Listened to @IvankaTrump recently on the @lexfridman podcast and was so pleased to hear how she multiple times wove Jewish thought and teaching into their conversation. She’s a gift to the Jewish people.
@IvankaTrump @lexfridman “American Hitler” says same magazine that had an entire article belittling those concerned about antisemitism by someone who thinks Hamas is resistance
Guys I am telling you. Buy activated charcoal & have it on hand. Take it to stop the puking and give it to everyone in the house proactively to prevent spread. I’ve been posting about it for a month and not to sound like I’m a QVC saleswoman but dozens of people messaged me.
I have posted my affiliate link so I make a small commission but I’m doing this out of the kindness of my heart. Nobody wants to be a puke influencer but that’s G-d’s plan for me and I’ve accepted it.
On Jewish Instagram, @MelissaSChapman is making a ruckus because she dared say Jews should marry Jews.
The fact that this is in any way a controversial statement is a stain on how gutless American Jewish organizations have been about the reality of Jewish continuity for decades
If you care about your faith and your community, you should marry within your faith and your community. Faith and community are important. You should have shared values with your spouse. This is in no way controversial.
Probably billions of dollars have been spent trying to make the Jewish community more open and welcoming to intermarried families. Why? People have made their choice to leave the community. Jewish resources should not be dedicated to people to whom Judaism is not important.
The hardest conversation I have ever had was with the family of these children. I helped them get their family’s story into media to combat terror misinformation about this video. Their mother was killed in front of them. Her body booby trapped and left undiscovered for days.
The terrorists and their supporters claimed they were cared for and released. The reality was they were left in the border area near Gaza because they cried too much, abandoned. They were saved when a neighbor saw them and escaped with them, risking her life to save theirs.
I am deeply and forever grateful to @jaketapper for his work telling their story, and the stories of so many other families for whom the last year has been filled with deep pain.
Please take the time to watch this. Thank you, Jake.
In honor of D-Day, buckle in for the story of how a Jewish soldier from Pittsburgh ended up in a Nazi mass grave, and how through dogged determination, will be buried with full military honors in Normandy later this month.
Lieutenant Nathan Baskind, of Pittsburgh, PA, came ashore on Utah Beach on D-Day with the 899th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Engaged in fierce battle, he went ahead of his troops to reconnoiter their position in the Battle of Cherbourg June 23, 1944. He was never heard from again.
A search of contemporaneous German war records revealed that Baskind was ambushed and shot, taken prisoner by the German army, and sent to a Luftwaffe field hospital. Later on the 23rd, Nathan Baskind died, and was buried together with 23 German soldiers in a mass grave.