OOHHHH WOW! New preprint on the host immune response in Long Covid was just posted (few hours ago), and it's more significant than the 3-gene signature!

They found reactivation of viral herpes (EBV/CMV/HSV2) and CONFIRMED PERSISTENT SARS-CoV-2 INFECTIONS! Here's a summary...

1/ Preprint Title: "MENSA, a Media Enriched with Newly Synthesized Antibodies, to Identify SARS-CoV-2 Persistence and Latent Viral Reactivation in Long-COVID."  Abstract: "Here, we use MENSA, Media Enriched with Newly Synthesized Antibodies, secreted exclusively from circulating human plasmablasts, to provide an immune snapshot that defines the underlying viral triggers. [...] Applying the same principles for long-COVID patients, MENSA is positive for SARS2 in 40% of PASC vs none of the COVID recovered (CR) patients without any sequelae demonstrating ongoing SARS2 viral inflamma...
IMO, this is a hugely important study, so I'm going to do my best to explain it in detail, in a way that everybody can understand!

The headline here is that a persistent/reactivated infection of (one or more of) SARS2, EBV, CMV, and/or HSV2 were found in 60% of LC patients!

2/ "In summary, MENSA is a novel immune diagnostic which captures unique signatures of the early-minted ASC in the blood to reveal the cause of illness. In chronic conditions such as PASC where serum antibody titers are high, MENSA is an independent matrix that identifies persistence of SARS2 viruses or antigens and can also recognize the reactivation of latent herpes viruses, such as EBV, CMV, and HSV2 in 60% of patients. This host immune snapshot reveals the fundamental drivers of viral persistence and reactivation in this chronic disease."  That means 60% of LC patients have one o...
Simply put, they looked at the antibodies produced by "Antibody-Secreting Cells" (ASCs), a type of short-lived immune response cells!

The primary types of antibodies stay in the blood. In contrast, ASCs peak *shortly* after infection, then rapidly decline! (see screenshot)

3/ From "The Antibody-Secreting Cell Response to Infection: Kinetics and Clinical Applications" (2017):  "In this review, we summarize previous studies that have used techniques to enumerate ASCs during infection. We describe the emergence, peak, and waning of these cells in peripheral blood during infection with a number of bacterial and viral pathogens, as well as malaria infection. We find that the timing of antigen-specific ASC appearance and disappearance is highly conserved across pathogens, with a peak response between day 7 and day 8 of illness and largely absent followi...
Because serum (blood) antibodies increase after infection (or vaccination), remaining high for years as a defense against new infection, they're not a good measure of *current* infections!

For example, 98% of LC and 100% of controls had serum antibodies for EBV:

4/ "Nearly all individuals in the general population have been exposed to EBV and our results were consistent with this finding. Here, EBV serologies are positive for 59/60 (98%) in the PASC group and all 23 [control] samples."
This is where the MENSA (Media Enriched with Newly Synthesized Antibodies) matrix created in the current study comes in.

This new tool *specifically* measures the antibodies produced by ASCs (new infections) and memory immune cells (reactivated/persistent infections).

5/20 "In this study, we use a novel diagnostic platform whereby we capture antibodies secreted from plasmablasts or newly-minted antibody secreted cells (ASC). This method can identify new or repeat infections despite elevated serum antibodies since these ASC appear in circulation shortly after infection or vaccination, then rapidly disappear from the blood. By capturing antibodies from these special ASC in a new matrix called Media Enriched with Newly Synthesized Antibodies (MENSA), we provide a signature response from only the new illness.  MENSA antibodies often appear prior to seroconve...
Looking at SARS-CoV-2 antibodies for one individual across multiple infections and vaccinations (comparing serum vs. MENSA antibody levels), the MENSA antibodies decline MUCH more rapidly after each exposure.

Thus, it distinctly detects *active* infection!

