As the end of this video details, the "Birds of Magyar" had a radio repeater drone right on top of that RuAF Drone unit occupied the building in order to be able to inspect its insides with an FPV drone.
It looks like the "Birds of Magyar" repeater drone was also relaying Russian drone analog video back to its drone operators.
The seamless integration of SIGINT within drone unit ops, without reference to any other organization, or higher command, is not Western practice with drones.
In the US Army, SIGINT & Jamming belong to one Military Intelligence.
Drones belong, based on size, too the following: 1. The Division aviation brigade (Group 4 - MQ-1C Grey Eagle) 2. The Brigade combat team (Group 3 - RQ-7 Shadow) and, 3. Battalion & below (Group 1 - RQ-11B Raven)
What jumps out as technologically obsolete about the US Army's fielded drone fleet is:
"Where are the multi-copters, Bro?!?
No Baba Yaga's FPV mother ships with radio repeater payloads live near the US Army.
Three things that fairly scream tactical obsolescence for the systems requirements for the US Army's "Future Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System" are the following-
1. The lack of a drone machine gun payload requirement,
These three lacks are a matter of public record that are obvious when you look at Defense News articles on when the system specifications were written.
Drone tech moved far faster than US military procurement.
The US Army drone fleet is organizationally, technologically and tactically incapable of duplicating the "Birds of Magyar" battlefield performance.
And no amount of money is going to solve this issue.
Turf battles from obsolete centralized organizational empires prevent it.
There is no way that the Divisional Artillery command & control/JAG officer collateral damage assessment empire that grew up from 2008 onwards will tolerate battalions dropping anti-tank mine class ordnance... 10/
...from drones without them p*ssing in the low level rules of engagement to slow things down, and most importantly, justify their now obsolete in the age of A.I. & parasitic job slots.
The kind of centralized command & control plus centralized 155mm battery formations US Army artillery use are technologically obsolete in the face of superior enemy jamming, enemy counter battery radar numerical superiority & a drone filled skies.
The Ukrainian creation of the highly distributes/horizontal Geospatial Intelligence for the art of Artillery or "GIS Arta," and its successor tablet/cellphone technology based C3I systems, were geared for a heavy jamming environment...
...and have proven uniquely suited for drone warfare.
Whatever strengths the US Army thinks AFTADS still has... is incapable of providing either of those.
And the US Military Intelligence branch will fight to the death to prevent any loss of the SIGINT & Jamming missions which drive the branch budget.
These sort of issues are why Ukraine's Zelinsky government created a separate drone branch over the bleeding bodies of its ground and air force flag ranks protecting their organizational budget turf.
It was the only way to clear the Ukrainian ground forces of the "organizational kudzu" to accomplish the military missions demanded by an existential war the age of drones.
Nothing less will work for the US Army, as the WW2 proved.
A turtle tank is an obsolete tank without both traverse & elevation gear & a gun loader (perhaps w/o even a beach?) turned into a scrap steel MT-LB personnel carrier with a very low powered drone jammer on top.
There are other, very vital, things missing from this T-62.
The copper cables for the tank intercom have been stripped while it was in storage, before refurbishment, and have not been replaced.
I'm beginning to think a Baba Yaga or some other compound helicopter mothership drone is taking Ukrainian FPV's to altitude for the interceptor role.
FPV's have a limited battery charge.
If they go to 5K or 10K feet height, they can't have much range at intercept altitude.
FPV's berthed under the wing of something like AeroVironment’s JUMP 20 that has a 14 hour endurance and an FPV repeater can "delouse" Ukrainian rear areas of Russian Orlan-10/Zala ISR drones.
The issue for any logistical multi-copter is water.
Water is heavy and a soldier needs a minimum of 2 liters of water a day. In heavy combat in high heat/stress environments, soldiers need several times that.