Bethany S. Mandel Profile picture
Wife to @sethamandel | Homeschooling mom to 👩🏻‍🦰🧑🏻‍🦰🧑🏻 👩🏻‍🦰🧑🏻‍🦰👶 | Co-author of bestselling book Stolen Youth
CBStrike27 Profile picture Magdi Shalash Profile picture Listo Lyman ( Dude/Duder/El Duderino) Profile picture Potato Of Reason Profile picture Classic Movie Man Profile picture 6 subscribed
Jun 3 24 tweets 6 min read
In honor of D-Day, buckle in for the story of how a Jewish soldier from Pittsburgh ended up in a Nazi mass grave, and how through dogged determination, will be buried with full military honors in Normandy later this month. Image Lieutenant Nathan Baskind, of Pittsburgh, PA, came ashore on Utah Beach on D-Day with the 899th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Engaged in fierce battle, he went ahead of his troops to reconnoiter their position in the Battle of Cherbourg June 23, 1944. He was never heard from again.
Dec 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Nine years ago, after three teenage boys were lynched, I said we should have nuked Hamas and eliminated the threat. Hamas went on to rape and murder over a thousand people. But to BrieBrie, they were just having a picnic. Hamas should have been smashed a long time ago. Child killing is nothing new.…
Nov 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I was a super far leftie in college. I took a class called The Politics of Protest and my thesis for the paper I had to write was that the intifada was a valid protest movement. I did a lot of research, including reading @AlanDersh ‘s Case for Israel. I ended up turning in a paper about how Zionism was a protest movement. (Which tbh was a real stretch but when you have a total political realignment in one semester you run out of time for another thesis and the time to do the research.)
Oct 27, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
PERSONAL REQUEST: I spent the day with Amit yesterday on the Hill. She left her husband and three kids in Israel, all of whom just went through the worst trauma imaginable (35 hours hiding in silence as their front yard was used by Hamas as a staging area in Kfar Aza. Image She left them because her friend Avihai needed help coming to talk to Members of Congress to beg them to help secure the release of his wife and three children. Her kids are all best friends with his. Image
Oct 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Really disappointed in this statement from @Ch_JesusChrist. There was no eruption of violence. There was a massacre of civilians. Babies were murdered. I expected better from the Church. Image After 9/11 President Gordon B. Hinckley said.

“Today has been a day that will be remembered always in the annals of our beloved nation,” he said. “It has been a day when the ugly face of hatred has shown itself with terror, death and destruction. It has been a day when uncounted numbers of the innocent have perished and their loved ones have been left to sorrow. Many have been wounded, and this, our nation, has been seriously injured and insulted.”
Sep 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Brought my dog to the groomer yesterday and in the shopping center a bunch of high school kids on lunch break were congregating. Most of them appeared to be smoking pot (based on what I smelled) and I observed two physical fights (one was a guy whaling on a girl). And I find myself wondering: is this the crucial socialization I’m always that my homeschooled kids will be missing if I don’t enroll them in public school?
Jun 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Live photos from the rally in Montgomery county with parents demanding an opt-out on LGBT curriculum. The @MCPS BOE refused to let them in the building, saying there were “safety concerns.”

Democrat Councilwoman Kristin Mink said “This issue has put some Muslim families on the same side of an issue as white supremacists and outright bigots.”