6/20 Additional description of Figure 3 from the paper:  Figure 3A: The short-lived antibodies detected by the MENSA matrix jump with each exposure (via infection OR vaccination) to the spike protein. Then, they rapidly decline. This makes it possible to more accurately pinpoint *active* infections!  Figure 3B: Serum antibodies for the spike protein increase with each exposure to that antigen (through infection or vaccination), then remain steady. This is our main line of defense against additional infections!  Figure 3D: Note how this individual's second infection causes their nucleocapsid anti...
Just for the uninformed losers who show up to squawk "it's the jab! it's the jab!" every time:

- All of the LC patients had pre-vaccine infections
- 97% of the LC patients had nucleocapsid antibodies in serum. Those are acquired through INFECTION, and aren't in mRNA vaccines

7/ "For the initial PASC experiment, we tested for only SARS2 antigens in MENSA and serum samples prepared from the subset of 19 CR subjects mentioned above and 39 PASC patients recruited during the first year of the Long-COVID clinic at Emory University December 2020-May 2021. [...] All patients were enrolled from day 60-279 DPSO after their initial acute infection and prior to any COVID-19 vaccination. Of the 39 PASC patients, 56% had initial M/M acute infections and 44% had initial S/C acute infections. Of the 19 CR patients, 95% had M/M acute infections and 5% had S/C acute infections...
An issue with existing research is that SARS2 (and Herpesviruses) just don't show up in PCR tests of blood. Most of the studies showing viral reservoirs are *autopsy* studies because sampling those tissues is *destructive*

MENSA indirectly samples those same reservoirs!

8/20 "... blood PCR tests have limited utility for SARS2 and latent herpes viruses, such as EBV, CMV, and HSV2 due to strong T cell responses that mediate rapid viral clearance. SARS2 antigen assays have been shown to identify the spike protein, but quantities are extremely low and require ultrasensitive assays.... Autopsies up to 230 days after acute SARS2 infection detected SARS2 RNA in multiple tissues such as the gut, central nervous system (CNS), muscle, myocardium, and the respiratory tract demonstrating viral reservoirs. Thus, measuring the MENSA has advantages over pathogen detectio...
Antibodies produced by ASCs are only found when there was RECENTLY a replicating pathogen that the immune system needed to attack, so this test can identify the "cause of the present-day illness" and is "an immune snapshot to uncover the sources of the patient's ailment"!

9/20 "...lymph nodes to form memory B cells and newly-minted ASC that produce antibodies. Interestingly, the majority of these ASC die, but a few successfully migrate to the bone marrow or tissue sites where they can undergo further maturation to become long-lived plasma cells (LLPC). [...] Memory B cells persist over a lifetime and differentiate into plasmablasts when re-encountering the same antigens?5. During breakthrough or repeat infections, newly-minted ASC mostly originate from memory B cells and circulate transiently in the blood'5. Since MENSA measures antibodies only from these ne...
They found reactivated latent infections! Here's the percentage of patients positive for *MENSA antibodies* (CR = Covid Recovered)

- EBV: 37% LC / 17% CR
- CMV: 23% LC / 4% CR
- HSV2: 15% LC / 4% CR

But *serum* levels were high for all, because these viruses are common!

10/20 "When examining the latent herpes viruses, MENSA reactivity was greater overall in the PASC group than in the CR group (Fig. 7A). For EBV, more PASC patients had positive MENSA samples 22/60 (37%) compared to CR subjects 4/23 (17%). ... Nearly all individuals in the general population have been exposed to EBV and our results were consistent with this finding. Here, EBV serologies are positive for 59/60 (98%) in the PASC group and all 23 CR samples. MENSAs for CMV are positive in 14/60 (23%) of the PASC patients compared to 1/23 (4%) in the CR group. ... Similar frequencies of positive ...
But even more significantly, they found the presence of MENSA antibodies for SARS-CoV-2 (indicating *persistent* infection) in 40% of LC patients and NONE OF THE CONTROL GROUP.

To put it another way, this test has SPECIFCALLY identified persistent SARS-CoV-2 infections!

