We must recognize that the members of the @GOP who are advocating dismembering our government are enemy combatants.
Our Department of Justice is not designed to handle enemy combatants, no more than we would deploy the New York Police Department to fight a war.
The United States Military is designed to fight enemy combatants.
It is time that a Military Commission be designated and empaneled to prosecute the leaders of the insurrection we are facing.
Prosecutions would occur on Military bases. Officers would sit in judgment.
These Officers took an Oath to Preserve, Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States, not any individual.
Civilian jurors do not take that same Oath. Civilian jurors are not “peers” to enemy combatants. Nor do they have the protection military officers have on base.
We have to stop giving insurrectionists legitimacy. 🧵
There are members of Congress that face future prosecution for their acts of planning or assisting in the overthrow of the United States government.
Additionally, there are members of Congress who face prosecution for sex
tourism. (Traveling to foreign countries to have sex with children. 18 U.S.C. §2243(b)(30 years in prison.))
These members of Congress are constantly in the news, undermining the legitimacy of the Department of Justice, leveling unsupported allegations of misconduct against
all the civil servants and politicians attempting to bring them before a Court of Law to answer for their treasonous and criminal conduct.
Senator Ron Johnson’s involvement in attempting to defraud Congress in the fake electors scheme; Representative Matt Gaetz transporting a
Are Russia and China working together on the PsyOps operation to interfere with the 2024 election?
Hark Herald has published articles showing “Lude,” a Guo Wengui YouTube propaganda account, published the Hunter Biden laptop story 10 days before the New York
Post published the story.
Hark Herald further published a video of Steve Bannon congratulating Lude for his “creative editing” of the information on the laptop, AT the New Federal State of China headquarters in New York City.
Those articles and threads published by @HarkHeraldPress raise serious questions as to whether the PsyOps operation revealed today is a coordinated effort between Russia and China to attack President Biden and increase Donald Trump’s chances of being re-elected.
I’ve constantly supported you when confronted with criticism of the delays in prosecutions of the enablers of J6.
With all due respect, and being aware that your information is vastly greater than mine, I
must express my grave concern the delay in the arrest of the members of Congress who participated in the events leading up to J6, and have subsequently aided and abetted in covering up a conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected government, is endangering our Democracy.
In light of the threats from followers of Donald Trump, should the U.S. Supreme Court agree with the Colorado, that Donald Trump engaged in an insurrection against the United States, I further urge you to recommend to President Biden the impaneling of Military Tribunals. Trials