Myth busting:
- once you’ve had Covid you don’t get it again.❌
Clearly not true
- Most people who are going to get long Covid probably already have it❌
Anyone can get long Covid from any infection
Newborns.They haven’t had Covid.1600 babies are born every day in the UK
That’s 1600 babies a day, 45000 a month, half a million a year.
All vulnerable to Covid.
So no, not everyone has had Covid. And it would be nice to try and prevent one of their first experiences in life being Covid.
If you have a mild infection Covid hasn’t caused any damage ❌
There is a mountain of evidence that mild infections cause damage, including organ damage
Masks don’t prevent Covid ❌
2 people wearing FFP3 masks massively reduces the risk
There’s no point testing❌
If you don’t recover, you’ll need a mountain of tests to find out why you have a mystery illness. A positive test will mean a quicker& definitive diagnosis
You can prevent some other poor person catching it. It might be the nicest thing you do all year
There’s nothing we can do about Covid anyway ❌
If every person tested& didn’t pass it onto others, it would massively reduce the spread& hence the ongoing cycle of mutant Covid. We are hurtling towards causing a more severe strain.
Only certain types of people get long Covid ❌
There are some factors that put people at risk, but anyone can get long covid
Exercise& good diet will protect me ❌
Obviously good things to do generally, but I have a clinic full of previously very fit people
I’ve had Covid before and I was fine so the next one will be the same ❌
Each variant is different and there is no guarantee
Covid is the same as the flu❌
The risk of death from Covid is higher.
They are completely different viruses with completely different mechanisms of action. Studies show Covid has more post infection damage
If I feel better after Covid I have ‘fought it off’❌
Viral persistence of Covid in the body has been shown in studies. Not all patients had symptoms. We don’t have a clue how many people are harbouring Covid in their body.
Omicron is mild ❌
A couple of hundred people die every day in the Uk from Covid and many more get long Covid. That’s not mild. It’s just ‘mild’ compared to the death rate in 2020
Having Covid will ‘strengthen’ my immune system ❌
There is evidence of long term changes to the immune system.
We have seen increases in diseases such as RSV, mycoplasma, TB&whooping cough, amongst many others. Patients with long Covid say they catch more viruses than usual
The newspapers said the number of people with Covid is low, 1 in 25000 ❌
Because only those in hospitals are tested now they should know full well not to use those figures to inform the public.
Best guess prevalence currently is 1/100 people have Covid, but probably more
Be aware of disinformation. It is like a plague in itself.
Always question why a newspaper will tell you that there’s an awful lot of hayfever about or TV programmes have Doctors saying don’t bother testing as then you won’t be able to do nice things.
Beware clickbait headlines
Those who study Covid, who treat Covid and long Covid, who see the absolutely disastrous fallout are trying to warn you to protect YOUR health. Not ours. Choose wisely who to listen to
Most scientists could not get past amyloid as the cause of Alzheimer’s, instead of the product of the cause.
Meanwhile, patients suffer and die with Alzheimer’s, including one of my own family members. It is an horrific disease.
I know what it feels like to stand up&say there is neuroinflammation in long Covid&ME/CFS and be talked about.
I know what it feels like to have another physician tell my patients to come off all the meds I gave them
that actually work&do CBT instead.
Sounds unbelievable,right?
June 2024.Summer. A time when we usually don’t get many viruses. Yet Covid is surging.
Covid being endemic was an untruth. Nothing more, nothing less.
How many Covid infections are the population going to endure?
What’s the long term consequences of many infections?
All of the medical and scientific research suggests nothing good can come from repeated Covid infections.
But you don’t need science to tell you that- it’s common sense
A virus that keeps coming back again& again so often- have we lost all common sense not to do anything?
After 2 years of hammering it home to people that we can ‘live with Covid’ & not alter our lives one teeny tiny little bit- what use is a weekly update?
Free accessible PCR ✅
Support to help people isolate with symptoms ✅
Ventilation of indoor spaces.✅
If someone is bedbound with #longcovid & hospitalised, withholding urine bottles will not make them walk to the toilet. They will wet the bed. Withholding feeding will not make them eat. They will starve.
Sometimes this job hurts my soul at the lack of human rights.#NHS
If you are the consultant in charge don’t ask them why they ‘don’t want to get better’
If you are the nurse in charge don’t watch whilst your nurses torture the patient messing around with not feeding or toileting.
We NEED to talk about these things.
I know it is not an easy job in hospitals but there is no excuse for this.
Patients are terrified of being sectioned. They don’t want to be in your hospital. But they are starving and have no option.
According to Case, Vallance said there could be ‘lasting impact to children’ from
Covid. There is.
The number with long Covid has doubled in the past year.
Risk increases with number of infections.
How many Covid infections has YOUR child had?
Demand mitigations. Please.
Just because ‘everyone else’ seems happy for their kids to be recurrently infected with Covid, doesn’t mean they are right.
Do some reading into the long term effects of Covid. @LongCovidKids is a good place to start.
Those lateral flow tests- they are only 40% accurate in the first few days.
So does anyone know how many times their child has had Covid? We don’t even have the tools to know.
How many times has your kid been sick in the past year?
Patient to doctor
‘I can hear music playing in my head that isn’t there’
(Musical hallucinations caused by neurological damage)
Doctor ‘we don’t know much about it,go to a nightclub until 1am. Not 4am.1am. See if that helps.’
Patient with light&noise sensitivity from long Covid
Telling a patient to go to a nightclub when they have a severe illness that affects their mobility and light and noise sensitivity could make their condition much worse and cause a permanent relapse.
Musical hallucinations are an infrequent type of auditory hallucination. MH can be simple or complex. Simple MH (tinnitus), includes a wide range of sounds (whistling, hissing, squealing, ringing…)
Patient to cardiologist:
‘I’d like to discuss POTS’❤️🩹
‘No,there is FAR TOO MUCH POTS around right now. DO NOT google it. There is no treatment anyway’❌
Oh my word
There is a lot of POTS around due to COVID wrecking autonomic systems
There IS treatment✅
This is my absolute pet hate.
POTS has went from rare to common.
Due to Covid. 🦠
It is extremely disabling.
It makes people exercise intolerant.
It gives people cognitive symptoms due to reduced blood flow to the BRAIN🧠
This person has to work lying down
Why can’t they ask?
It’s 2024. It’s time we realised patients often know what’s wrong with them.
There is google.
But also this platform. Facebook.
Patient support groups. Access to journal articles.
We should not tell people off for researching their own symptoms.