Lazarus Long Profile picture
Jul 10 21 tweets 10 min read Read on X
This study is HUGE FOR YOU!

Why? Every hospital, dental, and nursing home corporation around the world use studies designed by the Mark Loeb Group to keep N95s off of your HCW.

As they bend over you in a mask so baggy you can see their toothy smile.

Let me ask you...

Would pulling on an N95 protect you more from airborne anthrax than if you pulled on a medical mask (MM)? From only 3 feet away?

In fact, IT IS AGAINST the proper use of respirators.

OSHA would have you KICKED off the job site.

But when Loeb did it in 2022? The $$$ 🎉🎉🎉
But - once this preprint is published? I do not see how Loeb (2022) is not RETRACTED.🔥🔥🔥

That study compared surgical masks to N95s. It said that surgical (medical) masks are as good as N95s in protection from Covid.

That they are not inferior, aka noninferior, to N95s.
And this stone-cold evisceration of the Loeb group who richly deserve it?

Is a thing of savage beauty.

Starting with - how do you not get infected 3 feet away from some feverish (febrile) C0Vid infected?

(Plus, the 58% asymptomatic transmissions? )
But Loeb's group said, "No way, man. Our people were rolling strapped! From the parking lot to the parking lot." (Universal masking***).

Now, this is where it gets good.

Someone👇 confirmed with a Loeb study member that the N95 group could use medical masks in hallways.
Post-hoc assertions that the trial was carried out with all subjects in the N95 arm wearing their PPE continuously are unsupported by evidence: The claim is not supported by prospectively registered information;(65–67) The claim is not consistent with the initial study protocol;(64) The study ended March 29th, 2022, yet the modified statistical analysis plan dated February 17th, 2022 and the modified protocol dated March 1st 2022(64) both specify that subgroup analyses would include sites with and without universal masking; Despite being fundamental to the interpretation of the trial result...
 Dr. Lynora Saxinger MD FRCPC Infectious Diseases @AntibioticDoc · Dec 2, 2022 **So it’s all gotten a bit leggy but if you are entering here I did confirm and  need to clarify continuous masking didn’t have to be assigned mask so N95 group could use medical masks in hallways etc so is not a “all shift” N95 which is what I’d understood from a studymember
And the people in medical masks could wear N95s anytime they wanted.

Got it? This supposedly very methodological study has people switching anytime they wanted. Participants in the MM arm were allowed to wear N95 at any time based on point of care risk assessment.(58) Considering that the most COVID-cautious participants would have had both the greatest motivation to report and seek treatment for suspected infection; and to take advantage of the opportunity to wear N95 if assigned to the MM arm, it would be expected that these factors would interact to further artefactually reduce cases recorded in the MM arm.
And their OWN PLAN said they would have sites with and without universal masking.

Until they changed it after the fact.

AFTER THE FACT! Can we trust them? Surely they have no incentive to lie like rugs, right?

No UNREPORTED conflicts of interests like 7 million dead.

The claim is not consistent with the initial study protocol;(64) The study ended March 29th, 2022, yet the modified statistical analysis plan dated February 17th, 2022 and the modified protocol dated March 1st 2022(64) both specify that subgroup analyses would include sites with and without universal masking;
As noted above, the trial was explicitly designed around an inappropriate intermittent-use protocol – a fatal flaw from which unregistered protocol modifications and coincidental universal use are claimed to have salvaged it. Retroactive insertion into the registry with back-dating to the beginning of the trial (a repudiation of the purpose of trial registration) does not provide the evidence such claims require.
Unreported conflicts of interest As discussed above, COVID is known to be substantially airborne, transmitted in infectious bioaerosols.(3) Anticipated in the earliest days of the pandemic, this danger was overlooked by policy makers at great cost(2) - a “…very big mistake” where better decisions “…would have saved an enormous number of lives”.(116) Seven million deaths have now been officially attributed directly to COVID, with the real total estimated at 27 million(117) and possibly much higher,(118) and millions more suffer long-term impacts from Post Covid Condition (PCC).(119–123) Any ...
No conflicts of interest at all, like 16 study members running IPC at their hospital. No pressure from needing to be proved right. No pressure to keep costs low as N95s are spendy!

