If you would like to do something to help address this injustice, please donate to the #WholeTruthFive's Crowdfunder if you can: chuffed.org/project/suppor…
Throwing soup at a painting that was in a protective glass frame: 2 years.
Still reeling from @EvanHD's remarks on @BBCPM yesterday.
It looks like the BBC are going to gaslight us all the way to extinction.
But first, some history. 🧵
In 2015, the BBC reported scientists saying that most of the world's fossil fuel reserves needed to stay in the ground if dangerous global heating was to be avoided (and of course there should have been no new sources of oil, gas or coal).
In 2021, the BBC reported that most oil & gas reserves and almost all coal had to remain in the ground to keep global heating below the (actually very unsafe) limit of 1.5C - and of course no new oil, gas or coal.
Keir Starmer wrote the tweet below two months after Ella Kissi-Debrah, pictured above, became the first person in the UK to have air pollution listed as a cause of death by the coroner.
In fact, air pollution is a factor in many deaths.
🚫 Air pollution particles from jet engines are so tiny that they infiltrate lungs, brains, and other organs, causing heart disease, strokes, asthma like Ella had, and even dementia.
Heathrow expansion will increase these pollutants, harming many people living near the airport.
One man - @JonFullerGreen - has performed an invaluable but soul-destroying service for more than 5 years by monitoring the climate and nature coverage in the billionaire press.
As he hands this work over to others, here are his reflections. 🧵
“These newspapers will never report on the greatest human suffering caused by climate breakdown - the over 1,000 infants killed every day by the increased spread of disease in our rapidly heating world.
"Data from the WHO, the Lancet and others shows that the most vulnerable children on the planet are killed slowly - typically over 3 to 5 days. Such is the scale of depravity of editors and owners, they never call for dynamic action to reduce the number of children killed...
BREAKING: Dr Patrick Hart is the first working GP to be sent to prison for nonviolent direct action. Sentenced to 12 months for a @JustStop_Oil action against @exxonmobil petrol pumps.
Why did he do it?
Because he's seen children die at the hands of the fossil fuel industry.
Dr Hart has been a law-abiding citizen all his life, not even receiving a parking ticket until he took direct action.
What would drive someone like him to break the law?
The knowledge that laws can be unjust and patients will no longer live and die in dignity globally.
Why break the law?
Because to have a chance of waking humanity from its sleepwalk towards catastrophe, we must challenge social norms.
Billions of lives are at stake if we continue on our present path. People of conscience must step up and take action.