I am Righteously Outraged!
I am Spitting Mad!
And in this🧵you are going to hear why.
And in this🧵I ask fellow Mental Health Professionals to Concur Loudly.
And in this🧵I am going to SHOUT Straight Up Facts!
Listen up!
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1
It’s in my freaking bio, though many don’t understand the implications of it:
I. Am. A. Former. Mental. Health. Professional!
Former ONLY because Cancer and further disabilities preclude me from keeping a schedule of any kind to continue to work.
Those skills I learned, trained, honed -
I did so AFTER having studied the way people “tick” for a lifetime before my degree.
I have seen “the Debate”.
I have seen the George Stephanopoulos Interview.
I have seen far more.
There. Is. Not. One. Thing. Wrong. With. Biden’s. Mind.
The Media no longer wants to be a Trusted Source of NEWS.
They have given that up for ratings and making money for their CEO’s and Shareholders.
Stone Cold FACT!
The Media USED to provide NEWS with Opinion,
Yet. It. Used. To. Be.
Either based upon experience,
Now, today, it is Pundits ONLY.
Because they are “popular”.
Because they bring Ratings and Views.
Nothing More.
Mental Health Professionals are trained and paid to make Mental Acuity Assessments.
It is true, some Over Rely on tests, just as some only use tests when they feel there may be reason to doubt interview assessment.
One cannot just sit down and begin a Mental Acuity Interview with a President no matter who that President may be.
There is a reason the White House is nicknamed “The Fishbowl”.
The Presidency is one of the most watched Political Places in the Entire World.
It is directly due to the “Fishbowl Effect” that we can see a vast amount of evidence and interaction of any President. Even those Presidents that spend less time in front of cameras.
More Facts coming, but let’s pause a moment here for a Flashback.
Hindsight can trick the mind into thinking one has always thought something.
This is absolutely not the case, as you will see, because I clearly recall direct discussions with many who tried to tell me I was completely wrong.
I was not!
We now know through Good Investigative Reporting -
{Keep that in mind}
That in the last Years of Reagan’s second term he was suffering from Alzheimer’s.
I was 15 or 16 at the time I began telling people he was the exact case.
*Personal Quirk:
Other than time of day if I have any kind of schedule to hold to,
I’ve always had terrible memory when it comes to time.
But never conversations or events.
How was it I knew Reagan was suffering from Alzheimer’s at such a young age without training?
Well of course it COULD HAVE been a few other mental health issues such as Early Onset Dementia,
Yet I had a neighbor whom I greatly respected that suffered and passed earlier.
OBSERVATION plus the “Fishbowl Effect” exactly as described earlier.
Again, could I have been wrong?
Was I?
Hah! As I clearly remember telling people after he was on the Stand for Iran/Contra -
“When he said he did not recall, he really MEANT he could not recall!”
What everyone is asking, demanding Joe Biden do and be is a simple analogy:
BE The LONE FIREMAN of Chicago During the Great Fire,
Put it all out himself!
Just one danged example,
He. Has. Been. Doing. That: whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/…
Know what the Press and Pundits are REALLY Mad about?
I mean besides the Billionaire Owners of News Media who press their employees to do nothing but make rating that is?
That. Joe Biden. Is. Not. At. Their. Beck. And. Call.
Not a Barking Seal that LOVES The Cameras -
Not like The former Office Holder who jumped in front of their Cameras, called into their programming, watched and FECKING TWEETED about every danged News Show
BOO to the Fecking HOO,
You Snowflakes!
Get. The. Fuck. Over. Yourselves.
HERE Is your “Grammy”
The News Media has long held the nickname of “The Fourth Estate”.
Far older than it’s current meaning, yet it is now meant to
Represent The People
When no other Representation is to be found.
To speak Truth to Power.
And Failed Miserably.
Whether it is in their TANTRUM of not having enough access, billionaire ownership, ratings seeking, or any number of things that have made them forget who they are suppose to be;
They have become a “Fifth Column”.
Fully sympathetic to the downfall of democracy.
If you love democracy and have TWO BRAIN CELLS to rub together,
If you know ANYTHING about Project 2025, “Christo” Fascism – Which is White Fecking Nationalism wrapped around the Cross, or have one iota of memory of the Existential Dread from Trump’s first term …
You know what I am saying is Hard and Brutal Truth.
We have cried.
We have begged.
We have Raged and Shouted.
It can no longer be denied.
Not only is the Media Failing us, but the Politicians and Pundits
Crying and Whining
For Biden to step down,
Are Joining That 5thColumn.
In just over One Month,
I will have dedicated my entire time -
An average of 10-12 hours a day,
Here. With YOU.
In an Ongoing Desperate Gutter Fight For Democracy.
I’m telling you right here and now:
You back out on me with less than 4 Freaking Months To Go
Good Riddance!
What Cowardice!
What Shame!
What Utter Complete Nonsense!
PRESIDENT Joe Biden’s Mind Is Fine.