11/20 "In a cohort of 60 PASC patients (39 patients in 2021 and 21 patients from 2022-2024), 21 CR patients (2020-2022), and 16 healthy adult controls (2020), we tested MENSA and serum for a combined SARS2, EBV, CMV, and HSV2 IgG immunoassay. We had 23 samples from 21 CR patients since two individuals suffered repeat SARS2 infections in 2020 and 2022. As expected, all healthy controls drawn prior to SARS2 exposure were negative for SARS2 IgG in both MENSA and serum (Fig. 7). Only 2/16 (13%) were positive in the MENSA for any of the viruses tested (EBV) in the healthy control group, whereas 1...
Overall, the MENSA assays found:

- HALF of the LC patients were positive for at least one of EBV/CMV/HSV2
- 60% of the LC patients were positive for at least one of EBV/CMV/HSV2 *or* SARS2
- Only 17% of the recovered were positive for even one of EBV/CMV/HSV2

12/20 "Figure 7. MENSA and serum in PASC, CR, and healthy adults for SARS2, EBV, CMV, and HSV2. MENSA (A) and serum (B) samples were collected from healthy donors prior to SARS2 exposure (top), COVID recovered (middle), and PASC (bottom) patients, tested for IgG reactivity against SARS2, EBV, CMV, and HSV2 antigens, and presented in a heat map. Green cells represent Net MFI values ≥ the C 0 thresholds calculated for each sample type and antigen combination, while white or grey cells represent values below the C0 . In MENSA, a C 0 was calculated as the average Net MFI of 22/23 CR samples plus...
IMO, 40% is the LOWER bound for people with LC having persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection, because their positivity threshold is fairly conservative, statistically speaking: SARS2 positivity is three standard deviations beyond the mean MENSA values for *recovered* patients!

13/20 "Since the convalescent baseline MENSA negative values could be slightly higher than in pre-pandemic controls, we identify a subset of the convalescent patients from Fig. 1 as COVID Recovered (CR) who had fully recovered with no sequelae (N=19). CR MENSA samples were used as controls to calculate the MENSA C0 using the average Net MFI plus 3 standard deviations. In contrast to MENSA, serum levels rise and remain high indefinitely in both CR and PASC patients; therefore, the serum C0 values are calculated using the average Net MFI plus 5 standard deviations of the 60 healthy controls pr...
The AVERAGE level of antibodies *in the LC group* was BELOW the point they set as the test positivity threshold for the MENSA assay.

If we assume intensity of persistent infection is a spectrum, this is now an optimization problem!

14/20 "Figure 5. Prolonged, elevated MENSA IgG responses for SARS2 in a subset of PASC patients. Dot plots show MENSA and serum IgG antibody responses to S1-RBD (A,B) and Nucleocapsid (C,D) in samples collected between 60-279 DPSO since initial COVID-19 Wild Type infection from patients who completely recovered from their acute illness (CR; n=19) and patients who suffer PASC (n=39). Blue dots represent a Mild/Moderate acute disease severity. Red dots represent a Severe/Critical acute disease severity. All values are reported as average Net MFI (Median Fluorescent Intensity – Background). Das...
This study pushes us a long way toward understanding the *specific drivers* of Long Covid, given that observable chronic symptoms don't manifest after *every* infection. MENSA allows precise sampling of *currently active* infections, regardless of serum antibody levels!

15/20 "Understanding the main viral drivers of the inflammatory and metabolic changes in patients with long-COVID has been challenging. Multiomic studies provide a wealth of information but have not identified the underlying triggers of this chronic condition. Although suggestions of viral persistence have been raised, it has been difficult to demonstrate ongoing reservoirs or reactivation of the latent virus by PCR due to the limited sensitivity of the current tests. Thus, detecting the pathogen has been challenging in patients with normal or even heightened immune responses. In this paper,...
It's also worth noting that they checked for the presence of active responses to autoantigens and came up empty; however, that's not a definitive answer, because their technique had limited power. But, realistically, persistent infection explains most of the symptoms!

16/20 "Autoantigen triggers have also been implicated in PASC patients, and so we tested MENSA from a limited number of PASC patients for autoantigens using the PhiP-seq human peptidome library which consists of 605,656 peptides tiling protein-coding sequences, splice variants, non- 37,38 coding open reading frames, and endogenous retroviral sequences in the human genome No differences were observed between the PASC and CR MENSA against the human peptidome (our unpublished results). However, a larger number of patients using the 3-D conformational epitopes of the human proteome may be needed...
It's unknown how the MENSA assay results will look *over time* in LC patients or how treatment impacts it, so the specifics of how it can be used as a diagnostic tool are up in the air. But that's usually something the lab companies that commercialize the tests figure out!