None like testifying at a trial to deny nurses N95s. With 5 study members.
Sixteen of the authors as well as two of the three members of the Data Safety and Monitoring Board (DSMB) hold Medical Director of Infection Control (MDIC) or similar positions at their respective institutions (Table 1). Of these, nine (including the DSMB Chair) are located in the province of Ontario, where in 2021 the Ontario Nurses’ Association requested judicial review of hospital infection control policies they asserted were dangerously inadequate in failing to provide for universal use of N95 respirators.(100,127) Similar positions regarding SARS-CoV-2 mitigations had been taken nation...
Endorsed shortly before the end of data collection for the Loeb trial in Canada, the affidavit also included the statement: “…our experience at my hospital and other healthcare facilities throughout Canada where use of medical mask and eye protection alone to care for an unmasked patient with unrecognized COVID- 19, has not resulted in transmission to healthcare workers.”(127) It is unclear how the members of the DSMB reconciled endorsing this statement as accurate with the then-current trial data they were responsible for being aware of, showing multiple infections in healthcare workers we...
None like running THE group that the WORLD listened to for a year of death. Or being a member. Senior author Dr. Conly chairs the WHO Infection Prevention and Control Research and Development Expert Group for COVID-19 (WHO-C19-EG – of which Dr. Loeb was also a member),(131) upon whose advice the WHO’s position on COVID prevention was largely based in the first year of the pandemic.(132) This group had publicly argued against the need to adopt “…the precautionary principle with consequent use of particulate respirators instead of medical masks as a component of PPE for routine care of COVID- 19 patients…” in August 2020,(125) despite previously receiving direct warnings to the contrar...
No, when the study was abruptly moved from Canada to Egypt, Israel, Pakistan, just as clear evidence was emerging that N95s were better than MM? Nothing suspicious.

And Egypt ending up being the location for finding surgical masks are the same as N95s?
When the study was terminated at all sites in the prospectively registered countries, the results showed clear evidence of a result opposite to the primary published finding, showing medical masks very likely provided substantially reduced protection against a pathogen with potential to cause death or serious harm.
The reported finding of noninferiority is entirely an artefact of the data from sites in Egypt, and cannot be obtained without them even if we were to accept all other alterations to the trial as legitimate.
Nothing against Egypt, it's just where serious issues with women being forced to work, men in N95s, bad ventilation, public transportation in the middle of the first Omicron wave, all caused that effect.

Although... The omission of site information from the published information and the trial registry is particularly relevant in Egypt, as only one of the six sites was equipped with an HVAC system (in contrast to 100% of sites elsewhere, per Supplement Table 11),(58) with the other five provided only with “…a combination of air conditioning and outdoor air”. Without further information this could mean simply openable windows and some recirculating air conditioners, which would tend to encourage closing of the windows while providing essentially no air cleaning – the worst combination possible in the pre...
The actual data collected was sketch AF. "Perfectly excluded" is not a good phrase to hear about your study.

You been busted, son! Is a rough translation. The pattern observed in the data reported by Loeb and colleagues appears highly unlikely (p<0.006) to occur naturally in data collected as described in the publication.
Nothing like a few changes to a study👇. Between 16 IPC directors, you'd think they'd kick all kinds of study a$$, instead of needing midstream changes.

There is more, but I am tired of reading about the Canadian IPC Mafia.

They are very bad people who did a very bad study. Image
That should be retracted!

They did it! Called for retraction!

/Continued with some thoughts.…
Actual care exposure time to patients in Egypt was about double (very important, not mentioned)?

It has all the outbreaks (mentioned in the study)
One factor everyone seems to have missed? Maybe I just didn't see it?

Extended use AND re-use of the N95s does not seem to have been factored in.

Fit failure is a huge issue.👇

Loeb does a self-own on this in commenting on his own study.…

Universal masking was not fully explained in the study.

Parking lot to parking lot?

UM in Egypt, Pakistan, Canada - might be all different.

For example, Japan, this hospital had universal masking, but not in break rooms. Led to infections.…
Pakistani where PATIENTS did not adhere to universal masking (UM), despite beng requird to.

Obviously, patients are aerosol src. Also, the antimaskers at the Loeb group included ACH at the various places. THAT IS NOT MEASURED ACH. There is a…
huge difference - if you ask someone actually experienced with aerosols.

