Let's talk about @KamalaHarris saying "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been." This phrase, which she repeats all the time, is not mysterious. It's esoteric. That is, it's occult. It's a Marxist and Luciferian incantation, and that's easily seen.
What "esoteric" means here is that it has a hidden meaning. It looks and sounds like goofy nonsense, but it isn't. People who know, know. That is, it's coded and Gnostic in its formulation and the principle she's articulating is ultimately Luciferian/Hermetic, a la Marx.
We can set aside the hand gesture she typically makes while uttering this incantation, although we shouldn't. It's blatantly up on the right (what can be, a worldly utopia) and down on the left (unburdened by, or liberated/emancipated from the mundane status quo).
Let's have a look at Karl Marx issuing the same idea. Here he is at the punchline of the Communist Manifesto explaining that when the proletariat organizes itself and executes a revolution, it can move forward into what can be (Communism) unburdened by class antagonisms.
Here's how Marx opens the Communist Manifesto, though: "The history of all hitherto existing society" [what has been] "is the history of class struggles." That's precisely what he says a Communist revolution would emancipate [unburden] Man from in the punchline, though.
In other words, Marxism itself, in its own manifest declaration, identifies it as being able to move into "what can be, unburdened by what has been," and socialist/Marxist consciousness is a Gnostic awakening to "see what can be, unburdened by what has been." Straight Communism.
A few years earlier in his Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844), Marx expresses the same idea, comparing "crude Communism" to true, transcendent Communism. It's [becoming unburdened by] private property "as human self-estrangement" through "positive transcendence."
The general theory (theology) of Marxism is that Man is burdened by what has been, which is called his "historical conditions," but can awaken to his true (socio-spiritual) self, which is socialist, so that it can be transcended. "To see what can be, unburdened by what has been."
Here, earlier in EPM, Marx is explaining that awakening to a social(ist) consciousness (that is, man's true nature) has a transformative capacity to unburden/emancipate the senses to "see what can be, unburdened by what has been," rather literally. This is what it's really about.
Marx characterizes "what has been" as an "exoteric revelation of man's essential powers" to build a future for himself emancipated from his own historical conditions. That is, "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been" is an ESOTERIC incantation making this meaning visible
Exactly the same mentality appears in Queer Theory (Queer Marxism, so no surprise). "Queerness is not yet here. Queerness is an ideality." It's a "horizon imbued with potentiality." Being "Queer" means being able "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been."
How clearly does it have to be written to see it?
"Queerness is a structuring and educated mode of desiring that allows us to see and feel beyond the quagmire of the present. The here and now is a prison house."
The goal is to reach "what can be, unburdened by what has been."
Exactly the same sentiment is expressed in CRT through "antiracism." An "antiracist" society is one that can see or imagine "what can be, unburdened by what has been," meaning the history of racism and racial antagonism and injustice, which are our "historical conditions."
The sentiment Kamala Harris repeats endlessly, seemingly weirdly, is an esoteric incantation of societal and human rebirth (that is, a cult) that has manifested in such human paroxysms as the French Revolution, all Communist revolutions, and Lucifer's revolt against Heaven.
Lucifer sought "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been." God had created the perfect order in perfect Plenitude, but the angels had no free will beyond their first choice to accept or reject. Lucifer, in his pride, rejected, "to see what can be unburdened by" Heaven.
In the French Revolution, the goal was to establish a wholly new society that would have a new calendar, new government, new everything, starting at Year One. They were going to see what could be for the French people unburdened by what has been in French society. Disaster.
The French Revolution was actually modeled after Oliver Cromwell's Glorious Revolution in which the radical Puritan faction in England would aim "to see what can be, unburdened by" the chain of royal succession and divine right of kings in England. Murderous disaster.
It's worth knowing that Cromwell called his great experiment "The Great Protectorate," so that we can reflect on how much Kamala Harris's "what can be" is predicated on "safety" in our own day. Of course, the French called it the Committee for Public Safety too.
While every Communist revolution, like Marx indicates, is a revolt against what has been in the hopes of achieving a utopia only the cult can "see" (or "imagine"), is also a complete social rebirth, it's most obvious in Pol Pot's Cambodian Revolution with its "Year Zero."
Cromwell, the French, the Bolsheviks, Pol Pot, Mao, and the rest were all leading people to see "what 'can be,' unburdened by what has been." The death and rebirth of self and society is precisely the goal, and that's what Kamala Harris routinely channels (incants).
