OECD working paper. #LongCovid prevalence is likely high across most OECD countries. 10-30% of infections, with a minimum of 39 million people who had or are currently living with #LongCovid. 🧵1/5
Costs of #LongCovid could be as high as 1.04 trillion dollars across OECD countries. In Japan, researchers identified that the productivity loss due to Covid and Long Covid was equal to $1424 per patient, compared to $606 for influenza like illness. 2/
Long COVID can severely limit people’s ability to undertake basic activities of daily life and can dramatically hamper quality of life. More than 7 million quality-adjusted life years may be lost annually across OECD countries due to the condition. 3/
Even conservative estimates of long COVID prevalence would indicate that long COVID may be reducing the workforce by nearly 3 million workers across OECD countries, amounting to an economic cost of at least $141 billion USD from lost wages alone. 4/
"Yes, Everyone Really Is Sick a Lot More Often After Covid" It's not your imagination: Around the world, people really are getting sick more often than before the pandemic. From Bloomberg🧵1/15 archive.ph/bW13b
"At least 13 communicable diseases, from the common cold to measles and tuberculosis, are surging past their pre-pandemic levels in many regions, and often by significant margins." 2/
"44 countries and territories have reported at least one infectious disease resurgence that’s at least ten times worse than the pre-pandemic baseline." 3/
A lookback thread on the Princess Diamond Cruise that was docked in Yokohama, Japan in Feb of 2020. Of the 3,711 people on board, 712 became infected with the virus – 567 of 2,666 passengers, and 145 of 1,045 crew, 14 deceased or 2% CFR🧵1/13
An 80-year-old passenger from Hong Kong, China, developed a cough on January 19th. He left the cruise when the ship reached Hong Kong on 25 January. 2/
Feb 1, the 80-year-old man who disembarked in Hong Kong six days earlier tested positive for COVID-19. Having a fever, he went to the hospital and got tested. 3/
WTH, we have known that it's live virus for over three years. Zeynep needs to stop talking to Marc Veldhoen. There's literally a new paper showing viral persistence every week. Does she live under a rock? 🧵
In this NIH autopsy study, 10 out 11 brains 🧠had SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA. This was then cultured in a BSL3 lab, and the virus was shown to be replication competent. Daniel Chertow MD explains 📺2/
Michel Nussenzweig MD PhD on Dec 17, 2020 'We found residual antigen 1 to 4-5 months out in gut biopsies in cells that express a lot of ACE2. This is not just viral debris, it’s residual virus.'👇3/
I lived in East Asia from 2020-2022. Images like this were everywhere, and they made masking common place there. I think I benefited greatly from this, because it has made it easier to continue masking even when I'm the only one. Photo from Thailand, Jan 2022. 🧵😷
All over Asia you could buy a high quality mask, like a KF94, at a corner convenience store like 7/11. Most were around $1 USD. In Thailand, antigen tests were readily available for less than $1. 2/
Op-Eds like this were common in English newspapers, but rare in Asian ones. 3/
In case you missed these slides from the NYT article "1,374 DAYS" by Giorgia Lupi, showing that Long Covid is an organic disease.🧶📷1/7
"Research has shown that the blood of healthy patients, when dyed with these fluorescent stains that target activated blood cells, ought to appear as a much quieter, mostly black screen." 2/7
"But the images that Dr. VanElzakker and his team at Harvard captured of my blood show, in vivid color, activated platelets and neutrophils when they should be dormant." 3/7