demvoice1 There is a word the vilest of MAGA trolls use as an accusation.
Q: What is it?
A: The most common insult, most common accusation – “pedo” in a myriad of variations.
Jun 4 39 tweets 7 min read
Impossible to be brief when describing the insanity displayed today and every day by all things Trumplandia.
This🧵will attempt to summarize.
I will give you the TLDR up front.
Read this🧵
RT, QT, Comment, and Like
If my words have meaning.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 TLDR:
Today, and every day forward, we will watch the enabling hypocritical sycophants
“Kiss the ring”.
They do so for Grift.
They do so for Power.
They do so for Relevancy.
They do so to avoid their own Legal Troubles.
They ALL will do so for their own PETTY REASONS.
May 31 22 tweets 4 min read
Oh you KNOW I am going to write a🧵about this one.
But you see? It’s not about Tiny “Timmy” here,
No. This🧵is about every last
Stochastic Terrorist kowtowing and prostrating themselves
To the Alter of Destroying Democracy.
Buckle Up Buttercups.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 Image MAGA;
Take a good hard look around.
I know you won’t.
I know you will refuse to see Logic, Reason, Fact, Truth. Or Reality
Yet I will try.
Take one good long hard look around!
May 21 24 tweets 4 min read
If you follow me, you know I love to break things down to core concepts to make them easier to understand and test the logic.
America is at a time where ONE party is causing division.
Think you understand that?
A Rant🧵and THE Advice needed to WIN.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 By their embrace and enabling of MAGA and “Christo” Fascism,
The GOP says:
We hate LGBTQ+ people.
We hate Women.
We hate anyone who is not Whyte.
We. Hate. Those. Who. Do. Not. Think. Like. Us!
May 19 31 tweets 5 min read
A few months ago, several people asked me how in the 9 Bells some in MAGA could possibly call it a movement of peace and love.
This🧵will explain that at least in part.
Often the simple is complex, and the complex is simple.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 Before we get there, allow me to explain a few terms and debates within psychology, sociology, and philosophy.
Don’t worry, if you follow me you know I love to break things down to basics and easy to understand concepts.
May 8 14 tweets 3 min read
There are those of us who loudly proclaim:
It is not the job of the Democratic Party to save the Speakers bacon.
NORMALLY this would be true.
Brutal Truth:
A🧵to explain why.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 FACT:
Kevin McCarthy was honestly a worthless Speaker that had little support within his own party.
That is why it took FIFTEEN votes to get him into the Speakership.
May 2 23 tweets 3 min read
And I use that term in the lightest, most sarcastic way possible,
I have had all I can stand and I can’t stand no more.
That means
Are going to get a well deserved earful.
Oh you better believe this🧵is a rant.
Read on!
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 Far before the “Man or Bear” debate,
In fact for as long as I can remember,
{And I happen to have a memory that reaches all the way back to 9 months old}
I have heard the phrase:
“Just keep your legs shut”
Directed towards women.
Apr 24 30 tweets 5 min read
A bit of Twitter Magic just happened earlier today,
And to that end -
🚨🚨A L A R M !🚨🚨
I need everyone to read and amplify this🧵please!
We MUST Shout this message Loud and Clear.
🚨🚨A L A R M !🚨🚨
Nefariousness Afoot!
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 As I so often try to remind my friends,
I take inspiration from each and every one of you.
Today’s thread is testament to that.
While chatting about “End Stage/UNCHECKED Capitalism”,
It made clear WHY the
Grants Pass, Oregon v Johnson
Case has been taken all the way to SCOTUS.
Apr 22 25 tweets 5 min read
🚨A L A R M🚨
I am on my knees BEGGING You and the Media to read this🧵.
Everyone is missing what this short clip of insanity is.
Allow me to explain please.
🚨A L A R M🚨
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 What she says here does several things at once:
It is pure outrage farming.
It uses dehumanization by othering those who disagree.
It has become such standard vitriol not only from her, but so many others we have allowed it to become background noise, paying little attention.
Apr 9 14 tweets 3 min read
Been a ton of MAGA who declare they were so much better off 4 years ago, or all during the last admin.
Some are just spreading propaganda of course.
This🧵will tell you and them why it is true for so many though.
🎶They’re not gonna like it🎶😎
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 The very first thing their Golden Idol declared after riding down his gilded escalator was xenophobic as can be.
And so, MAGA thought it was okay to be xenophobic.
Real Americans are not!
So we stopped going to their shops and businesses.
Mar 26 30 tweets 6 min read

I repeat!


I am on my knees, begging you to understand this simple phrase.
Take a few moments of your time,
Allow me to explain in this🧵
Hear me. Listen. Understand.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 It sounds incredibly hyperbolic to say it out loud but,
We. Are. At. War.
We are currently fighting a war with our words, trying to defend democracy.
We are fighting a war on so many fronts, it has become hard to list them all.
Allow me to state a few:
Mar 12 17 tweets 3 min read
"Listen, children, to a story"
Thus begins one of the most powerful songs of my childhood.
A song I will herein give my personal interpretation of,
And a bit of history as well.
A🧵for your consideration.
#ProudBlueEditorials #ProudWokeHistory #DemVoice1 The song of course is
“One Tin Soldier”
And the beauty of any well written song is, it can have so many different meanings,
Not just to everyone, but even to an individual as life experience is gained and perspective grants new wisdom.
Feb 29 19 tweets 4 min read
I find it telling that although I often use the correct term for the GOP of “Death Cult” and people nod their heads in agreement, they then refuse to use the same correct term.
Time to go over the facts YET AGAIN.
A🧵of Fact and Righteous Anger
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1 I am willing to accept as a matter of opinion WHEN they became a Death Cult.
That becomes a matter of “splitting hairs” and how much knowledge one has of the past however.
The FACT remains, they are NOW a Death Cult without even understanding why that is.