Today, we have the Great Reset. That is, a Great [What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been]. That's how a reset works. You unburden yourself from what "has been" and start over. It's the same exact program in essence, though not in mechanisms and details.
Though this thread is already very long, it's worth pointing out that Klaus Schwab's (WEF) most recent book is essentially a long manifesto of how we can move into a new world by "[seeing] what can be, unburdened by what has been" (here: shareholder capitalism and GDP growth).
The objective of the so-called New World Order is precisely that: a new circular economy focused on "wellbeing" that's managed by "enlightened" stakeholders (what can be) unburdened by shareholder fiduciary responsibility, profit, and individual achievement (what has been).
I'll sum up here, though so much more could be said. We're undergoing a global French (or Communist) Revolution, which will have disastrous results. Kamala Harris chants the Marxist/Luciferian incantation of that evil agenda: "to see what can be, unburdened by what has been."
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Some of us were telling you all that Christian Nationalism is 10000% an op the Woke Right radicals were falling into or exploiting and delivering the receipts that the other ("critical") side of this op was working in alignment with the feds for a long time now, no money added.
People like Auron MacIntyre and William Wolfe, inter alia, are the right-hand side of a "Christian Nationalist" scissor operation that had people like Russell Moore on its other side all along.
Christian Nationalism is 10000% an op, even with one arm of the scissors now exposed.
This is classic Fabianism: both "Left" and "Right" arms of an op that seem to be opposed are actually working together in the same way that scissors work. The next phase is that the Woke Right side leverages the exposure of the Woke Left side to cover and advance.
I often hear that we need to abandon our "libertarian" (meaning constitutional) principles in order to win, or that we should do so because we need to "like winning." Let's talk about winning. As my Aussie friends say, let's check the scoreboard, mates. 🧵
If we're going to talk about winning, we need to talk about what we're winning, but let's look at the scoreboard first.
The "we need to win" crowd told us consistently before the election that we "can't vote our way out of this" and that "voting harder" won't work. It did.
Sure, we can harbor doubts about Trump now or the people around him (again) and be ready to throw a blackpill fit or whatever, or we can think the Left is more ultrapowerful than it seems and stay mad, but Trump won because we voted harder, and it looks like we voted our way out.
Yesterday, I did a thread about "post-liberalism" (after liberty) and discussed its unfair conflation of two traditions that both get called "liberal" and touched on how those two regard the "self." Most found it helpful. Some got upset. The trans issue adds much relief. 🧵
Without getting into it all again, the two traditions that get called "liberal" are American and Continental (or French-German). The first is rooted in realism and the second is rooted in idealism, which is anti-real in its metaphysics (in practice, often constructivist).
Further, the point of my thread was to illustrate that Prof. Patrick Deneen, a post-liberal (after liberty) philosopher is conflating these two and treating them as two parts of the same thing, which they are not, and that he used this error to incorrectly talk about selfhood.
We all talk a lot about "Cluster-B personality disorders" these days, and there's likely a very simple reason why: social media facilitates their amplification. There is almost no playground better for these destructive disorders than social media, and the consequences are huge.
Cluster-B personality disorders are the particularly nasty ones: histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, and borderline. They are stable psychological deformations, at least by the time adulthood is reached, and they cause disruption and destruction everywhere they go.
Some years ago, Jordan Peterson gave a controversial interview in which he explained that male violence (physical) doesn't "upload" to the internet well, but female violence (social) does "upload" fluidly and easily. He did so in attempt to explain the toxic femininity of Woke.
So I've been listening to some of the arguments made by so-called "post-liberals" (notably Prof. Patrick Deneen) a little more closely than before and want to speak to a persistent confusion I see in the foundation of their work that I almost have to wonder if it's deliberate. 🧵
The problem, and the allure of "post-liberalism" (including to our current Vice President) is obviously that "liberal" is a highly contentious term, and one has to wonder what it means if we're going to go "post" (beyond) it. It means VERY distinct things to different thinkers.
Deneen makes a curious point that liberalism began well as minimal government interference and the rejection of the birthright of the ruling class as absurd but rapidly acquired a different character of seeking the "Self-defined Self" liberated from all restrictions.
I so glad I did a podcast series about this nonsense some time ago (links below) and entirely by coincidence chose the exact same stock photo for the card. What they're doing to our universities is making them into seminaries for the UN's evil "Sustainability" cult. See below!
It's extremely important to understand how deep and fundamental their transformation and its goals are. This isn't just about DEI or "anti-White racism." It's the attempt to make a new religion for the whole globe. newdiscourses.com/2022/10/strang…