1/ There are two Executive orders that enabled the DEI take over the US government
These orders gave DEI activists the power to implement their ideology, and understanding how this works is key to getting woke ideology out of government
Woke takeover of government:
A Thread🧵
2/ The first order was signed by President Obama.
It orders the Office of Personnel Management and the Deputy and the Office of Management and Budget to establish a coordinated Government-wide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the Federal workforce.
3/ This means that Obama's order requires that people within ever government agency are hired specifically to do DEI.
Obama's order has another provision which *requires* the Chief Human Capital Officer of each agency to ensure DEI is implemented at their agency:
4/ This is important for two reasons. The first is that the Chief Human Capital officer is the one responsible for hiring, firing, and allocating job positions across and agency. This order allow Woke human capital officer to create positions specifically for DEI activists.
5/ To make matters worse, there is a thing called Chief Human Capital Officer Council which serves as the forum where CHCO's determine the best practices regarding Human Resources.
The CHCO Council made Diversity and Inclusion part of it's fundamental goals.
But it gets worse
6/ The Council of Chief Human Capital Officers posted a letter saying that they actually *CELEBRATE* the diversity order, and one time they even decided to mark the anniversary of it's signing.
The people in charge of government hiring are completely captured by woke ideology.
7/ The second EO was a Diversity Equity, and Inclusion EO that was signed by Joe Biden
This EO adds such ideas as "equity" and "racial justice" to the list of things that the government is suposed to do.
It is adding concepts from wokeness to the responsibilities of government.
8/ The EO basically defines underserved communities in terms of Race, gender and sexual orientation; thereby bringing in all the identity politics machinery that is made use of by Woke activists, and allowing them the hire on the basis of Race and Gender instead of Merit.
9/ This Biden EO then expands the Scope of the Obama EO to include "equity" and "accessibility" alongside diversity and inclusion.
The EO also requires ever agency to Advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
This is the Obama EO in steroids.
10/ The Biden EO is say that it want all agencies to have a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion officer, which the EO itself says, and this is key **is distinct from and equal employment officer**
They are not looking for equal opportunity they are looking for DEI **outcomes**
11/ This means that the Biden EO contains withing it an EXPLICIT move away from Merit and toward equal outcomes based on identity.
The EO also requires more DEI training that teach about "systemic racism." They are embedding woke ideology into the fabric of government.
12/ The effect of these EO's is to create an apparatus within each government agency that is dedicated to hiring woke activists, and using the human resources departments to make sure that only people who bend their knee to DEI principles are hired to work in government.
13/ That means these EO's essentially establish a de facto political criteria for determining who gets the first shot at any government job.
This is,obvious political discrimination and it is very likely to result in illegal racial and gender discrimination against white men.
14/ Finally, the Biden EO establishes that the Federal Government and the Military must cover and pay for "gender Affirming care" for their employees.
This means that the military and federal government are funneling enormous amounts of money into the gender medical insustry...
15/ If you want to see just how awful the Gender Medical Industry is, and see what the federal government is funding because of the Biden EO, you can see this video from @ChoooCole, where she tells what this industry did to her.
@ChoooCole 16/
All of that was caused by two EO's:
1. Executive Order 14035: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce
2.Executive Order 13583: Establishing a Coordinated Government-wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce
If Americans are going to have any shot at taking their government back, President Trump is going to have to win, and then repeal both the Obama Diversity and Inclusion EO (EO 13583) and the Biden Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion EO (EO 14035)
Trump may also need to repeal Executive Order 13985: Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government as this order also embeds woke ideology in the fabric of government.
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The left owned our cultural institutions (Journalism, televsion, advertising, Universities, entertainment, social media, medicine, publishing, non-profits/NGO's, education, government) and used them to flood the culture with anti-trump messaging for a decade.
Trump still won.🧵
They spent a decade using a vertically integrated messaging apparatus to run anti-Trump messaging in every inch of the culture, 24/7, for a decade, while censoring, deboosting, suppressing anyone who pushed back against their extreme leftist ideas.
Trump still won.
The left had complete control of the institutions of: 1. cultural production (movies, music, books, magazines, art,) 2. knowledge production (universities, public schools, academic journals, scientific journals, accreditation bodies, colleges of education)
In 2012 a weird form of identity politics mixed with "social justice" emerged from academia and used social media to take over of journalism, the Arts and culture industry, NGO's, Non-profits, news media, and the government; and used that power to censor the rest of society....
Then, for the next decade, anybody who thought men and women are different, believed kids can't pick their gender, or judged people by character rather than race, was driven out of our societies institutions by mobs of online social activists screaming social justice slogans.
A group of social activists, moral entrepreneurs, and grifters, used their dominance of our social institutions and their influence online to create what amounts to a social and economic death star that they aimed at the reputation and social standing of anyone who opposed them.
Christianity began to recede because the plausibility of its claims had been degraded on multiple fronts by attacks from both postmodernism and secular humanism.
Part of what @jordanbpeterson has done is restore the plausibility of the Christian understanding of the world.
@PaulVanderKlay has been saying that @jordanbpeterson has been excising the spirit of secular materialism from the culture.
I agree with that, but what interests me is the way Peterson has done this. It isn't by providing a point by point refutation of Dawkins style atheism...
@PaulVanderKlay @jordanbpeterson Rather, what he has been doing is a revivification of Christianity by rehabilitating the underlying the worldview and understanding of the way he world works. You can see this quite clearly in his recent conversation with Andrew Huberman (@hubermanlab)....
Gr00ming gangs, puberty blockers for kids, and men in women's sports all have one thing in common:
Our legal, medical, and media institutions covered up predatory sexual behavior and sacrificed the safety of women and children on the altar of advancing leftist political ideology
Telling the truth about these things would have shattered Critical Social Justice (woke) narratives like "trans-kids," "Puberty blockers are reversible," and "all cultures are inherently equal."
So instead of telling the truth, they covered things up to protect their narrative.
These people don't change their beliefs to fit reality, they think reality must be changed to fit their leftist politics.
And they think that reality is infinitely malleable and society is "socially constructed" and therefore can be remade to fit their political ideology.
1/ Today's fight shows the coalition between tech and MAGA is uneasy.
MAGA sees HB-1 visas get abused in order to drive down wages and want to end the HB-1 visa.
Tech doesn't want to lose high level talent thinks HB-1 visa's are needed.
Here's how to thread this needle...🧵
2/ For starters, MAGA doesn't trust the government or corporations on immigration
They think open borders people will game the system by handing out HB-1 visa's like candy
This concern must be addressed. To do this, the government must:
A) stop the flood of illegal immigration
3/ B) Create a robust deportation policy, rigorpusly enforced, that deports illegal immigrants (including visa over-stayers, illegal border crossers, fraudsters.....all of them)
When this is done, and is working effectively, then you can address the concerns of tech people...
Left leaning institutions (universities, think tanks, NGO's, non-profits, consulting firms, and the democratic party) are staffed by woke activists who see woke political goals as moral imperatives, not mere political preferences
2/ According to woke ideology, anyone who in not actively advocating for woke social and political objectives is "complicit" in the systemic oppression of marginalized groups. On this view, a political compromise with people who oppose wokeness is like cutting a deal with Hitler.
3/ The woke have a concept called the "unbearable searchlight of complicity." It's their term for constant, unending, hypervigilant searching for anything complicit with "systems of oppression" (racism, sexism, etc)
It's the conceptual equivalent of an all seeing eye of wokeness