“Dr. Paul Cheney has long proposed that a shift towards seizure brought on by overstimulated, overly sensitive neurons explains the ‘wired but tired’ symptoms and sensory overload often experienced in ME/CFS”
“neurons (nerve cells) are sensing stimuli and firing when they should not. This causes amplification of sensory input. Light, noise, motion and pain are all magnified”
Dr Cheney used Klonopin, Doxepin elixir and magnesium to reduce NDMA receptor activation in ME/CFS.
Other than magnesium much of those are not accessible for most.
But there are a few OTC nutraceutical options with evidence they can protect neurons from glutamate damage.
“Rutin protects the brain against glutamate excitotoxicity by improvement in GLAST expression and maintenance of glutamine synthetase levels”
Vitamin E (all forms but mainly tocopherols) helps reduce oxidative stress (a large feature of ME & LC) and may help protect mitochondria in the brain from glutamate toxicity.
As well as being a SARS-CoV-2 antiviral, antioxidant and supporting vascular health, there is evidence grape seed extract can inhibit glutamate induced neurotoxicity pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21810275/#:~:t…
Thread on grape seed extract here including possible contraindications at the end.
Obviously, there’s no studies using these compounds in tandem to try and help treat the neurological sensory sensitivity seen in pwME and LC but using these together (where safe to do so, always check contraindications and side effects) may be a good place to start.
I myself have been struggling more this year than ever before with cognitive slowing including marked sound and light sensitivity. Previously these symptoms only occurred in PEM but recently they’ve been a daily feature for me. So, I will be combining all three and hoping 🤞🏻
Also: I know glutamate is a problem in my body because I induced a severe spine and head pain flare this February but taking N Acetyl Glucosamine which is made from L-Glutamine. I was able to counteract the pain with glycine until the excess glutamate cleared my body.
Excess glutamate can activate pain receptors on the spine. Glycine inhibits those pain receptors, providing short term pain relief.
(Note: just as with glutamate glycine out of balance can cause pain so will only sometimes relieve pain)
Thank you @IsabelRamirezRD for pointing out Rutin to me which I think also came from @KatBoniface who is the Glutamate Boss and knows much more about this than me!
@IsabelRamirezRD @KatBoniface I literally couldn’t have written this thread for much of the past few months as my cognitive issues have been so much worse. Whilst still bad, & I had to write this in short bursts using the save/drafts feature, I’ve been taking grape seed extract for possible covid exposure…
@IsabelRamirezRD @KatBoniface and I seem to have experienced a slight lift in my sensory sensitivities. Have rutin and Vit E in the way to try and build on this and hoping it’s not just a coincidence 🤞🏻
@IsabelRamirezRD @KatBoniface Some important notes on Rutin:
@IsabelRamirezRD @KatBoniface Adding to the bottom of this: trying to change glutamate balance may require short pulses of things, not continuous dosing. The system may ‘reset’ which could explain the commonly reported phenomenon where pwME feel better only briefly on a new med/supplement.
“Our results demonstrate that pantethine, which is well tolerated in humans, was very effective in controlling SARS-CoV-2 infection and might represent a new therapeutic drug that can be repurposed for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 & long COVID” nature.com/articles/s4159…
“cellular expression of the viral spike and nucleocapsid proteins was substantially reduced, and we observed a significant reduction in viral copy numbers in the supernatant of cells treated with pantethine”
Pantethine is thought to have antiviral actions because it reduces cholesterol levels. Viruses, especially SARS-CoV-2 use cholesterol to replicate and infect our cells.
The body often dramatically reduces cholesterol production in response to viral infection for this reason.
There are sometimes meds or supplements that make people feel worse at first. Sometimes.
These usually will be known about & predictable, as they work by breaking biofilms or can trigger deficiencies in other things when one deficiency is addressed (B12 is a good example).
In some cases, the worsening is a sign that what you’re doing is needed.
But there’s *huge* caveats here.
Some ppl are so severe, they can’t risk any slight worsening.
Some worsening’s are not safe or expected & should never be pushed through.
How do you tell which it is?
You need careful supervision and extensive knowledge of the pathways you are affecting to be able to know how to attempt to address a worsening, even when it is a sign you’re in the right path.
99% don’t have that and they should *not* push through worsening on their own.
I can’t read the papers in detail unfortunately, but from what I did read, supplementing Tyrosine is not expected to increase adrenaline or dopamine production - unless you’re depleted already.
So, it’s considered useful to supplement under high stress conditions only.
However, we do know that in #POTS (and maybe other dysautonomia and MCAS) people’s bodies release adrenaline (norepinephrine) simply when upright, to help blood vessels contract.
Maybe useful for us? May improve cognitive function?
Seriously, get it in your cupboard and if it’s ok for you to take (I haven’t found any proven interactions though), use it for Covid prevention or when infected
200-400mg of 95% OPC extract reduces viral load & stops the virus from replicating by 50%
Other very strict laboratory studies of extreme bed rest (beyond what most people ever experience) show that the metabolic consequences of it do not trigger anything like the diseased state we see in ME or Long Covid.
The presenters are, I’m afraid, showing their ignorance.
They also failed to read or acknowledge the actual exercise science on people with ME & Long Covid that shows a distinct abnormal pathology in response to exercise in these patients. A pathology not seen in any other disease. Again, highlighting their lack of expertise @ACSMNews