I think a lot about how young & middle-aged people are getting COMPLETELY shafted. My entire generation is going to be skipped. (I’m an elder millennial). Millennial women are dying in their 20s & 30s at a rate not seen since WWII. We’re caring for children & elderly relatives because childcare costs more than college & *no one* can afford long-term care since private equity hijacked it & everything we know.
We don’t have the time or funds to tend to our own Covid-related complications, thus we are perfectly poised for premature death. Amid RECORD PRICES, rent has increased 80%, the median home is selling for over $500,000, & wages never increase. Amid RECORD homelessness, the US is making being unhoused a crime in order to create a slave labor force, made up of—you guessed it—young & middle-aged people. Our corporate overlords *also* hijacked public health, & so we are expected to be forcibly reinfected with the oncogenic novel pandemic pathogen that causes immunodeficiency, cognitive dysfunction, neuropsychiatric complications, & multi-organ damage forevermore. The U.S. is experiencing RECORD communicable disease, & it’s going to get worse with immunodeficiency at the population level. We are even ignoring RECORD syphilis & congenital syphilis. TUBERCULOSIS increased 24% in U.S. children under age 5. What are we doing?
Climate collapse & food/water shortages are also looming amid record temps, & there’s NO PLAN for that either.
We aren't even TRYING to preserve future generations or create any sort of sustainable conditions for future generations. The masses are being priced out of survival & EVERYTHING is about protecting short-term profits & ruling class convenience. Sometimes it feels like we were born to strictly to serve our elders, & now we are expected to die alongside them.
Media has THE AUDACITY to pretend this has nothing to do with Covid. In 2022, we learned 40% more working Americans died than expected, when a 10% increase is a 3-sigma, 200 year catastrophe. We acknowledged it was due to Covid. In 2023, we learned 34% more Americans ages 35-44 died than expected & we were told “It’s not Covid.” Lies.
“And it’s not Covid.” (We systematically got rid of all the testing & data. 🥴)
“Among working people 35 to 44 years old, a stunning 34% more died than expected in the last quarter of 2022, with above-average rates in other working-age groups, too.” usatoday.com/story/opinion/…
Oh look, young and middle-aged people again.
October 2022: “The spikes in heart attack deaths have tracked with surges of COVID infection—even during Omicron…
Check the ages most affected. These increases BLEW APART THE MODELS & we carried on.
“By the 2nd year of the pandemic, the dramatic increases in heart attacks blew apart the models used to predict how many people would lose their lives to these events.” sacbee.com/news/local/hea…
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We moved into our current house in January 2020. I IMMEDIATELY got Covid & spent the next 2 years in bed. We never fully unpacked. As I’m packing to move again, it’s like sorting through another person’s life. I don’t recognize a lot of my belongings & clothing (My entire wardrobe falls off me now—I look like a kid playing dress up in my mom’s clothes). I don’t even remember moving in.
The dramatic personality changes I’ve experienced since Covid disabled me are disturbing, but the cognitive/memory issues are more so. It’s like I can’t remember who I was. It’s like a stranger moved into my body. It’s eerie.
I keep wondering what the coming years are going to look like. My generation (& ALL the generations) will require care decades sooner than we would have without Covid. And yet there is still no plan.
Why I feel like a stranger in my own body, a thread:
The normalization of mycoplasma is well underway. Those who have been paying attention will remember last fall’s mycoplasma surge—called “white lung pneumonia” at the time.
Mycoplasma is often called “walking pneumonia.” While everyone was focused on “white lung pneumonia” in China last fall, it was also circulating in the US. 🧵
Hey, who remembers March 2023, when the NIH was like, “SARS-CoV-2 inflicts long term damage to the immune system like HIV or hepatitis C,” and then we did nothing? nih.gov/news-events/ne…
Who remembers when the Merck Manual admitted SARS-CoV-2, like HIV/AIDS, causes lymphocytopenia. Patients with lymphocytopenia experience frequent infections featuring unusual viruses, bacteria, fungi, & parasites. (Link below)
Who remembers June 2020, when the NYT & the ruling class acknowledged SARS-CoV-2, “in a disturbing parallel to HIV,” causes long-term damage to the immune system?
My feed is either positive Covid tests or anecdotes & articles that carefully explain the most recent variants are ESPECIALLY brutal. It’s the middle of summer. We used to get reprieves in the summer. It’s clear we aren’t actually going to do anything about any of these pathogenic threats, so…enjoy? I guess? I don’t really know what to say anymore. I’ve been living like this for 4 years, & it’s only getting worse—though people choose to ignore this unpleasant fact. Keep pretending, I guess.
It’s funny how folks want to argue. My sweet summer children, I moved into acceptance long ago, after me & millions of others were (& still are) systematically disabled by this virus (millions are dead), & then y’all played in our faces & kicked us to the curb.
This is me now. Enjoy the Mass Disabling & Premature Death Event (& assorted related collapse events) that will eventually claim you too.
I think some people are waking up to the fact they’re still getting Covid over & over three years after the pandemic was declared over—& there’s no plan—so people are panicking a bit. They try to attack The Maimed again, but it’s a tired strategy after 3 long years, & it’s not really working anymore since EVERYONE has tangoed with Covid at least once. As the public gets nervous, they go on the offensive. Everyone heard ONLY the high risk would be in danger, but the part they didn’t tell you is EVERYONE is high risk after Covid…oops
I haven’t read a Washington Post article since I canceled my subscription in 2021 (& the NYT/Atlantic) when they veered right & pivoted to pro-business, pro-infection coverage, but this article is making the rounds. I’ve linked a free article about this topic below.
“Analysts are predicting a significant rise in electricity demand, potentially overloading the US grid.”
Folks should probably be aware of this threat.
(If we ignore the Pathogen Apocalypse/Climate Collapse, perhaps this problem will simply take care of itself…)
“Amid rising demand for data centers and computing power for artificial intelligence (AI), cloud storage, & cryptoassets, analysts are predicting a significant rise in electricity demand, potentially overloading the US grid.”
If it comes down to AI for the wealthy or 325 million Americans being allowed the privilege of reaching their life expectancy, we all know what they are going to choose.