17/20 "There are several limitations of this study. One is that we do not have longitudinal samples from the PASC patients and thus, it is unclear how consistent the MENSA responses are in the patients with chronic illness over time. Second, large clinical trials are needed to evaluate responses to anti-viral therapies in MENSA positive patients identified with SARS2 persistence and reactivation of EBV, CMV, or HSV2 infections."
And, of course, that gigantic fucking Catch-22 of the week, the MENSA assay may not be reliable in immunocompromised patients due to lack of B cell activation to form ASCs. SARS-CoV-2 ALSO fucks with B cells, in addition to T cells. Fantastic.


"Finally, the utility of MENSA may be challenging in immunocompromised patients since the MENSA requires B cell activation to form new ASC."
One interesting thing to note is that this method may *potentially* be capable of detecting other chronic (and/or neurodegenerative) conditions from very early in their onset, long before symptoms are present!

19/20 "The real-time immune snapshots provided by MENSA may be leveraged to inform therapeutic strategies and successful treatment of chronically ill PASC patients. Whether MENSA can also be useful to identify persistence of viral reservoirs in other chronic illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, HIV, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and other infections with post-sequelae are yet to be determined. For example, EBV was recently implicated in multiple sclerosis. Interestingly, infection with SARS2 is associated with increased susceptibility and severity of neurodegen...
IMO, this is a STRONG study, and it's a starting point for much more specific diagnostics of chronic conditions resulting from SARS-CoV-2 infection—or any other pathogen!


Preprint on medRxiv:

This study is really just about the diagnostic tool, and their confirmation of viral persistence were part of proving that the tool works. This will likely end up being part of the measure treatment response, however

Also, huge shoutout to the people who routinely quote my threads with translations to other languages! We’ve got an efficient little global public health information network going!

IMO they missed a huge opportunity by not including VZV in their panel, because shingles is suuuch a common PASC! If (and only if) LC symptoms turn out to be driven PRIMARILY by latent herpesvirus reactivation (triggered by SARS2 persistence), VZV will prob be another 40%

TBD! This is really just a technical paper introducing a new *test method*, not a full blown virology research/theory paper. Also note that positives in the LC group were
- 40% for SARS2
- 47% for EBV/CMV/HSV2
- *60%* for SARS2 *and/or* EBV/CMV/HSV2

Good question! The *sensitivity* of this provisional test (i.e. not yet commercialized) was set conservatively to ensure the validity of the test results. If SARS2 persistence is ubiquitous, this positivity *threshold* will be artificially high


It's also worth noting they confirmed that the convalescent MENSA antibody levels do, in fact, remain HIGHER than the pre-pandemic baseline—and the convalescent MENSA baseline for an individual is also somewhat correlated with acute disease severity!

26/20 "Additionally, for S/C compared to MM patients, serum levels rise higher during the acute illness and remain elevated during convalescence, suggesting more ASC survived in other tissues such as the spleen, bone marrow, or mucosal sites. During convalescence, 87% of MENSAs become negative, but are overall slightly higher than pre-pandemic levels. In all, MENSA rises during acute infection and then rapidly falls to negative whereas serum titers rise and remain elevated."
Here's the entire thread on the "Media Enriched with Newly Synthesized Antibodies" preprint available on one page:

And all of the content here is freely licensed for reuse: readwise.io/reader/shared/…
They were only *validating the ability to DETECT chronic infections,* so we can't infer causality.


All of the control group had high SERUM titers for EBV. Thus, in this study, adverse outcomes were *uncorrelated* w/ PRE-COVID EBV exposure!


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More from @NickAnderegg

Feb 1
Many people are asking for recommendations about what storage media to buy, so here's a buying guide from an experienced data hoarder (me)

The MOST IMPORTANT thing to know is that SOLID-STATE MEDIA IS NOT DURABLE. Flash drives, SSDs, SD cards, etc. are NOT long-term storage.

That's not to say that it's impossible to use solid-state media for long-term storage. It's just that anything with durability guarantees gets prohibitively expensive quickly. Spinning hard drives—as well as DVDs and Blu-ray discs!—are your friend.

- The way data is stored in solid-state media makes it much more susceptible to bit rot than other media.
- In a spinning hard drive, the moving parts are the most common point of failure.
- When you burn a DVD, that shit is fairly permanent.

