Everyone’s like “If SARS-CoV-2 was causing immunodeficiency, we would see a surge of unusual pathogens & frequent/recurrent viral, bacterial, fungal & parasitic infections.” Then folks close their eyes, stick their fingers in their ears, & quit following the news.
They say, “We have to live our lives,” as they ignore the rapidly accelerating Pathogen Apocalypse unfolding right under our noses.
I got Covid in early 2020. I lost 60 lbs. my kids & I had recurrent fevers & bacterial infections for almost 2 years. I was tested for HIV multiple times because that’s what my labs + symptoms looked like. We’ve known Covid causes immunodeficiency since 2020, but the powers-that-be refuse to acknowledge it, & they won't let the public acknowledge it either. It’s criminal. The “bad information” is coming from public health leaders.
Ta-da! NONE OF US have been getting the “cocktail of antiviral drugs that may be a good bet for those with mild illness.”
China & other countries have been giving their Covid patients HIV drugs since 2022. We had a good run.
I have lived with this knowledge for 4 years. I watched it happen to my very own body, but NONE of my doctors will entertain the notion Covid is causing immunodeficiency. They don’t even BELIEVE me. It’s a losing battle, & that is why I gave up & surrendered to the gods of fate. We will NEVER make progress until governments & medicine accept SARS-CoV-2 causes immunodeficiency. We will continue blaming all the wrong things because it’s cheaper & more profitable for our corporate overlords. We will continue to court collapse & maim all the children. It’s a road to nowhere, but it’s the cheapest & most politically convenient path, so that’s what we get.
This article was published in July 2022.
Meanwhile, the U.S. & other western countries are hearing “Covid is like a cold & LongCovid is nothing new.”
We just get 5 days of Paxlovid (which apparently has a lot of issues) & it costs like $2000. 🥴 scmp.com/news/china/sci…
After I got Covid in early 2020, I had frequent fevers/recurrent bacterial infections for several years, & I was tested for HIV multiple times. I’ve known Covid causes immunodeficiency since 2020, but everyone said I must be mistaken & mentally ill. Now everyone gets to live it.
So it seems we’ve been forced to “coexist” with a likely lab leak. Both Sides insist on no public health protections for the friendly lab leak, & we’ve been told we need to acquire the lab leak to protect ourselves from the lab leak & there’s vaccines for the lab leak, & nothing makes sense anymore. And I still don’t think this is the whole story.
(No one will see this post anyway, so I can speak frankly)
“The papers reported that the assessment was, however, shared with the U.S. CIA in the autumn of 2024.
A CIA spokesperson said in January that the CIA has assessed that the COVID-19 pandemic is more likely to have emerged from a lab than from nature.” reuters.com/business/healt…
Related thread, & why I think there’s still a lot of holes in the origins discussions, but there will be no follow up, & we will get the narrative our corporate overlords want us to have.
Each day, this app gets slower & slower, & fewer & fewer people see science-based posts. In 2020, we could instantly exchange data & ideas with millions of people internationally—in real time. I have 3x more followers, but 90% less engagement. This app moves like molasses—unless you’re posting propaganda—& the molasses gets thicker & thicker, expertly trapping all the posts about Covid & climate & dead kids & record disability & death, ensuring a wider audience NEVER sees them. It is deliberate. The game is rigged. Amid RECORD wealth inequality, the power is concentrated at the top, & all the tweeting in the world won’t fix it. Since 2019, the wealth held by U.S. billionaires has increased 90%. We are FORBIDDEN from discussing topics that may frighten the public or interfere with the record profits. Billionaires & corporations always win, & we are their hostages. It’s bullshit.
This post got 6M impressions & 57k likes in 2021, when I had 20k followers. In late 2021/early 2022, the coordinated attacks on patients & scientists began, & we all got put into a corner.
I’ve had exactly 69k followers for 2+ years, & my Covid posts never did numbers like this again. The public was VERY interested in the early days, until Back to Normal permanently ended all curiosity.