Look in the mirror.
Consult Actual Mental Health Experts.
Because I guarantee,
Any in the Media who do not, or those who listen and believe such nonsense -
One Last FACT:
“Oh but Shane, I’m worried Joe might not make it 4 more years.”
That. Is. In. The. Job. Description.
Not only in the job description, but a fact of life.
At any given moment there may be an unforeseen event that ends our life.
For. Every. One. Of. Us.
Ready to Shout? I am always ready!
Demand Better,
And BETTER Does Not Mean dropping Joe just Before the Finish Line.
Stand Together,
Untied in Purpose, the defense of democracy.
Will. Vote. Them. OUT!
Because Extremists AND Witting or Unwitting Accomplices
Will Kill Us.
How do you get “Power” to change?
Take away, or threaten to take away that Power!
That means Vote OUT the Extremists
Calls those who may be “friendly”.
Here I include my short script to talk to Out of State Reps/Senators.
Adjust as needed:
Falling for Russian Propaganda,
Listening to Billionaires who wish to Rule,
Or Panicking because Despair has broken your Thinking?
A TON of you are doing so without realizing it,
And this🧵will prove it.
Buckle Up Buttercups!
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1
While I spend my time sitting here, thinking, writing, wearing out metal keyboards that are less than 5 months old😆🤣
I often listen to Podcasts and News.
Last Sunday, Keith Olbermann reminded us of some History YOU need to be aware of.
Let’s dig into it.
The Year: 1864
There was a Republican President up for reelection that year.
His Party worked extremely hard to replace him and talk him into dropping out.
You might have heard of him:
President Abraham Lincoln.
A friend highlighted some truly horrendous statistics today.
We need to talk about them.
To do so, we must also talk about Zealotry and Fanaticism.
This is a
🧵About the Death Cult
The GOP has become.
I will even make a prediction at the end.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1
It is not often, but occasionally I will include Dictionary Definitions within my🧵’s.
When I do it is for Complete Clarity, and in hopes of giving you the vernacular needed to describe what is happening.
I do so now:
Fanaticism is generally interchangeable with Zealotry.
When they are used in conjunction,
It provides further emphasis and heightens the distaste most have for extremism.
Most dictionaries will point to the root word: Fanatic.
This is spot on:
The moment I saw this Narcissistic Attempt at humor,
I knew I would have to write an entire🧵about it.
Because it is one of THE KEYS to understanding
EVERYTHING Trumpian, the current GOP,
And FAR More.
Let’s get into it.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1
I’ll give you the TLDR up front:
“Everything is about ME! Who cares what happens AFTER ME!”
There is so much more contained in this pathetic “joke”.
Please continue reading to find out what.
Some of it you may find surprising if you have not been paying VERY close attention.
Very beginning of the clip:
“Uh Christians go to church, but they don’t VOTE that much.” -
Listen closely, you can actually HEAR the Whining tone at the end.
That statement alone says a few things Extremely Loud if you pay close enough attention.
This is not the🧵I wanted to make today or any day.
We are going to talk!
We are going to talk about False Prophets and False Forgiveness.
I will NOT proselytize, but I WILL Inform.
Sit Down.
LISTEN if you are even capable.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1
Let’s start with a minor tongue twister shall we?
“Feckless Falsephets Find Foolish Followers For False Forgiveness.”
Today’s episode brought to you by the letter “F”.
If we were in school, those above would receive a grade worse than “F”!
It often takes me hours to write a🧵for a myriad of reasons.
The very first Tweet I saw logging on today was of a Dear Friend relaying Her experience, reliving it in part. 💔
Truth be told, I almost QT’ed her, but it is HER story to tell, NOT MINE!
My deepest apologies to all.
When you ASSUME the “Christo” Fascists have put forth a Bill that will be shut down for it’s extremism,
You. Take. Your. Eyes. Off. The. Ball.
I did that.
A🧵of Explanation and Pleading
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1
I’ve long said Oklahoma needs the Cleansing Spotlight of Truth shown upon it.
Often lamented that National Media pays so little attention to the goings on in my state opting for the higher populated states to highlight the cruelty of fascism.
In all honesty, I pay more attention to other states myself.
NOT just because I have no local news stations because I have “cut the cable” cord.
NOT because I refuse to pay for the sheer propaganda that has become any local paper.
Have You Paused For Beauty Today?
Not just serious, but deadly serious.
This🧵is a little different,
A story of a memory that I rarely take out of it’s box.
Settle in, it hurts!
Yet it is told with love.
Make time.
#ProudBlueEditorials #DemVoice1
Those who follow me may have seen me mention my Granddad now and then.
If you have, you know how very much I respect him and the wisdom he imparted.
The following is his last wisdom granted to me.
Though I, most likely intentionally, repressed some of the memories of that time, as you will soon understand why, the lesson and the wisdom has been with me throughout my life.
I share this with you now, not for sympathy, but a plea to have you see a simple truth.