Like SCOTUS puppeteer Leonard Leo, Heritage president Kevin Roberts has ties to Opus Dei. In 2020, Roberts was featured on the Resources page of “WhereYouAre,” which calls itself a “collaboration of people in touch with … centers of Opus Dei in Texas.” 1/
10/ Bill Donohue—who wrote that Leonard Leo belongs to Opus Dei (see post 5)—is president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights whose board of directors has included Anne Corkery, a close Leonard Leo ally who has said that she herself belongs to Opus Dei.…
In case u were wondering where MAGA gets its foot soldiers, look no further than the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), a vast network of demon-chasing dominionists. NAR leader Lance Wallnau's revival tour is promoting an election mobilization app called "AsOne." By @anelsona. 1/
2/ As discussed in the piece, the tour's co-sponsor is America First Policy Institute.
3/ "As One" is one of Wallnau's signature phrases, as I reported in this piece for @buckscobeacon.
So-called “conservatives” seek an end to no-fault divorce, a move that would facilitate spousal abuse, bc the GOP has been taken over by religious fanatics who believe in biblical patriarchy, the idea that God expects men to lead & women to submit. 1/…
2/ I would bet money that the lawmakers pushing these ideas are fans of Christ Church pastor Doug Wilson.
When Julian Assange “tried to distance himself from Guccifer by scapegoating Seth Rich, freelance journalist Emma Best gave him a dose of his own medicine by sending Buzzfeed News some of his private Twitter direct messages (DMs), which Buzzfeed then published.” 1/…
2/ “The DMs showed that, before the first Wikileaks drop, Guccifer had offered his archive of stolen Democratic Party documents to both Wikileaks and Best, but that Wikileaks had persuaded Best to step aside and to let Wikileaks exclusively handle the release of those documents.”
3/ “The DMs also included a message that Wikileaks had sent to Guccifer on June 22, 2016, stating: ‘Send any new material here for us to review and it will have a much higher impact than what you are doing.’”
Sound on: Speaking to the Napa Institute & Catholic Information Center (whose board includes SCOTUS puppeteer Leonard Leo), Heritage president Kevin Roberts said that, “as Roman Catholics, we believe that no abortion can be morally justified.” He then discussed ways to hide their position without technically lying. Heritage is the lead organizer of Project 2025, which has many ties to Catholic extremist Leonard Leo. 1/
2/ Here’s where I got the clips in post 1.
3/ Catholic Information Center’s Board of Directors. Note Leonard Leo.
Justice Kennedy’s “retirement” was a gift from Trump to anti-choice religious fanatics like Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life whose board has included SCOTUS puppeteer Leonard Leo. Hawkins said at the time that Kennedy’s retirement was "a day that we've been waiting for." 1/…
Heritage is an extremist organization. It’s president, Kevin Roberts, has just accepted a speaking invitation from ACCS, which was founded by Christ Church pastor Doug Wilson whose family company published “The Case for Christian Nationalism,” which advocates an ethnically uniform nation ruled by a “Christian Prince.” Heritage is the lead organizer of Project 2025. 1/
I recently warned about Doug Wilson’s expanding sphere of influence in our weekly newsletter, the Christian Right Observer Weekly (CROW). 2/ #CROW…