Changing rooms in hospitals - we have no idea of the Egypt set up.

We do know Egyptian HCWs are pretty good at masking up at work. Not in public.……

Loeb (2022), truly one of the worst studies ever. Giving Walach a run for his money.
My apologies, I forgot to link to the top of the thread for your convenience!

Thank you for getting to here and now knowing how the latest masking RCT is fatally flawed.

The other two main ones are also flawed in the main same way. 3 feet.

• • •

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Jul 9
People are freaking out. Not hard enough. Not NEARLY hard enough.

H5N1 has just been found to be able to attach to a2,6-linked sialic acids found on cells in the Upper Respiratory Tract.


Let me put it in a way that will drive this home for you.

On July 4th, China had a huge drill for a mystery disease, part of which involved disinfection of a live poultry transfer station.

Poultry. Get it?

H/T @bollyweed…

"Cow-H5N1" is not just isolated to cows.

Colorado? The most recent human infection? The same.

Alpacas, goats, racoons, skunks, cats, ETC. The list that this H5N1 infects is very long.
Read 12 tweets
Jul 9
#USDABioSecurity as of July 8, 2024.

❌ Two human cases have had respiratory samples test positive.
❌ Cow lung tissues have tested positive.
❌ Closed herds in Texas and Michigan have been infected.
❌ Infected herds have been milked last - and the rest of the farm infected.
❌Milk aerosols have been found infectious.
❌ The Colorado human had no symptoms except pink eye.
❌ CDC is only doing symptom based testing, despite having 750,000 tests available.

And the USDA is obsessed with fomites and "biosecurity".


Read 20 tweets
Jul 8
The LATIMES running a story on how symptoms with the latest are...

“throat feels like RAZOR BLADES”

“I have so much phlegm, but it hurts so bad to cough because my throat is on literal FIRE!!” (4th time)

“uncontrollable body-shaking chills

so bad I couldn’t feel most of
my fingertips.”

“intense with fevers, cough, head pressure and pain. It’s attacking my throat and ability to swallow.”

“I’ve had C0VID a few times but this is the worst I’ve had it,”

“terrible sinus pressure and headache ... and I

can’t stand up for too long without feeling like I’m about to pass out.”

“Previously C0VID just felt like the common cold, but this strain is [wreaking] havoc,” the person wrote. “I don’t like to complain like this, but I’m shocked at how much it’s taking me out.”
Read 10 tweets
Jul 7
@MatthewJDalby keeps popping up on my feed. Not because I follow them. Why? The engagement algorithm must have them as an antimasker. So, I dove deep.

Matthew Dalby is an emotional "snake in the grass" antimasker.

Let me cut away the grass.

Matthew Dalby likes to attack the actual act of mask advocacy.

If you make people think their advocacy is not effective? They won't advocate. Which means people won't mask.

And it is framed as "arguably" "I think" - just asking questions here!, folks.

Here Dalby is attacking advocacy for masking in the context of LongCovid.

Universal mask wearing to reduce LongCovid is NEVER going to happen. It's just not possible.

(So just don't advocate for it.)

But they are not an antimasker.
(Because they said so.)

Read 21 tweets
Jul 6
This is not directed at Dr. Beckman. No way would I dare to teach her something

This is for you, the casual passer-by. You think, "That study was from 2022. Did someone cite it?

🧵 On how to do a little research.
Paste the URL into the search field.

Beep boop bop. Click on the cited by.

Click on Year, then since 2024. Puts all the newest stuff at top.

Grab a paper bag, and take a few huffs. Sweet unholy organoid brains, what awaits us?…

Read 8 tweets
Jul 5
This 👇is analyzing the 4 Christo-fascist promises of Trump Project 2025.

My mind is blown...this affects everyone alive as we could all get LongCovid and become homeless.

It affects YOU.

It couples the "good (Christian) life" with private religious charities.

Some examples.

Mixing religion and state is just not a good idea. It is literally enshrined in the First Amendment.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."

Anyway, Project 2025 is being set up by SCOTUS. Image
The biggest one is the Grants Pass, Oregon homeless verdict.

Criminalizing sleeping in public.

The author linked that to religious beds going empty.

Strange - I, like you, heard about the $239/ night fine. The 30 days jail.

But religious shelter? Could that be true? Image
Read 23 tweets

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