As we start @Sebroyle says some opening words at the venue with what looks like a couple of hundred people #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle There is a statement from the Conservatives as to why Carline Deal is not here. She is trying to participate in one event and is going to the Jewish hustings #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle We will open with candidates' statements for three minutes, then there are questions from the floor which candidates will answer. Questions came from the community and attendees. Some were similar says @Sebroyle There are extra questions which were not asked #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle Share and educate, not fight and divide says @Sebroyle There is zero tolerance of abuse at this event. Life experience will be respected #LDreporter #Brighton #Hove
@Sebroyle .@tanushkamarah believes in a world where dialogue and debate can build a better world. She believes in plural voices and wants a house of the people. Her campaign is built by the people of #Hove #Portslade and #Brighton #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah People are fed up with the two parties, wars, austerity, flags and fear. She is the voice of the people to say no to militarism, no to genocide in Gaza, yes to housing for all, yes to public services and yes to forefronting the climate emergency #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah She believes her campaign represents 70% of the people living here. From crisis comes change. Now good people are doing something and @tanushkamarah is here to be the voice of those people #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah Martin Hess for @reformparty_uk who is from #Hove he went to @CNCSOfficial and spent his career in the IT industry. He works supporting start-up businesses to grow. He found himself politically homeless in 2020, he was against a second lockdown. The consequences we live now
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial He left the Conservative Party and sought a new home. He couldn't vote for anyone on the ballot, considered standing as an independent but liked @reformparty_uk policies as they reflect his world view. He is disturbed by the direction of travel for the country. #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial He is concerned about British values, decency, wokeness, obsessions with race and gender which block other issues. Net zero is a mistake and hurts competitiveness and harms those who cannot afford it. He is an Albion fan and supports Off The Fence. #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial Green candidate Sophie Broadbent lives in #Hove Park ward. She works full time and is volunteering to take part in politics for a kinder, fairer, greener future. She changed her life in 2019 because of her concern about climate change. She is a therapeutic counsellor #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial She used to work in television and now helps people reduce their carbon footprint through advertising. She is an active member of the Green Party and was at the manifesto launch. She wants to protect the environment by challenging privilege and ending discrimination #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial We don't need to live and work in the way we do and we need more kindness says Sophie Broadbent #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial Michael Wang an immigration lawyer, fighting for migrants. The NHS and social care is on its knees, there is sewage in the rivers and seas. Getting rid of the Conservatives is not enough for solutions. Labour will talk change but will talk about trickle down economics #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial Labour is austerity with a human face. Labour speak just as well for red and blue. The Lib Dems know we need a new British economy powered by start ups and partnerships in the EU. The world we live in is more brutal than it has ever been he says. #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial He despairs for the people of Gaza and Ukraine. Human beings are paying in blood for our countries failures. This is a chance to transform British politics and give people a fair deal #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial Final speaker is @peterkyle he reminds Mr Wang that the Lib Dems voted for austerity and backed the Brexit referendum. Since he was elected in 2015 he has learned how to be a back bencher and give voice to the community. He doesn't represented 70% of the people but does his best
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle He worked cross party to sort out Southern Railway with Nicholas Soames. Then covid and Brexit trying to work out what people needed the most. He was in the shadow cabinet. The country is a mess. In-fighting Conservatives. The economy is a mess and needs growth #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Growth comes from the bottom up. The living wage needs to increase for frontline workers. Public services need help with 8.5 million on NHS waiting lists. Schools are crumbling. The country's international reputation needs to recover. #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle People have become cynical, that politicians are corrupt, that is the legacy of Boris Johnson and Liz Truss. We need a decade of national renewal, that's how long it will take. #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle The first question is about Gaza, it came in and @Sebroyle is reading it out.
What is your position on the ongoing conflict in Gaza and what steps will you take to support a peaceful resolution.
