As I head to President Biden's rally here in Madison, WI
A few notes about the impact of the polling and the election on the largest criminal prosecution in US history
In a series of recent courtroom incidents I've witnessed .... Jan 6 defendants boasted that they anticipate pardons or some form of reprieve from a future President Trump
Bolstered by polls or by Trump's campaign rhetoric
At a hearing in May, defendant John Banuelos (who's accused of brandishing & firing a gun amid the mob) challenged Judge Tanya Chutkan
He predicted a Trump victory aloud, adding "I've got nothing to worry about"
Dissent (more): “Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.”
This is a staggering thing to read in a dissent/opinion from the US Supreme Court:
“In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law”
Former House Jan 6 Select Committee members are issuing statements upon Trump’s first trip to Capitol Hill post-Jan 6
Rep Zoe Lofgren (D-CA): “I learned during the January 6th investigation to take Mr. Trump at his word, and his unhinged comments about democracy and America's future make it clear that he is a threat to our system of government.”
Rep Adam Schiff (D-CA): “Every Republican meeting today with Donald Trump – who has promised to be a dictator on day one if he’s elected & prophesied a bloodbath if he’s not – should commit today to accepting the results of November’s free and fair election..”
Rep Bennie Thompson (D-MS): “After inciting a deadly insurrection that defiled the halls of Congress, how dare Trump show his face on these grounds? Congressional Republicans allow him to waltz in here when it’s known he has no regard for democracy”
Interesting exchange just now during jury selection in Hunter Biden trial
Prospective juror is called into courtroom. He’s a former police officer who says he’s acquainted with Dr Jill Biden and has met President Biden at events
Under questioning, there are some revelations …
Prospective juror, who says he’s a FOX News viewer, told the court about donations he’d made to a candidate for Delaware Attorney General.
It was money for a prior challenger to Beau Biden
Prospective juror is an RNC donor too. And he’s answers yes when asked if he believes some prosecutions and law enforcement investigations are “political”
Then H Biden’s defense begins to pepper potential juror with questions
NEW: Trump defense asks judge to reject Jack Smith request in Florida case that Trump be restricted from statements that “pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents” & deceptive claims about agents
And Trump seeks sanctions against Smith team
MORE: Trump's team claims Jack Smith's request amounts to "censorship" and is "unprecedented"
Trump team also references the gag orders put in place in New York and DC cases
"The Motion also treads new—extremely problematic— ground as a requested prior restraint that is different in kind from the unconstitutional gag orders that prosecutors have sought in New York and Washington, D.C."
Justice Dept to seek 9 years prison in Jan 6 case of Mark Middleton & 7 years for Jalise Middleton
The feds' 55-page sentencing memo begins:
"Ass whoopin’ comin’” – Jalise Middleton, January 5, 2021"
Justice Dept: "Each defendant assaulted two officers from (DC police) who were defending the Capitol. Mark Middleton assaulted one of the officers with a flagpole"
They allege the pair raised money & sought fame from case, lied under oath & "bragged" of their breach at Capitol
Feds say the pair were on frontlines & that Jalise pulled an officer "by his arm over the barricades and towards the mob of rioters.. In her assaultive efforts, she was joined by Mark, who also grabbed (the officer’s) left arm and tried to pull him over the barricades"