2. All property stolen for/in relation to settlements in 1967 areas is illegal
3. Use of natural resources is limited to only that needed to sustain the occupied, ie Palestinian, people by the occupation. Isr@eli use to date is illegal, e.g. water.
4. Regulatory law and jurisdiction of Isr@el, legal and de facto, in 1967 areas is illegal and is not essential for services to Palestinians by occupying power per Article 64 of GC
5. Isr@eli theft of land and resources forces the flight of Palestinians, and is illegal
6. Forcible transfer, evictions, demolitions, (home invasions) of Palestinians by Isr@el are illegal
7. Settler violence against Palestinians, Isr@eli protection of same and failure to stop is systematic, and its violence against Palestinians is illegal
8. Isr@eli maintenance and expansion of settlements- in light of its inclusion of settlement minister in Ministry of Defense, its building permit scheme, along with declaring "settlement expansion a Jewish value", its exploitation of West Bank natural resources, its broad regulatory control, along wi other acts indicates permanent control toward permanent annexation, whether de jure or de facto- is illegal
9. Isr@eli laws against Palestinians in the OPT are discriminatory under CERD, amount to racial segregation and Apartheid, serve to maintain near total separation between settlers (illegally present) and Palestinians- and are illegal
10. Prolonged character of Isr@eli illegal practices and policies has deprived Palestinians of their right to self determination are in breach of Isr@eli obligation to protect Palestinian self-determination
Now in French
11. The manner in which Isr@eli practices and policies are implemented impact legality of Isr@eli occupation. Considering all the foregoing (in thread above)- and that Isr@el is not entitled to sovereignty in the OPT, and that Palestinian self determination is an inalienable right- renders Isr@eli occupation illegal.
12. Despite this illegality, the illegal Isr@eli occupation is bound by IL in its *obligations* to ( serve and protect) Palestinians and to *end* all illegal acts in the OPT. It must stop all settlement activity, provide all reparations (restitution, compensation, and satisfaction) and repeal all laws discriminating agst Palestinians.
-And must evacuate all settlers in the OPT and allow all Palestinians to return to their original places of residence.
Very important 👆
12. Erga Omnes obligations on 3rd states: All states must cooperate (with UN) to end illegal Isr@eli practices. All states must not recognize Isr@eli acts and control in OPT as legal and may not give support to same acts.
13. Proposal and process of implementing modalities for ending Isr@eli occupation to be dealt with by UNGA. (Not UN Security Council ie)
14. The Court has jurisdiction to give this Opinion and unanimously Opines that:
-Isr@el is illegally present in the OPT and must get out of the OPT as quickly as possible;
-it must stop all settlement activities and remove the criminal settlements/settlers as quickly as possible;
-it must make reparations (restitution, reparations, and satisfaction) to Palestinians ie along with leaving OPT;
-all states are obliged to not recognize Isr@eli occupation, as legal, anything arising from said occupation as legal;
-international orgs including the UN have the same obligation;
-UNGA to discuss and act now to end Isr@eli occupation.
Consider how #ICJ today relates to and impacts
1. Gaza, generally.
Also, n.b. many Palestinians being genocided in Gaza were exiled from the territory discussed today.
2. *all* states and organizations - including *but not limited to* UN organizations - who are obliged to both A. Not recognize B. Not support the belligerent illegal Isr@eli occupation.
Who/what entities this will include and look like is up to the world and to Palestinians - not just the UNGA.
3. Reparations. Elaborated as reparations, restitution, and satisfaction, aside from and after land-back.
4. Had ALL governments, not just the Isr@eli government, obeyed international law before/by Oct 7, where would Palestinians be now? Certainly not under genocide
5. Remember, this was always the law. There is no reason for any state or agency to have waited this long to act/not act vav Isr@eli occupation.
Today, the #ICJ re-affirmed the Palestinian right to return, land-back, restitution, reparations, *and* satisfaction,
ie all four remedies together not as alternatives - for Palestinians in and from the OPT.
This is the beginning, as this right is inalienable and enshrined for ALL Palestinians, including the majority of our people languishing in the refugee camps and in exile!
From legal interpretation, an alternative view:
1. what is not addressed, ie 1948-1967, is not adjudged;
2. The precedent reaffirming return alongside reparations, restitution, and satisfaction, speaks positively to 1948-1967
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1. The least pressed r most bitter & strongest flavored-go for softer, they're usually more pressed 2. Be mindful of pickling mix & aim for mixes that u like, there's *countless* mixes
@DylanRBretz@UweBollocks 3. The black smaller super wrinkled ones r truffles to me, but also sharp rich, avoid til u build up. 4. Citrus/lemon based pickling mix w bit of jalapeno-can add coriander & dill-cuts the bitterness (I prefer a very bitter olive) 5. longer they're pickled the milder the flavor
@DylanRBretz@UweBollocks 6.smallest stepping stone is to use raw form as food/dip *absolute 1st press* olive oil (only in Mediterranean or if uve family/friends who press it themselves- also it's too strong for pop consumption & too valuable to sell) or closest u can get which is usually 3rd+ press