Media Tell The Truth XR Profile picture
Calling on the media to tell the truth about the climate and ecological emergency with increased, accurate coverage and editorial priority.
Jun 19 10 tweets 3 min read
This is a thread about heatwave deaths occuring right now across the world.

But remember, this is only a glimpse of what's to come. Earth is going to get much hotter in all scenarios - thanks to fossil fuels.

Wet bulb heat can kill hundreds of thousands of people in one go. 🧵 girls suffering from heat exhaustion in India More than 550 hajj pilgrims have died in Mecca, mostly due to temperatures exceeding 50C.…
Sep 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The @DailyMailUK regularly campaigns against climate action, even while reporting on climate-related catastrophes.

This morning, 750 staff at their Kensington HQ were handed a leaflet pointing out one recent example of this. 🧵 two stories from the Mail   1. Terror of Britons trapped by Greek flash floods  2. RUPERT DARWALL: Rishi Sunak has been bullied into a catastrophic onshore wind U-turn by a cabal of rebel Tories in thrall to Europe's eco-zealots What the Mail didn't say:

The flash floods on the Greek island Skiathos and the wildfires that killed 29 people on the Greek mainland were directly linked to an accelerating climate crisis which is triggering extreme weather events all over the world.
Aug 4, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
The new chair of the @IPCC_CH is @JimSkeaIPCC who is an esteemed physicist but needs to wise up about how psychology, politics and the media work in a world being destroyed by fossil fuels.

Here's his interview with @DerSpiegel which made headlines.… What did Skea say about @JustStop_Oil and @ExtinctionR?

As far as we know, he didn't even mention them.

But here's how @jwillchad in the @MailOnline reported his comments.…
Aug 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The @RishiSunak energy plan won’t drive down energy prices as (checks notes) @GregHands and @KwasiKwarteng have previously made clear.

And it certainly won’t cut emissions.

But it will cause mass death. 🧵

tweet from Sunak: the Conservatives energy plan: drive down energy prices cut emissions
Greg Hands tweet: We do want to import less gas, but more UK production wouldn’t reduce the global price of gas.
Kwasi Kwarteng tweet: UK production won’t materially affect the wholesale gas price.
After five consecutive failed rainy seasons, flooding has replaced drought in East Africa where Rishi Sunak‘s parents lived before emigrating to Britain.

23 million people face severe hunger.

One cause is emissions from burning North Sea oil and gas.…
Jul 15, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
People are suffering and dying all around the world as we move through the early stages of climate breakdown.

Newspapers around the world *are* covering this.

So what have the UK’s billionaire press got to say about it? 🧵 The @Telegraph report on the deadly European heatwave - then make light of it in a cack-handed cartoon.
Tourists faint at Acropolis as Europe braces for hottest day on record - Telegraph story
“Come on heatwave, I’m ready!” says a Brit on a deckchair in the rain / Telegraph cartoon
Jun 9, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Which leader of a high-emitting country will be first to tell the truth?

Crops are failing. Forests are burning. The air is thick with smoke. The oceans are overheating.

2050 is far, far too late.

2C is far, far too hot.

Everything must change, starting now. 🧵 photo of orange sky thick w... Crops are failing.

Mar 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Don’t worry @VanBeurdenShell and @BernardLooneyBP - you won’t have difficulty finding a lawyer to represent you in your trial for corporate manslaughter.

@LawyersAreResp @climategenocide and rest assured that the same will apply if the charge is crimes against humanity
Mar 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The Saturday edition of @thetimes is enormous - 310 pages. But it only managed one and a half inches on the prospect of half the world living with acute water stress by 2030. Water threat to billions - ... Still, that’s more coverage than the other billionaire-owned papers managed. They are determined to suppress the truth about the horrors facing us.
Mar 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
This thread on judges and juries being sympathetic to climate activists seems to have inspired at least three different articles so far. 🧵

"It’s not ‘the whole truth and nothing but the truth’ if campaigners cannot explain their motivations to a jury" - @GeorgeMonbiot…
Feb 17, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
Why are activists being subjected to show trials and sent to prison for contempt if they so much as mention the climate?