How can our country support stability in the region in the future #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Michael Wang Lib Dem goes first. They were the first party to call for an immediate ceasefire. Lib Dems will recognise Palestine. We must not export UK made arms where civilians will be killed by these arms. That is the law. LDs are in favour of a 2-state solution #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle .@tanushkamarah is here because of Gaza, it is not current but 76 years old. She cannot sleep because of what's going on. It makes her feel ill. If all the children who go to school in #Brighton and #Hove went missing, that's all the children killed in Gaza #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle We put our money into militarism. This does not make Israelis, Palestinian or anyone here safe. What is happening is not complex, it is wrong. There is a genocide, look at the international court of criminal justice. We need to recognise Palestine #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Palestinians and Israelis need to live with equal rights. There needs to be recognition of Palestinians are human beings. We need to think when we see children being pulled out of rubble and refugee camps being bombed. What happened on Oct 7 was terrible. #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle But these retaliations will continue. My thoughts are with every person who loses their life says @tanushkamarah this is when we need to speak out #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle A quick add, from @tanushkamarah we need to stop arming Israel #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Martin Hess for @reformparty_uk What kicked this off was the massacre on October 7. What did Hamas think the reaction would be? Did they think they could break out and kill as many Jews as quickly as possible. Did they think it would bring Israel to the table #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle I think they knew what they were doing says Martin Hess. Did they think it would bring peaceful solution. They did it to scupper Saudi Arabia & Israel coming together
Hamas wants to remove Israel from the face of the earth and kill Jews
He doesn't agree with West Bank settlement
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle You have to do it without Hamas. You need to bring the international community together #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle It was clear after Oct 7 that there would be retaliation says @peterkyle Israel has the right to bring back the hostages, it has a right to secure its borders. Israel should act with restraint and the 2-stage solution can only survive with that #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Said after the first retaliation that Israel should act within international law. Don't underestimate what was inflicted on Israel. It would stop if Hamas released the hostages says @peterkyle He voted for a permanent ceasefire leading to a 2-state solution #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle He voted for the international court having jurisdiction over Gaza and Isreal and for the coast to be open for aid. Anyone committing criminal acts on the West Bank should not be admitted in the country. That is his voting record. He stood against the incursion into Rafa #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle We need political dialogue, this is how hostages will be released. The international community needs to stand together. With the USA, UK and EU working together. A ceasefire must apply to both sides says @peterkyle #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Sophie Broadbent says the Greens called for a ceasefire within the first few days of the Oct 7 attacks and the reciprocal behaviour from Israel. As a mother and parent she is horrified by what has and is happening, but a political solution is required #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Weapons need dismanteling. We need to listen to the international criminal justice system. We need to listen to South Africa. We need action now and can't wait around #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle It can't be heard but @tanushkamarah is asking about @peterkyle's voting record. He couldn't vote for the SNP because it was a one-sided ceasefire. He voted for a ceasefire that created political space for negotiations to follow. Everything is on record, read the motion #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle .@tanushkamarah says @peterkyle is gas lighting and what happened was not democracy. The voting record is in black and white. What does Friends of Israel mean in this moment with 48,000 innocent people dead #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle .@Sebroyle is asking to move on.
@peterkyle Friends of Israel campaigns for progressive politics in Israel, for socialism in Israel. This is not allied to Netanyahu Israel has the right to exist. He also supports sister parties in other countries including Labour in Israel #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle He supported the Democrats under Trump. The idea he is campaigning for Netanyahu and his right-wing government is wrong. He will continue to support left-wing parties in Israel. He has been to Israel and Palestine. No one voted for him to stand on the sidelines #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle You will never forgive me for sitting on the sidelines and not doing my best says @peterkyle #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Now Fabia Bates of Clocktower Sanctuary supporting the homeless. There are 136k young people who presented as homeless last year. In #Brighton there's been a 30% increase and many are rough sleeping. What would the candidates do to address youth homelessness #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Michael Wang says the figures are astounding in a first world country. Increasing homelessness is down to lack of housing & high prices, a lack of social housing and benefits cut to the bones. Lib Dems are committed to building 380k houses 150k of them social #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle If the King Alfred is developed into flats many will go to foreign investors Young people don't want to be homeless, they've had a difficult upbringing. Education fails them. 47% of children are in poverty, with 3 children the 2 child benefit cap doesn't given them a chance
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Labour don't want to end the 2-child benefit cap. Governments can raise taxes. Lib Dems will raise taxes on passive income from people with £1million plus. I will help poor families and help them deal with the problems. It is ambitious but necessary #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Martin Hess has supported homeless charities. His son asked him why people sleep rough, it's a scourge on our society. We should feel guilty. He has supported Clocktown and now Off the Fence. How to fix? It's a difficult problem. You can't wave a magid want. Unaffordable housing
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Rents are high in #Brighton and #Hove and it's difficult to get on the housing ladder. Addiction is an issue.
