Knowing where and how to touch a woman is incredibly important.
11 Erogenous Zones On A Woman's Body You Must Know —
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Lips - The lips are one of the most easily accessed erogenous zones, and also one of the most consistently rated by women as a favorite place for their partner to focus.
Nip, nibble, lick, and suck between kisses and find out what drives her wild.
Ears - Sensitive and often overlooked spot on the female body.
Women ears are full of many nerves and sensory receptors on the inside and outside.
Any movement, such as light stroking, lightly lock, nibble or touching, is bound to give her a pleasing tingly sensation.
Back of the Neck - The skin on her neck, clavicle, and ears can be very sensitive.
A kiss or bite on the back of the neck can be shockingly swoon worthy.
These areas can be stimulated by light touching or biting, kissing, and many other types of intimate activities.
Inner thighs - The inner thighs are another sensitive spot on the female body due to their closeness to the genitals.
Light strokes and touch can stimulate her loins
Run your fingers down her thighs and slowly move upward to build excitement and anticipation during foreplay.
Nipples - Women can have nipple orgasms.
There are a lot of fun options for nipple play that aren’t just sucking and biting.
Try clamps or sensation play with an ice cube or feather to take your game to the next level.
Don't forget to give attention to the areola too.
Instagram is a platform that can take your dating life from nothing to unlimited amounts of women.
It just depends on how tight your IG game is.
INSTA-BANGERS is the ONLY guide you need to sleep with beautiful women effortlessly.
If you want to be successful with women, master these 8 ways to evoke emotions:
1. Make her jealous.
Women are innately jealous of each other.
Observe how a ‘7’ looks at a ‘9’. She looks at her with disgust, but truthfully, she’s looking at her like that because she’s jealous that she doesn’t look as ‘pretty’ as her.
Use this aspect of female nature to ur advantage, surround yourself with good looking women and other women will be drawn towards u.
Never forget: Women desire what other women have. When u are around women, women want you. When you’re single, women couldn’t care less about you.