Lamis Deek  لميس ديك Profile picture
Human Rights Attorney,Activist,Strategist - Peoples' Ninja Lawyer 😎 more here dated but still at it #Palestine #BLM #Return #Liberation #Fanon
Jul 19, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
#ICJ 1. All settlements are illegal

2. All property stolen for/in relation to settlements in 1967 areas is illegal

3. Use of natural resources is limited to only that needed to sustain the occupied, ie Palestinian, people by the occupation. Isr@eli use to date is illegal, e.g. water. 4. Regulatory law and jurisdiction of Isr@el, legal and de facto, in 1967 areas is illegal and is not essential for services to Palestinians by occupying power per Article 64 of GC

5. Isr@eli theft of land and resources forces the flight of Palestinians, and is illegal

6. Forcible transfer, evictions, demolitions, (home invasions) of Palestinians by Isr@el are illegal
Aug 22, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
@DylanRBretz @UweBollocks I've lived w them since birth so this is tough but here goes

1. The least pressed r most bitter & strongest flavored-go for softer, they're usually more pressed
2. Be mindful of pickling mix & aim for mixes that u like, there's *countless* mixes

Contd @DylanRBretz @UweBollocks 3. The black smaller super wrinkled ones r truffles to me, but also sharp rich, avoid til u build up.
4. Citrus/lemon based pickling mix w bit of jalapeno-can add coriander & dill-cuts the bitterness (I prefer a very bitter olive)
5. longer they're pickled the milder the flavor