Who are the bigots here?
Apr 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Six years ago at this moment, Seth called his boss and said “Sorry, I’m not coming in today because Bethany had a baby in a parking lot,” and they called back ten minutes later and said ‘Write it for the paper.’”… I wrote the play by play for @FDRLST and the next three kids were indeed planned home births 😅…
Apr 28, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
When I first married Seth, I had close friends and family genuinely worried for me. Worried he’d try to subjugate me, be controlling or abusive. Steven Crowder is what every liberal thinks of conservative men and husbands. He’s a man who, with his influential platform, advocated for policies that would have trapped his wife in an abusive marriage. He’s angry he wasn’t able to control her and keep her in it. He “chose wrongly” - like he was picking out cattle at auction. That’s not a marriage.
Apr 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m just going to say that I don’t like commenting about people’s private lives but as a matter of policy, women should be able to file for divorce. And a man that repeatedly complains that it’s legal sets off so, so many red flags. So, so many red flags.
Mar 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
They think they own your children. My local school district (@MCPS) will not allow parents to opt-out of any LGBTQ+ content they want to throw at your kids. Nor will they even tell you what the content is. Image @MCPS Not unrelated: Enrollment is down:…
Mar 15, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
So, everybody's seen my viral brain fart from "Rising" this morning. I can see why it went viral, of course. For those who haven't, here it is: A bit of backstory.
Mar 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Make talking about sexuality with young children weird again. Little kids do not understand this stuff past “Jillian has two mommies.” That content is fine when talking about different family structures along with single parent, etc. But the hyper focus on sexuality of children is not appropriate.
Dec 29, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
After spending many months sounding the alarm on the formula shortage, I had a baby this week. I needed to supplement him with formula today as I wait for my milk to come in and his ten pound self cannot wait, and my pediatrician had only one almost expired can to give me. I checked around to try to find the brand we used in the past when this happened, and it doesn’t appear in stock anywhere. Not a huge deal; the can will last and my milk usually comes in quick. But strange to be living the shortage after talking about it so much.
Dec 27, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
This is a story about mental illness written by someone who shares it.… The writer and the subjects are right that it’s illogical. Nothing *has* changed. They should have dropped this stuff in early 2021 when they got vaccinated. Continuing with the COVID theatre from then to now was always irrational.
Nov 26, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
In the last two days, angry progressive MD Twitter came at me, using the same line of attack: my motherhood. They thought it would be the most hurtful and belittling thing they could say, that I’m “just” a mom. Over the course of my part-time writing career, I’ve made a very conscious effort to identify myself as a stay-at-home and now, homeschooling mother first and foremost. I’m proud of all of my work, but mothering is what I spend the majority of my time doing.
Nov 25, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Yes I’ve always thought that masking children was unsanitary, pointless and ill-advised, based on my lived experience of watching kids forced to mask. I love when people bring up old tweets in which I was right like a dunk. “Remember when you were right about monkeypox and twitter tried to destroy you for it?” “Do you remember when you posted a photo of your kid’s mask and it turned out you were right but Twitter flipped?”
Nov 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m no public health expert, but you should definitely not follow the medical advice of a person who doesn’t understand what’s bad about having multiple anonymous sexual partners. I also find it very strange to call it homophobic to be against promiscuity. Like being promiscuous is an inherent component of being gay. It isn’t for millions of men in committed relationships.
Nov 25, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I didn’t record it, but I did question the wisdom of a people lining up for a limited number of vaccines for a virus that they only would contract engaging in unhealthy behavior, and recommended they change their behavior instead of hanging all their hopes on getting a shot. Like COVID, I was right again. Despite what public health “experts” were saying at the time, they eventually admitted Monkey pox was only spreading via close sexual contact and the best way to avoid it was to avoid close sexual contact with multiple unknown partners.
Oct 30, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The mainstream media’s total indifference to the weirdness of this story; their lack of inquisitiveness and willingness to just choose the easiest explanation, is why Americans have lost trust. Another example of the media’s unwillingness to do the very basics when a crazy bat virus emerged in *Wuhan* for close to three years. This report is based on something Congress put together.
Aug 19, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I was at the county fair today with all the kids and ran out of cash and don’t carry a bank card (long, kind of weird story, for another time). My kids were distraught and wanted more ride tickets. So I said “lemme go ask that Jewish guy if I can Venmo him for cash.” My kids were like WHAT you can’t just go up to a stranger and ask to bum cash. And I was like guys, he’s not just some guy, he’s a Jew. Watch me. He went to the ATM, got us cash, I Venmo’d him in exchange, and they learned a valuable lesson about being Jews.