"Every ground combat soldier an electronic warfare operator" is where we are going in the next three years.
The human resource implications of this transformation for Western armies are devastating.
Essentially current Western army flag ranks are like 1914 horse cavalry generals transported to the 1980's.
Everything they knew in terms of combat experience, institutional training and budget politics is negative value added in this new drone combat paradigm.
Captains and below in the officer corps are both young and flexible enough to adapt to the new reality.
Major through full Colonel will be one of three things:
Useless dead weight;
Actively negative value added.
The centuries long institutional advantages of Western militaries in generating ground combat power at intercontinental distance are gone until the new Electronic Warfare skills set are generated from private to flag rank.
Current Western ground combat flag ranks ability to adapt to the the new radio-electronic combat drone paradigm rivals that of the Chief executive of Arianespace 10 years ago to adapt to the oncoming SpaceX reusable rocket paradigm.
Oh heck yes, AFU is hunting Russian H2O trucks! ⬇️
@secretsqrl123 has sussed out the Russian potable water supply chain and it involves a thrown together bubba engineering with palletized IBC containers used by restaurants for vegetable oil.
I've been asked to post my four appearances on Paul Woodadge's @WW2TV youtube channel to X.
This was about MacArthur's "Wild Weasel" radar hunters before the term was invented.
Dr Bellamy was PhD heavy lifter here.
Section 22 Radar Hunters
This is the story of Master Technical Sergeant Dermott H. MacDonnell and how his performance as chief radar operator for Marine Air Group 23’s (MAG-23) SCR-270 radar...
The Horseshoe Nail of Victory of the Guadalcanal Air Campaign
...made the difference between keeping and losing daylight air superiority over Henderson Field in the darkest days of the Guadalcanal campaign.
Incendiary devices were 10 times as effective at destroying urban areas than high explosive per unit mass per the US Strategic Bombing Surveys'.
Sending twice the warhead mass of incendiaries of a unitary explosive warhead Tomahawk for the same price is 20 times as effective and requires 10 times the air defense missile warshot or gun based ammunition to protect any target.
This trial use of 17 year olds by Putin reported by Ukraine's Center for National Resistance (CNR) closely mirrors the Hitlerjugend Division of the Waffen SS in the Normandy summer of 1944.
...in Feb/Mar 1945 was the Waffen SS using 14 year old kids.
Per the CNR Report:
"Currently, Russia is actively recruiting members of patriotic movements, in particular, the network of military education centers "Warrior" and "Yunarmiya" (Young Army). Teenagers aged 17