Because when they're given a fair trial, judges & juries often find in their favour which legitimises direct action and properly scares the establishment. 🧵 In an extraordinarily positive and moving summing up, the judge at a recent @JustStop_Oil case told defendants "You should feel guilty for nothing. You should feel proud that you care, that you have concern for the future."…
Jan 8, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
XR co-founder @RogerHallamCS21 is a political prisoner.

He stands accused of urging people to participate in civil resistance against the UK regime’s murderous pursuit of new fossil fuels.

He has been held on remand in Wandsworth Prison for two months so far. The Prisoner, Nikolai Alexandrovich Yaroshenko 1878 Conditions in the prison are inhumane and dangerous, as Roger explained by letter in December. In the prison cell, it feels like 90 degrees. My Romanian ceMy next cellmate is a drug addict. Three times a day, the smI'm supposed to be able to get three visits a week. After hoYesterday the heating broke down. Yes, there is a pattern he
Jul 19, 2022 17 tweets 8 min read
Why did XR rebels break windows at News UK, @TheSun and @TheTimes this morning?

They explain here - but get ready for a thread 🧵 with examples.

The Times made a huge lurch backwards just a week ago with this total rubbish from @MelanieLatest.

We could go into detail about what's wrong with it but really - just look out of the window.

Jul 18, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
DISASTER on Channel 4 News! So much great coverage in today’s heatwave special, but the 4-minute interview with chair of Net Zero Scrutiny Group Craig MacKinlay was CLIMATE DELAYERS’ BINGO.

@cathynewman @Channel4News @krishgm @alextomo

1/ It’s just normal weather patterns. 2/ Net zero will make us poor
May 15, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
This morning's Sunday Morning @BBCNews was real #DontLookUp stuff.

@Ed_Miliband used the phrase "climate emergency" four times and was ignored by @SophieRaworth.

Then came truly dangerous radical @KwasiKwarteng...… Kwarteng is the energy minister but @SophieRaworth didn't ask him why he’s trashing climate policy by approving new oil and gas.

Nor did she put to him @antonioguterres's comment that he and his government are the truly dangerous radicals, committing moral and economic madness.
May 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
How many times have we tried to warn the media, only to be dismissed as alarmists? A month ago, India was promising to feed the world.…
Feb 7, 2022 12 tweets 7 min read
The man behind #DontLookUp, @GhostPanther, has been criticised for a tweet saying "We’ve got 6-8 years before the climate is so chaotic we live in a permanent state of biblical catastrophe".

Did he go too far?

Let's see what scientists say. Speaking in the video are Professor Tim Lenton, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, @ClimateHuman, @JKSteinberger, @KevinClimate with a quote from @fbirol, Professor Will Steffen and @SaleemulHuq.
Nov 15, 2021 14 tweets 6 min read
Things you might not have heard from the media about #COP26. 🧵

(To everyone who HAS covered these stories, well done and thank-you) Emissions are set to RISE by 2030. 🤯

That's why @BorisJohnson was right to warn of the collapse of civilisation at the opening of #COP26 (before flying home by private jet to dine with a climate denier).

Jul 23, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
Today XR published its own tabloid newspaper (read all about it at…).

So let's look at what scientists are saying - but the media aren't - about terrifying developments in climate. DENIER DENIER THE PLANET'S ON FIRE - Rupert Murdoch on the c The kind of plans "climate champion" @JohnKerry is discussing publicly could lead to 3-4°C of heating - @KevinClimate.

That means the collapse of civilisation. Radical evil. Heard any journalists pointing that out to Kerry?

Jul 23, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Famine caused by Global North emissions still devastating Madagascar. Global North media still paying little attention.… To clarify, greenhouse gas emissions led to the atmospheric conditions which which led to the drought which led to the crop failure.

But for crop failure to become a famine, the world's food distribution systems and disaster response have also got to fail - as they have here.