It's something that should be right at the top of our concerns as a society #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Sophie Broadbent has signed many pledges on supporting the homeless. Better funding is needed for frontline organisations, but to tackle the issue we need affordable homes for rent. We need an end to evictions and regulation for better housing stock #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle At Change, Grow, Live she has spoken with people about their experiences. Healthcare is needed. We also need good wages, Greens will end the 2-child gap. People also need a living wage. We don't need to be in this situation #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Fabia says young people face discrimination in terms of salary and benefits #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Juno Dawson describes herself as a "notorious transexual" Transgender people are being used as a political football. You're mean to represent us Martin said "wokeness" & "Gender" @reformparty_uk would scrap the equality act protecting women & disabled. How will you protect us?
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle She asks for @peterkyle to go first. He has a symbol of wokeness on his wrist. He was the first openly gay MP for #Hove and at school in Bognor he didn't know if anyone else was gay. Section 28 was statute. His teacher had to tell the children gay relationships weren't normal
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Labour introduced the equality act and are proud of it. It's frustrating when terms are used about people and their bodies. He's never heard the voice of trans people in debate. It's just 2 white men talking about what is is to be a women. Hysteria is being sirred up #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle From 1997 when Section 28 was on the statute, we have moved on to abolishing that, civil partnerships, gays in the military, we found a way through respectfully. Today there is disagreement pushing us apart and we need to come together #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Martin Hess says the role of women and acceptance in law and by society of the gay community is a great thing. He has no prejudice against the trans community, he likes being in a country where we accept everybody. His issue is trans women should not compete in female sport
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle They have an in-built advantage. It's about fairness to women. I'm proud to live in a country where we have made progress in these areas. Militancy on the LGBTQ side works against the community and it's too aggressive to those of a different view. Most are accepting #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Juno Dawson is upset she's not going to be in Olympic wrestling because she would "be a contender"
#LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle How will the parties manage immigration and balance the need for skilled workers and humanitarian need and border security, and integration into communities. #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle The Lib Dems are not talking of open doors says Michael Wang. Here in #Hove hospitality and care homes need staff. Without immigration the NHS and social care would collapse overnight. It is an economic fact. The problem is the visa system. #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Application costs are too high and do not get resolved in a timely way. Businesses need certainty they can get the labour they need. The Lib Dems want immigration based on the market need to fill the shortages of workers. Today we need immigration and reforming the home office
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle We need to play our part and welcome those most in need. It's a moral obligation. We don't want more death in the channel. Deterrents do not work. Charities say we need safe and legal routes for asylum seekers to apply overseas. Ukranians are not on these small boats #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Brexit has left us understaffed in fruit pickers, nurses, teachers says @tanushkamarah Why Nigel Farage is over the papers is interesting. She is against economic migration. The billions in off-shaw accounts. it'll cost £40 billion to make us equal to Europe. #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Foreign investors are buying new homes and not living in them says @tanushkamarah We should not punch down. The people on small boats would not be there if we understood the right for sage passage when fleeing from war and climate catastrophe #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Kevin Smith says wealth comes from innovation, diversity of ideas. Member of the global majority community feel a lack of belonging in professional spaces. What can you do to ensure GM people feel belonging in business communities? #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle In business there are issues with gender inequality. @peterkyle says business and schooling doesn't unlock people's potential. We need change. None can be solved by one policy. We need a government working across the board. Education has become very blinkered #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Performing arts and sports are reduced in schools. Labour will introduce these things. We need to get the basics right Growth must come from the right places. There are key jobs that need immigration. We will raise the minimum wage. Young people won't get paid for doing their job
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle We need to close the attainment gap between state and private schools. Inequality is going in the wrong direction. We believe potential is in all of us not just based on where we grow up or our backgrounds #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Sophie Broadbent says there are lost of people living here for whom this is important. It is not enough to say you're not racist, you must be anti-racist. We want to make sure we have free access to education & end student debt for a level playing field to empower #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle The Conservative manifesto "we live in uncertain times" is about fear. We need to think about policies and to be inclusive for all cultures to live side-by-side #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Kevin says trading is a great recipe to stimulate the economy. People don't feel there is a belonging for global majority people in the business community. Everyone can contribute if encouraged to do so. #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle I was just talking to Kevan (corrected) and missed @tanushkamarah on that one.