From 2020-2021, we heard even asymptomatic Covid infections cause catastrophic damage in the humans who acquire it. Language like “For those who are infected with it, this is a very bad virus. Everyone who acquires SARS-CoV-2 will require long-term monitoring.” was common. But in late 2021, early 2022, the language very obviously changed, & we began pretending only those mysterious LONGCOVID BODIES are affected—& everyone began pretending the people who acquire LongCovid are built different & were only disabled by the virus because of these differences.
This “frame shift” was deliberate & designed to mislead the public & to keep everyone working & consuming uninterrupted. To do that, they had to convince the public they will be individually spared. It never made sense logically or scientifically, & I will never understand why the public never questions these VERY OBVIOUS language changes & subtle shifts. If the human body you currently occupy contains a heart, brain, immune system & vasculature, Covid is going to eat you. Whether or not you or your doctors notice it in time—before your sudden & unexpected premature death in public—is the only question that remains. The extent to which the public has been misled is criminal.
*Preventing Covid* was public health’s explicit goal in the early days, but they had to switch up the narrative when we decided to mass infect the entire planet. So then they told us people should try to acquire Omicron to “Get it over with,” at the same time we learned Omicron was causing dramatic upticks in pediatric brain infections & neurological complications. We’ve never had another variant, & manufacturing our consent for constant reinfections & record disease/disability/death has been public health’s primary goal for the last 3 years. We don’t have a functioning public health body & we haven’t for several years now.
And this has led to some hilarious media contradictions (hilarious but horrifying)
HPV-related cancers are rapidly increasing four years after we learned SARS-CoV-2 reactivates latent HPV & studies showed COVID-related T-cell dysregulation & exhaustion may be causing rapid progression of HPV-related cancers.
I’m seeing a lot of LongCovid “recovery” talk again. For me (& countless others), LongCovid is a constellation of permanent medical conditions affecting multiple organs that I will have for the rest of my life. These diagnoses are almost certain to shorten my life expectancy, particularly since I acquired them in my 30s, & because they’re afflicting essential organs like my heart & brain. While I can function more normally after five years of serious illness & three years in bed, I will never be “recovered.”
Since people aren’t being routinely monitored, a lot of these serious complications aren’t being caught by doctors in time, & that’s why so many people are dropping dead. LongCovid isn’t a feeling that goes away, it’s often life-altering multi-organ damage & permanent or multiple catastrophic chronic illnesses. And then there’s all the people who are acquiring various diseases & organ damage months & years after COVID infections, but they don’t classify themselves as having “LongCovid” because they so often don’t even realize COVID triggered all their new medical problems. There’s a reason the educational COVID coverage ended in 2022, & the Back to Normal minimizing coverage began. SO MANY PEOPLE are sick, & no one wants to pay for it.
Having ANY training in medicine or nursing delivers a death blow to Everything is Fineism because I know EXACTLY what having arrhythmia & unstable hypertension means for my future. I know EXACTLY what neurodegenerative processes are. I know the immune dysfunction is bad long term. I know the mystery masses in multiple organs that aren’t being monitored will end poorly. But convincing medicine of this after they were instructed to check right out & ignore it all is another thing entirely. I’ve never seen denial like this before. I’ve never seen people ignore all their training & pretend people aren’t sick because it’s politically convenient. It’s pathological, & it is causing immense harm.
Since I have only been prescribed beta blockers & GI drugs since COVID rocked my entire world & gave me multi organ damage in 2020 (before tests/vaccines) & then all of medicine pretended it wasn’t happening, the only REAL treatment I’ve had is the passage of time. I was bed-bound waiting to die for 3 years, & now I can function enough to do daily tasks & care for my kids, & I even traveled out of state for a week. I never could have done any of this in 2020, but I still require time to recover after I do too much. There is no way I could work, & I’m not anywhere near “back to normal,” I’m just functioning, barely. I am also very clear eyed about my ultimate prognosis living with this permanent multi-organ damage. This focus on RECOVERY is disingenuous, & it’s meant to keep people working & consuming IMHO. If the public thinks LongCovid is just a feeling that goes away, & “Most recover!” (Which we have heard since 2021, even as studies show only 2%-7% of people are recovering) then people won’t care if they get it routinely. It’s just Business as Usual, until we collectively drop.