It's amazing how many people think I defend Joe Biden because I've always been a fan of his.
I didn't vote for Biden in the 2020 primary. He wasn't even my second (or third!) choice.
But like the rest of the world, I watched him become one of the best presidents of my lifetime.
The lack of understanding of history—not even history, but just what's happened over the last 36 months—of those who want to throw President Biden in the garbage heap is among the most dispiriting things I have seen online in the last decade, and that is f****** saying something.
We are watching—we *get* to watch—a man who will be considered one of the best presidents this country has ever had. Like you all, I was horrified by his first 10 minutes in Atlanta. Then I learned what caused it; watched him recover his health; and got on with being his admirer.
Anyone who thinks what they are reading on this feed comes from naivete is living in a delusion. I spend all day—every day—reading polls, watching interviews, scouring news reports, digesting thinkpieces, and hearing from voters. I need zero lectures from you anti-Biden whingers.
It's a sign of intelligence and wisdom to be able to take in new information and change an assessment. I freely admit that Joe Biden has become a far better president than I ever imagined. And I did the necessary research to find out what happened in Atlanta. See my pinned tweet.
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MAJOR BREAKING NEWS (CNN, live on-air): Trump Injured in Incident at Rally in Pennsylvania; Former President Seen Bleeding From Ear As He Was Put Into Vehicle By U.S. Secret Service Agents With Guns Drawn
Stay tuned. This is a developing story.
MORE: Media pool said it heard loud bangs before U.S. Secret Service covered Trump and hustled him away.
NOTE: This feed categorically opposes political violence. Please do not expect any other sort of coverage of an event like this from me.
(📣) MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: The Secret Trumpworld Target List Has Been Leaked and It Is Absolutely Bonkers—a Full-On Nazi Germany-Like Scheme to Eliminate Via Incarceration All Political Opposition to Donald Trump Inside the United States
1/ The names on this list include basically everyone who has ever publicly displeased Trump, including powerful Republicans, powerful Democrats, lifelong civil servants, members of law enforcement...
...this is easily one of the most horrifying documents ever to be published.
2/ I'm trying to work through my head the legality of a conspiracy to incarcerate people who haven't committed crimes, but honestly this is so far outside the understanding of an American criminal defense attorney that we almost have to look to advice from war crimes prosecutors.
Rumors abound that major media will soon start posting hitpieces about high-traffic pro-Biden social media feeds to discredit them and make support for the American president seem like conspiracy-theory quackery. Stay tuned.
Media and donors will play hardball until Joe is gone.
For what it's worth, my position on all this has not changed. If major media and mega-donors want Joe Biden gone, there is nothing any of the rest of us or even Joe Biden can do to prevent it. Sapping their stamina is the only strategy. If their stamina persists, they *will* win.
I will vote for the Democratic candidate in November no matter who it is. But if it is not Biden, I doubt I will be writing about his replacement at all, or have any enthusiasm for their entirely undemocratic, billionaire-selected candidacy. I will probably just focus on Trump.
(📢) Please read and RETWEET this urgent—and free—report.
Corporate media, mega-donors, and a cadre of Democratic lawmakers are lying to America about what’s happening in the White House to an effort to undo an election—a coup that has to be stopped.…
Everything you’re seeing now—from the Clooney Letter to why D.L. Hughley (who saw Joe Biden just *before* his foreign trip in June) is defending Joe Biden and attacking the Clooney Letter—is explained in the report above.
Media is pulling an incredibly byzantine bait-and-switch.
The reason this bait-and-switch is working is because media is using every sourcing, framing, and fact-omission trick it has to obscure the fact that Biden *recently* had a sterling cognitive write-up, was deemed *sharp* by *everyone* this spring, and had a *transient* decline...
Our party voted for him. He’s one of the great American presidents. He beat Trump in 2020 and will beat him again. He polls better against Trump than anyone else in the party.
F*cking with our votes and deposing our leader is a grave mistake.
There’s *zero* evidence—not a *shred* of evidence *anywhere*—that Harris, Pritzker, Newsom, Moore, Shapiro, Whitmer, or any other Democrat can defeat Trump. Their polling is worse and they’ve no path to victory. Think otherwise? *You’re* the one living in a fantasy world, not us.
I’m sick and f*cking tired of being told Biden supporters have blinders on—even as those contesting our position have *no* polls to point to, *no* history to point to, and *no* medical records to point to to support their position. Indeed, *all* the *facts* are on the other side.
(📢) NEW at PROOF: We Now Know What Really Happened in Atlanta
This report is very long, 100% free, filled with scores of reliable major-media links, and begins with an executive summary to make it easier to follow. I hope you’ll read and RETWEET it.…
This report contains the full story about Atlanta, which is one most do not know because media has buried it.
This report also conducts the most extensive analysis of Donald Trump’s cognitive decline to be found anywhere.