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Christina says #Brighton & #Hove has talent but is not known for innovation. How can we build prominence in innovation. #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Martin Hess has invested in entrepreneurial spark(spa)? and believes in innovation. We have good incubators in #Brighton & #Hove he would like to see more coaching. More than just sharing work space. The start up communities have strong ties with universities #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Michael Wang says for us to grow as a country, we need to transition away from big oil and gas our future is in innovative tech and green tech. We must invest as a state into these industries. The Chineses are eating us alive, they're making the electric cars #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle We've been wrecked by Brexit. We need to refocus our strategy. We need to invest because our future is at stake #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle This was @peterkyle shadow cabinet brief. We have gaming innovation. There is a high proportion of sole traders. There's a lot that needs to get right. We're good at starting up, once they need investment in 10s millions it dries up then they go to the USA #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Companies move to the USA for the investment opportunities. Digital economy can create £72 billion for the exchequer but the government does not have the zeal to get it. That is what @peterkyle has been charged to do. #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Jacob Foreman asks how public trust can be restored after years of corruption and cronyism #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle .@peterkyle reminds everyone Labour is in opposition. He was an aid worker then supported young people getting into work. It's difficult when people think he's on the take or like Boris Johnson. He has seen behaviour normalised in politics which is difficult. #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle To see a Home Secretary break the ministerial code but stay in is unbelievable. Labour will not have a three strikes and you're out, it'll be one strike. To be a Labour spokesperson you have to have high standards. We cannot just say we'll do things #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle We have been drilled on the standards of public life to live up to the standards the public expect says @peterkyle
You should be able to believe what politicians say. We will make mistakes, but see how we respond to those moments #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle .@tanushkamarah says there cannot be trust in Labour or Tory when children are starving in this country and Sudan and Gaza. Arms deals lubricate the major parties pockets. We need representational democracy because trust is broken. #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle What actions will be taken to reach net zero by 2050 and for a sustainable economy #Ldreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Sophie Broadbent did not prepare for a climate change question because climate justice is social justice. We need to build a better future. Remove reliance on fossil fuels. We all know what is going on. We need to tax the wealth fairly and invest money in sustainable services
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle We need to insulate, listen to young people. We need strong independent voices, Green MPs who do not tow a party line. We are setting the political agenda. Caroline Lucas's voice has been enormous and now we need more Green MPs. Short money provides support for MP teams
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle There's water, transport, education, housing, this is all climate action says Sophie. #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Michael Wang says the Lib Dems want renewables, home retrofitting for low quality housing stock. Reintroduce transition to e-vehicles. This is net zero by 2045 which is more ambitious. he belives in feel good speeches but is proud of the Lib Dems are costed manifesto
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Martin Hess says @reformparty_uk will abolish net zero targets. It is no costed and government does not have a clue how to get there. £1.3 trillian or £3 trillian. The treasury can't work it out. It will wreck the economy. It won't do anything to change the climate #LDreporter
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle We are now over time as @Sebroyle says "it's much more fun than I expected" it could go on forever. Brexit, cost of living, NHS, defence. Someone suggests a lock in but the hustings is wrapping up #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Final one minutes now starting with Martin Hess
This is the home of small business. Look beyond the @reformparty_uk brand. It's a radical set of policies to support small business. No business rates for small and medium business. It's radical #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle .@peterkyle Nothing is inevitable about Labour winning or losing. Change will only come if people vote for change. For most people radical means being in pain and seeing a doctor in a week. We have solid promises for a decade of national renewal #LDreporter #Hove