Read 42 tweets
Jan 9
I wish people would understand that insurance underwriters have armies of actuaries calculating risks, and if an insurance company drops you, it's because things have changed in such a way that insuring you will take more out of the financial pool than you're putting in

It sucks, but it's a direct result of the fact that humans are widely inhabiting locations that are rapidly becoming impossible to inhabit safely. If you can't find insurance for your home, it means there's a high likelihood you'll need to move soon anyway.

You get insurance so that you can replace all of your stuff in the event of a disaster. When the insurance company effectively says "the risk of disaster is so high that insuring you would almost certainly cause us to lose a lot of money," it ALSO means your life is in danger

Read 7 tweets
Jan 5
So here’s the thing about some of the subtle neuro damage related to SARS-CoV-2 infection that I think a lot of people miss: some of the known deficits are correlated with things like impulsiveness and poor emotional control, so we might expect to see deficits there are well

Consider how impatient people seem to be on the road in the last couple years relative to the 2010s, and I think we have a perfect example of where this is LIKELY already manifesting.

This impact is particularly insidious for the person experiencing it, because poor impulse control, by definition, doesn’t really come on gradually. My biggest concern is how interactions under these circumstances will play out if this impact continues to become more common

Read 15 tweets
Jan 3
Let's review some major points in the Nukit controversy, since some people are unclear:

- Someone criticized someone's use of Nukit lanterns.
- Nukit attacked the critic because, as noted, this is how they market
- Nukit now demands "mediation" with the community (how??)

1/ @marigoldglitter: "these tools should be used for people who must be in public despite the dangers, not for white men who want to eat in restaurants and maintain the status quo. if this is what you're gonna use these for, give them to a disabled person who can't go to the doctor b/c of risk."  Nukit: ""White man" in this case is buying those products from non-white small businesses who are focused on providing the community with effective, tested mitigations at far, far lower costs than anyone else."  OP: "Like why are you coming at me with this aggressive...
Nukit: "If you are in the US, and would like to purchase Far-UVC products, we cannot help you at this time. We tried to resolve the issues there, but the US COVID-Aware community was uninterested in mediation or intercession. As a result of that disinterest, a great deal of harm was done. When stock is finished, we will not be selling our products to the Us anymore. If you are in the US and want Nukit products, would like 333 million Americans, many disabled or immune compromised, to be able to access the most affordable Far-UVC on the market, kindly address the people who made it unsa...
So let's look at this a bit more critically. Here is the "evidence" Nukit provided that the didn't say anything racist. First of all, these aren't the comments in question, but it's worth a look anyway.

2/ Ok, I get that "evidence," "citations," and "personal accountability" are going to be called racist, but since people insist on just spewing lie after lie without any pushback- here's what actually happened. @marigoldglitter- a white woman attacked a Nukit customer who was supporting us by showing our products. This is something we rely on to fund research and donations. If our customers do not do this, that money goes to paid advertising. So yes, attacking our customers is attacking our company and directly harming marginalized folks who receive our products. ...
Seems to be framed this way because Nukit knows it's not an adequate explanation, so they're acting like anyone who criticizes them is in the wrong.  ---  A bigoted comment is a bigoted comment, even if it's not directed at someone who might be personally offended. Of course, Nukit didn't include the comments people actually call racist!  ---  Nukit is explicitly saying here that they view any criticism as an "attack," because criticisms can potentially hurt their business goals. Fundamentally, Nukit is angry that this usage of their products are being criticized.  ---  After Nuki...
Let's be clear about what happened here: Someone lamented the unequal access to protective measures and criticized someone who seems to be using a certain device to *maintain the status quo*, and the manufacturer of the device found it unacceptable.

Read 16 tweets
Oct 9, 2024
NEW STUDY! This exploratory study identifies a SPECIFIC PHENOTYPE OF LONG COVID that appears related to NEUROMUSCULAR DISTURBANCE rather than lung damage—and they've termed it Complex Ventilatory Dysfunction!

Breakdown of the paper (thread written for a general audience!)...