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Sophie Broadbent say we need a radical approach, a covid-like response to the climate emergency now. She wants a positive political environment where people work together in an anti-racist way with costed net zero and bring water back into public hands. Insulate & renewables
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle Michael Wang this is more about change of government but changing politics. Lib Dems want a fair deal for the NHS and social care with taxes on banks, oil, gas and on the 1%. Water companies would become public benefit. Fix the economy damaged by Brexit. Single market return
@Sebroyle @tanushkamarah @reformparty_uk @CNCSOfficial @peterkyle .@tanushkamarah a vote for her is the vote for a movement with people from all backgrounds. Diverse people building hopeful communities. The 2-party system is hopelessness and hopelessness-lite. This country is magnificent and can do great things for everyone #LDreporter #Hove
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Jun 18
We are ready to go at #Saltdean hustings #LDreporter Image
Starting off it's @valeriemgray is introducing the SDP. She believes the state should provide good services for the public and the private sector should work in harmony. Private companies should be successful and make money to develop the welfare of the nation #LDreporter
@valeriemgray .@Elaine4Kemptown for the Green Party now, a former councillor, she wants to stand up for the people of #Brighton Kemptown and #Peacehaven. She wants a more sustainable society. There's been 14 years of cruel Conservative austerity, Brexit has alienated us and made us poorer
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Feb 3, 2022
Now Labour 's motion Stop people being priced out of our City: Ban the sale of new homes as second homes.

Communities are suffering because of skyrocking cost of homes and the second home market is part of this says Gill Williams. #LDreporter #Brighton #Hove
The gas works development is going to be marketed at the investment market which does not provide homes for local people says Gill Williams.
#Brighton remains unaffordable for many says Savils. One in 77 homes are empty 2,083 are second homes #LDreporter #Hove
There are more than 3,000 unregulated air B&BS, with 73% are entire homes says Gill Williams.

She alls for a planning obligation and city-wide referendum to ban second homes #LDreporter #Brighton #Hove
Read 12 tweets
Feb 3, 2022
Now @Gary4Hove presents the motion on council services. He receives many complaints about short comings to rubbish and recycling, parking permits and keeping the streets clean. The city problems are made worse by the government. Systems fail our residents #LDreporter #Brighton
People are angry with the state of the city. The council is failing to get the basis right and Labour wants a cross-party working group to sort out the mess says @Gary4Hove Issues stretch back over a number of years #LDreporter #Brighton #Hove
@Gary4Hove We have for too long been trying to solve the same questions in the same ways. We need to look through the issues says @Gary4Hove We need neighbourhoods that are clean green and safe. We must begin today to fix the problem #LDreporter #Brighton #Hove
Read 17 tweets
Feb 3, 2022
First up is pension investments on fossil fuels subject to a protest outside #Hove Town Hall this evening.
@hannalytical speaks about the fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty. #LDreporter #Brighton #Hove
The Green motion put forward by @hannalytical but there is a bit of a curfuffle over her volume and Conservative councillors speaking over her #LDreporter #Brighton #Hove
The motion restarts with @hannalytical talking about the fight against climate change and why the treaty is necessary. #LDreporter #Brighton #Hove
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Feb 3, 2022
Arrangements for council meetings is now up. @ShanksSue Asks about the Conservative amendment #LDreporter #Brighton #Hove
Restrictions to council meetings are brought in to protect councillors. officers and members of the public. We have 1,200 cases today in the city says @ShanksSue There are people at risk and are vulnerable including councillors who are concerned #LDreporter #Brighton #Hove
Restrictions to council meetings are brought in to protect councillors. officers and members of the public. We have 1,200 cases today in the city says @ShanksSue There are people at risk and are vulnerable including councillors who are concerned #LDreporter #Brighton #Hove
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Feb 3, 2022
Now proposals to review the council's constitution. #Ldreporter #Brighton #Hove
The constitution can only be fully amended by full council says @hannalytical Each group can submit two motions and joint motions are restricted to one, unauthorise encampments move to ETS, planning committee decides criteria for site visits #LDreporter #Brighton #Hove
Fawcett Society recommendations on the Women In Local Government report allows for special leave for parents says @hannalytical Adding @StephaniePriorX to TECC and @brightonland to P&R has enriched decision making and will continue #LDreporter #Brighton #Hove
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