1/ Published Oct 7, 2024: "A new phenotype of patients with post-COVID-19 condition is characterised by a pattern of complex ventilatory dysfunction, neuromuscular disturbance and fatigue symptoms"  Abstract:  Background Patients with post-COVID-19 condition frequently suffer from chronic dyspnoea. The causes and mechanism for dyspnoea in these patients without evidence of structural lung disease are unclear.  ...  Results ... A pattern of reduced forced vital capacity (FVC), but normal total lung capacity (TLC), termed complex ventilatory dysfunction ... was observed and occurred mo...
Broadly speaking, there are two groups of acute covid outcomes involving dyspnea (shortness of breath) as a long-term symptom:

- Severe cases that may have physical lung damage
- "Mild" cases that now have ME/CFS-like features, but who have no evidence of lung damage!

2/ "Current evidence suggests that cellular damage, a robust innate immune response with inflammatory cytokine production and a procoagulant state induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection are factors potentially contributing to post-COVID-19 sequelae such as dyspnoea, fatigue, and cognitive and mental disturbances... Dyspnoea has been well characterised as a major clinical symptom of post-COVID condition after severe and critical COVID-19 and is correlated with impaired lung function in terms of pulmonary restriction, and with reduced diffusion capacity as a possible consequence of pulmonary remod...
In this study, they explored this distinction further and identified a distinct subset of patients with a pattern of breathing abnormality that they have termed complex ventilatory dysfunction (CVD).

So how did they arrive at this conclusion? Let's dig in!

3/16 "We hypothesise that patients suffering from post-COVID-19 condition who have fatigue and exertional intolerance also have a reduction in respiratory muscle strength, causing a dysfunctional breathing pattern which is distinct from typical pulmonary sequelae after COVID-19 such as obstruction, restriction or impaired diffusion capacity. Based on clinical observations, we describe a new breathing abnormality termed complex ventilatory dysfunction (CVD), defined as total lung capacity (TLC) - forced vital capacity (FVC) >10% predicted value and absence of restriction (TLC ≥ lower limit o...
Read 16 tweets
Sep 22, 2024
NEW STUDY! It VERY thoroughly supports the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 emerged as a zoonotic spillover event in the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market—using multiple methods!

Breakdown of the paper (written for a general audience!)...

1/many (but it's worth it, I promise!) Published Sep 19, 2024 in Cell: "Genetic tracing of market wildlife and viruses at the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic"  Highlights: - Common ancestor of SARS-CoV-2 linked to Huanan market matches the global common ancestor - Wildlife mitochondrial DNA identified in samples from stalls positive for SARS-CoV-2  Abstract:  "... We demonstrate that market-linked severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) genetic diversity is consistent with market emergence and find increased SARS-CoV-2 positivity near and within a wildlife stall. We identify wildlife DNA in...
This paper reanalyzes the same data from the April 2023 paper in Nature that cast doubt on the Huanan Market hypothesis (pictured).

In the new paper published in Cell this week, another group conducted far more detailed (and statistically sound) analyses!

Original paper that analyzed this same data: "Surveillance ofSARS-CoV-2 at the Huanan Seafood Market"  "Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019, emerged in December 2019. Its origins remain uncertain. It has been reported that a number of the early human cases of coronavirus disease 2019 had a history of contact with the Huanan Seafood Market...."
"...It should be noted that the selection of shops for sampling was biased because shops selling wildlife as well as shops linked to early cases were prioritized for sampling. The origin of the virus cannot be determined from the analyses available so far. Although gene barcode analysis of animal species in the study suggested that Myotis, Nyctereutes and Melogale-species that have been recognized as potential host species of sarbecoviruses-were present at the market, these barcodes were mostly detected within the SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR-negative samples from the environment. It remains pos...
This new paper starts by reviewing the evidence supporting the Huanan Market hypothesis, and some of the details are FASCINATING!

To begin with, of the 174 COVID cases identified with an onset of December 2019, 32% had a link to the Huanan Market.

In a city of 12 million.

3/ "INTRODUCTION Many of the earliest known cases of COVID-19 worked at or visited the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market ("Huanan market") in the city of Wuhan, a link first made by clinicians at different hospitals throughout the city. Retrospective review of early COVID-19 cases identified 174 patients with onset in December 2019, 32% of whom had an ascertained link to this location, within a city of over 12 million."
Read 24 tweets

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